Ji Tongsheng nearly spurted out with a mouthful of old blood. Not to mention that he was originally on a business trip in other places. He learned about the wedding of the two people's congresses, and pushed back the urgent work at hand. However, he did not expect that such a thing would happen on the spot when he arrived.

Now the news media are all reporting on this incident. They speculate that Wen Shutong tried his best to climb to the top of the tree. As a result, the plot was exposed. He was repented and abandoned by the Huo family when he was near the wedding ceremony.

What's strange is that these people's caliber is very unified, as if it was agreed. All the manuscripts they sent were ridiculed Wen Shutong, saying that she was a scheming girl who attached herself to a powerful family and wanted to become a Phoenix.

Ruihe group president office, Huo Yanlin staring at a document in his hand, slowly closed, pinched the eyebrows.

"I know..."

"Do you know it's over? Shutong is pregnant now. If you still want this child, you should take the blame! Even so, I don't think Shutong will forgive you! "

"What do you say?"

Huo Yan Lin sat on his back for a moment. Thinking of all that Wen Shutong has to bear alone in the hospital at the moment, his eyebrows lock deeper.

"You come to the company and I have something to tell you."

Ji Tongsheng hung up and set off immediately.

Huo Yanlin looked at the assistant Xiao Liu standing at the door, "did you find out what?"

Xiao Liu came in with a pile of materials and respectfully replied: "back to the president, what they have in their hands about Mrs. Huo is basically true. In order to help her mother's family, Mrs. Liu has cooperated with many manufacturers outside in the name of Ruihe group to make profits. The accumulated amount reaches hundreds of millions of US dollars. If this matter is exposed, it will not only involve Ruihe group's stock market If you don't say that, your wife is likely to face imprisonment. And about my wife's private life... "

Huo Yanlin raised his hand and motioned that it was needless to say that he knew something about his parents.

They had a bad relationship many years ago because of one thing, and they never made up again. Two

the reason why people did not divorce was for the sake of Ruihe group's reputation. Who ever thought that things would come to light sooner or later.

Shao Fu seized the opportunity to blackmail Huo Yanlin by using his mother's illegal fund-raising and profit-making, as well as his private life affairs, forcing him to interrupt his wedding to see Shao Yiyi.

If there was anything wrong with his daughter, he would blow up a scandal on the wedding day and let her go straight to prison.

Shao Yi pretends to be suicidal, but he can't ignore the evidence about his mother.

"Shao's father is even more excessive with these tricks. If you don't say that you saved his daughter, now you have to marry her? Mr. Huo, what should we do now? "

On the one hand is Huo's mother, on the other is Wen Shutong and two children. Xiao Liu can't help but sweat for the president.

When Ji Tongsheng arrived, he heard about the past and the future. He didn't expect the fact to be like this. It turned out that he had wrongly blamed Huo Yanlin.

But when he thought of those ugly news on the network media, he still fought for Wen Shutong.

"Even so, you can't leave Shu Tong alone. You have to let her know the truth?"

Xiao Liu explained in a hurry: "the president is worried that once the matter is exposed, Ruihe group and Mr. Huo will certainly be implicated. It would be even worse to let the young lady and the two young masters suffer any harm at that time! "

"But now, news reports are bothering her a lot."

"That's why I called you here."

Huo Yanlin raised a pair of deep eyebrows and eyes and looked at it. His sharp eyebrows were wrinkled tightly like a blade. "You can check whether the media that sent out the articles are Shao's doing something behind their back. This matter has something to do with them."

"Yes As a top detective, Ji Tongsheng didn't think of this. Before, he suspected that the contributions of these media seemed to come from the same mouth. Now, as soon as Huo Yanlin reminded him, he suddenly woke up.

"It's just that we've caught hold of the news agency last time. Do you want to do the same again this time?"

Huo Yanlin did not make a statement, admonished a way, "you handle this matter, control their mouth. As for Shutong, try not to affect her. "

Ji Tongsheng's stomach Fei, it is not difficult to deal with the mouth of those news media. It's wenshutong. I'm afraid it's not easy.

He tried to coax the two people not to divorce, but also to ensure that Wen Shutong did not know the truth. Huo Yanlin can really give him a problem.

Wen Shutong did not intend to stay in the hospital after he was diagnosed with pregnancy again.

On the one hand, she felt no obvious physical discomfort; on the other hand, once she was hospitalized, her identity information would be revealed. She didn't want to be found out that she was the "schemer" who made headlines.

Shuya took off the newspaper in her hand and threw it aside. "These news are obviously brainless. If you don't know the facts, you have to be a media! What a heartless thing! Don't watch it any more. It will affect your mood! "

Wen Shutong led the corner of his mouth, and his mood didn't fluctuate too much. Maybe it was that I had suffered too many misunderstandings before, and now I have no waves in my heart.She won't let those who want to belittle her by discrediting her.

"Take me back. Book the ticket early."

She didn't want to be in this place for a moment.

Memories of too many places, always make people can't help to open the wound, even if it is about to get better, also can't stand such repeated.

"Are you going?"

Shuya was surprised and asked, "you just have a baby, you can't fly! You can stay. 1 "

apart from Wen Shutong, she has few friends here. If she leaves, she will have no friends to speak to.

Although she had done something to apologize for this friend, until now, her heart is full of guilt.

For Wen Shutong, she must go, but Shuya is right. She can't take a plane because of her current physical condition.

Glancing at the photos of Huo Yanlin holding Shao Yiyi and running to the hospital published in the news, perhaps no one cares whether she goes or not.

"Thank you for caring about me when I was poor."

Shuya felt more guilty when she said that. Thank you. Shutong never bothered with her, and she did not do anything for her.

"Shutong, if you are polite to me, you are hitting me in the face. I know I can't do anything for you, but as long as I can help you, I will try my best. Just stay for the sake of your children, and I will take good care of your mother and son! "

Wen Shutong has always been afraid to give others trouble, but Shuya said so. If she insisted on going, she would not give her friend face.

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