When he came to the hospital, Wen Shutong didn't want to delay everyone's time, so he said, "just take some medicine at will, don't care too much."

Jiang Xing looked at her pale face and retorted, "this is not a small problem. How can you be casual! Go and have a blood test first to see what's going on? "

Wen Shutong felt that he was superfluous, but he couldn't say anything about him, so he had to follow his advice.

Behind, Shuya held a small treasure in one hand and said, "what, I've made myself like a doctor, and I haven't seen such care when I'm sick!"

Dabao and Xiaobao looked at her one after another, "aunt Shu, what are you mumbling about?"

Shuya's face red, busy coax a child like to say: "ah, no, I have to say what?"

Dabao looks at Xiaobao without any expression. Xiaobao turns his eyes silently. When we have donkey's hair in our four ears, we say we have to say something, but we don't.

Wen Shutong finished drawing blood and waited for blood test results in the rest room. She did not think that she was still immersed in the blessing of others, but was comforted and pitiful at this moment.

Jiang Xing looked at her sullen face, how could she not guess what she was thinking.

"Are you really so willing?"

Wen Shutong was obviously stunned by his question. He reflected the meaning of his words, took back the loss that could not be covered up on his face, and deliberately said: "didn't you persuade me to leave before? So what? "

"I can't see it. He often makes you angry and makes you unhappy. But I also know that you always have him in your heart, so I can't see you like this now

Wen Shutong rubbed his face and reluctantly laughed, "thank you for caring about me."

Jiang Xing sighed, "you know I don't want to hear this sentence. I always want to ask you, if there is no Huo Yanlin, will you choose me?"

Wen Shutong looks up at him, and does not say that she has always had no feelings for him. Even if she had, she could only say that she would not.

"I'm sorry, I know you've been very nice to me, but I treat you like a brother in my heart. It used to be and will only be like this. "

Jiang Xing didn't get angry. Instead, he said, "Shutong, you and I have been together for so many years. You are still the same as before. Thank you for telling me frankly. I understand."

Wen Shutong pursed a pair of thin lips, and the lips curved in a good-looking curve. The viewer could not help but immerse himself in her quiet and gentle smile.

"In fact, Shuya is also good. You just didn't give her a chance. Sometimes it's not that the other side is not good enough, but we don't see and cherish the people around us. If I'm not here, maybe you'd like to get to know her

"Shutong, it has nothing to do with you!"

"So, would you give her a chance?"

Shuya stood outside the lounge door with her ears on the door. She didn't hear anything behind her for a long time.

Two Xiaobao sat on the chair. Wen Yueqi remembered her mother's words and looked at Huo Xingyi: "star, if your parents divorce, do you really want to go with dad?"

The stars shook their heads with melancholy on their faces.

"That's it. If Mom decides to do this, we'll hold her down for Dad and won't let her go!"

Xiao Bao looks up at the sky and feels sorry for her mother for the first time. However, she can only do so for the sake of family harmony.

At this time, the nurse came over and waved the inspection report in her hand, "is Ms. Wen here?"


Shuya was startled by the sudden sound. Her hand on the door suddenly turned the handle. The door was pushed open, and the whole person screamed and fell in.


When people reacted, they saw her lying on the ground, falling a dog to gnaw mud.

"What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Xing stood up first and saw her lying on the ground in a mess. Don't mention how embarrassing the image is.


Shuya stood up with a red face and covered her injured knee, showing her teeth in pain. She can't say that she eavesdropped on two people. She was almost caught, or how ugly it would be.

"When I saw it, I didn't expect to see it, so I knocked on the door."

Jiang Xing looked at her and said with disgust: "I always know that Mao is impetuous. There is no one who is steady. You can be as stable as Shutong. I don't care much about it."

"Yes, yes, I just don't have Shu Tonghao. I can't even match her half, OK?"

Shuya had been hurt, listen to him so said, the heart more gas, blocked gas twist body, aggrieved want to tear.

"Well, don't make any noise," Wen Shutong stopped them, looked at the nurse who was still standing at the door, and asked, "excuse me, my inspection report has come out, isn't it?"

After watching the excitement for a long time, the nurse realized that she had come to deliver the report, so she said, "Ms. Wen, the examination results show that your stomach is in normal condition. There is no special disease. It may be caused by cold stomach..."Jiang Xing listen, put down the hanging heart, "nothing is good, nothing is good, thank the doctor."

"You can have some hot porridge or ginger soup, don't eat cold, you have been pregnant for two weeks, usually you should pay attention to rest..."

The nurse said the following words, leaving a different look of the crowd walked away.

Shuya swallow the words behind, and Jiang Xing two people together a face surprised looking at Wen Shutong.

"Shutong, what can I do now?"

And Wen Shutong himself is even more incredible, she has decided to divorce, how can such a thing come out.

Recalling that time two weeks ago, he and Huo Yanlin did not take protective measures. They thought it was in her safety period. Unexpectedly, they were pregnant? This kid came at a bad time.

At this time, a dark figure outside the door flashed away, and then left the hospital, straight to the car to leave.

In the private detective office, Ji Tongsheng secretly asks people to inquire about Wen Shutong's whereabouts, but she is in the hospital.

After hearing the news, he immediately called Huo Yanlin, and his tone was quite indignant. "What's the matter with this? She left his sister-in-law alone at the wedding site, and let her lose everything. Now let me help you find her back? If I were a sister-in-law, I would not agree! "

Compared to his excitement, the man on the other end of the phone has been very quiet. After listening to his complaint, he asked, "have you found her?"

"Tell me what's going on first, and then I'll tell you about my sister-in-law, otherwise I won't say it!"

Ji Tongsheng snorted and twisted his face. He was obviously ungrateful.

Huo Yanlin still did not intend to explain, the low pressure seemed to be about to come.

"Please help me comfort her, and I'll tell you after I've dealt with things here."

"Hello! Huo Yanlin, is there anything like you? Shutong is now being sprayed by the media. Do you still have time to manage your first love? Even if you ignore her, you should also consider the feelings of the two children. How much harm will they do to their children when they see the media so vilifying their mother? "

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