"Yan Lin I'm wrong. I was obsessed for a while, and I would do such a thing. You are the only one I love forever. I never thought of betraying you... " Shao Yiyi hugs Huo Yanlin's thigh and pleads. Tears fall.

"Enough! Shao Yiyi, you are disgusting Huo Yanlin said in a sharp voice, "at the beginning, I misread you. I thought you were a kind girl. I didn't expect you to do such a dirty thing for the so-called dream. You not only destroyed yourself, but also destroyed beans, and even nearly destroyed me and Shutong."

Speaking of this, Huo Yanlin took a deep breath and calmed his mood.

"This is the end of your farce, including the matter of your giving me medicine. I will not investigate it again. You can do it yourself!"

With that, he decided to leave and let Shao Yiyi cry and cry behind him.

After solving this problem thoroughly, Huo Yanlin rushed to Shao's group and asked Shao father to cancel the cooperation with Shao family.

"What are you talking about? Is cooperation terminated? "

Shao Fu didn't believe his ears. He looked up at Huo Yanlin's expression to make sure that he was not joking, but was determined to cancel the cooperation.

"Yes, uncle." Huo Yanlin did not hesitate to answer.

"Yan Lin, do you really think about it? Do you know that if you terminate the contract unilaterally, you have to pay liquidated damages, which is not a small sum of money. "

Shao Fu persuades Huo Yanlin with a serious look.

"Uncle, don't try to persuade me any more. In any case, I must cancel this cooperation."

"No matter how much we pay, we have to lift it?"

"Yes." Huo Yanlin put the contract in his hand on the table without hesitation or hesitation in his eyes.

Shao Fu didn't understand that Huo Yanlin had to sign a cooperation project with Shao family under the pressure of himself and several major groups. It can be seen that he still put the company's interests first.

But now why would rather suffer heavy losses, but also resolutely terminate the contract with Shao family?

"Yan Lin, what happened to you and Yi Yi..."

"Shao Yiyi and I have nothing to do with each other, and we have nothing to do with each other from now on."

Huo Yanlin's attitude was too firm, which made Shao father a little angry.

"It doesn't matter? Don't forget that beans are your children

"Uncle, whether xiaodouzi is my child or not, you can ask Shao Yiyi by yourself. Although I have promised Shao Yiyi not to tell the identity of xiaodouzi, it does not mean that you are allowed to force and threaten me with this matter. "

Huo Yanlin was also a little annoyed, and his tone of voice did not have the kindness and respect at the beginning.

Hearing that Huo Yanlin doesn't recognize xiaodouzi as his own child, Shao Fu is completely angry.

"Huo Yanlin, you even don't recognize your own son? Those blood tests may have been done by Wen Shutong. Besides, Yi Yi told me that it was your child's

Huo Yanlin sneered: "Oh, it seems that she not only cheated me, but also you, the father, cheated. As expected, she is a woman full of lies. If you need evidence, I can give it to you. "

"I will send a lot of money to Shao when I get there."

With that, he no longer looked at the shocked Shao father and turned away.

After leaving the Shao family, Huo Yanlin was relieved.

Now that it's all settled, he and Shaoyi have nothing to do with each other again and again. So he can go and pick up his wife and go home.

Thinking of Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin's heart is warm but with a trace of sour.

Anyway, he can give her an explanation at last.

Huo Yanlin parked the car opposite the wenshutong clinic, sat in the car, quietly waiting for Wen Shutong to get off work.

Originally, he wanted to call Wen Shutong, but it suddenly occurred to him that every time he called, Wen Shutong would either hang up or not answer. He could only wait at the door.

As time went by, Huo Yanlin raised his hand and looked at his watch. The clock was already pointing to 6:00 p.m., but Wen Shutong had not come out yet.

After waiting for a long time, most of the people in the clinic were gone, but still did not see Wen Shutong.

Is she working overtime? Huo Yanlin frowned.

Pregnant still working overtime, must be very tired!

In the clinic, Wen Shutong did work overtime.

Some time ago, because I just knew that I was pregnant, and I was in a bad mood, I pushed off a lot of work, so I am busy making up for it now.

It was quiet in the spacious clinic. All the colleagues had already been off duty, leaving only empty seats.

The sound control lights in the corridor had already gone out, and there was a bit of darkness around it.

Only Wen Shutong's office, through the half closed door, emits some soft light.

Wen Shutong sits behind his desk, writing medical records on his hands, and from time to time raises his hand to rub his sour shoulder and neck.

I don't know how long the time has passed. Wen Shutong finally fills out the medical records on the table and raises his head.Only then did I notice that there was no sound outside the office.

"It seems that everyone is off work."

Inadvertently turned to look out of the window, into the dark night sky and that night sky emitting warm yellow light street lamps.

"Well? Is it so late? "

Thinking of this time, maybe Shuya had already prepared food at home and waited for herself. So she quickly got up, took off her white coat, picked up her handbag and left the office.

On the other side at this time, Shao Yiyi is still unwilling to accept Huo Yanlin's words in the daytime.

Now that she's having a hard time, she won't let Wen Shutong feel better.

Anyway, she can't get Huo Yanlin, and Wen Shutong can't get it.

Wen Shutong, don't think I will let you go so easily. Shao Yi's eyes are filled with strong hatred and unwillingness.

Suddenly thought of what, she picked up the mobile phone to call Song Qi.

"Hello? Yi, what can I do for you On the phone, Song Qi's voice is helpless.

Because Shao Yi calls him on his own initiative, he always has something to ask for help, and it's not a good thing.

"Song Qi, do me another favor!"

"What's up?"

"Help me to get Wen Linlang out of prison."

Shao Yi and Song Qi's tone of voice is almost command like, because she believes that Song Qi will certainly help themselves.

Song Qi frowned slightly, some doubt: "why? It's not that easy to get a man out of prison. "

"I know you must have a way."

Shao Yiyi's determined tone makes Song Qi not know whether to be happy or not.

Because she trusted herself so much.

Sensing Song Qi's hesitation, Shao Yi once again said, "Song Qi, if you don't help me, we'll break up."

"All right." Song Qi had no choice but to agree.

"It's better to get her out today." Shao Yi's mouth is full of evil and rebellious smile.

She thought of a way to get rid of Wen Shutong.

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