"Well, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Shao Yi began to think about how to persuade wenlinlang to help her.

Song Qi was really efficient.

In the evening, he took Wen Linlang out of the prison.

As soon as Wen Linlang came out, Shao Yiyi found her.

"Wen Linlang, do you want to avenge Wen Shutong?" Shao Yiyi asked directly.

"Of course, not only Wen Shutong, but also Huo Yanlin. If it wasn't for them, how could I have been put in a mental hospital? How could you go to jail? "

Wen Linlang gnawed his teeth and said that his eyes were scarlet, mingled with towering hatred.

Looking at the hatred of Wen Linlang's eyes, Shao Yi hid the calculation in her eyes. "I have a way to avenge you now, and maybe even make Wen Shutong disappear completely."

Hearing that Wen Shutong can disappear completely, Wen Linlang's eyes are immediately touched with joy. He approaches Shao Yi and asks in a low voice, "what can I do?"

Shao Yi lowers his head to approach Wen Linlang's ear and whispers a few words.

"Are you sure?" Wen Linlang looks at Shao Yiyi with suspicion.

"Of course, since I can help you out, I can help you sneak into the place where the woman lives."

"Yes, I will."

As long as he thinks that he can make Wen Shutong disappear completely, he can't hide his excitement.

This time, she must die, including her two children.

Shao Yiyi didn't miss the excitement and hatred in wenlinlang's eyes, and gently lifted a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This time, she didn't believe that Wen Shutong could be so lucky.

Under the guidance of Shao Yiyi, wenlinlang really succeeded in sneaking into Shuya's home and quickly found the position of the kitchen.

Now it's dark. Listening to the voice of a woman talking with children in the living room, Wen Linlang's eyes are full of resentment.

But she was ecstatic at the thought of what would happen next.

Oh, Wen Shutong, you must thank me for letting you and your two children die together.

Wen Linlang quickly went to the gas tank, opened the gas tank in the kitchen, and then quietly left Shuya's home when no one noticed.

At this time, sitting in the living room with Dabao and Xiaobao, Shuya doesn't know what happened in the kitchen. She is still playing with her two children.

Not far away, on the table in the restaurant, there are several steaming dishes just made.

The smell of vegetables permeated the whole room, covering up the smell of gas.

However, when the strong smell of gas covered the smell of food into Shuya's nose, it was too late.

In the quiet night, a loud noise cut through the night sky and ignited the whole city.

Then, the siren of the police car and the whistle of the hospital 120 came from the other corner of the city in the direction of Shuya's home.


As soon as Wen Shutong walked out of the clinic gate, he saw the familiar black car across the road.

A touch of pain in his eyes, Wen Shutong turns and walks in another direction.

She doesn't want to see this man now.


Seeing Wen Shutong turn to leave, Huo Yanlin quickly opens the door and chases after him.

"Tongtong, listen to me explain to you..."

Huo Yanlin grabs Wen Shutong's arm, and his strength is just right. He does not let Wen Shutong feel pain, but also makes her unable to open it.

"Let me go." Wen Shutong cold eyes, watching Huo Yanlin pull his arm, the bottom of the eyes across a touch of disgust.

"No, Tong Tong, listen to me first." Huo Yanlin stubbornly did not let go.

Wen Shutong just wanted to struggle, the mobile phone in the bag suddenly rang.

"You let go. I need to answer the phone."

Huo Yanlin had to let go.

Wen Shutong takes out his mobile phone. Seeing that the caller ID is a strange number, he hesitates for a moment, or presses the answer button.

"Hello? Is this the mother of Huo Xinghui's children A middle-aged man's voice came from the phone.

Hearing Dabao's name, Wen Shutong immediately became nervous.

"Yes, what happened to my son?"

Hearing Wen Shutong's words, Huo Yanlin was also nervous.

"Hello, this is the municipal hospital. Your children and friends are now in our hospital because of a gas explosion at home... "

Wen Shutong heard the four words of gas explosion, and suddenly fell down. Fortunately, Huo Yanlin quickly helped her.

"Tongtong, what's the matter?"

Looking at Wen Shutong's dejected appearance, Huo Yanlin is not only worried, but also more anxious.

The man on the opposite side of the mobile phone was still saying something, but Wen Shutong couldn't hear anything. His mind was blank.What's the matter? Is something wrong with the child? "

Feeling the body of Wen Shutong in his arms gently shaking, Huo Yanlin's heart suddenly had a bad premonition.


From his ear came Huo Yanlin's anxious and worried voice. Wen Shutong seemed to have caught the straw for life and held Huo Yanlin's arm.

"At home There was a gas explosion at home Go to Go to the hospital Take me to the hospital... "

Wen Shutong's voice is full of crying.

She couldn't imagine what she would do if something happened to her two children.

Huo Yanlin heart suddenly a stagnation, gas explosion? The heart also immediately flustered up.

However, after feeling the fear and fear of Wen Shutong in his arms, Huo Yanlin tried to suppress the panic in his heart.

"OK, we'll go to the hospital right away."

Huo Yanlin holding Wen Shutong on the car, immediately started the car to drive toward the hospital.

"Yanlin, the child will be OK, right? Right? "

Wen Shutong curled up in the front passenger's seat, looking at Huo Yanlin with begging and hoping eyes. I hope we can get a positive answer from him.

"Well, the child will be OK, believe me."

Although Huo Yanlin was also anxious, he still gently comforted Wen Shutong.

Because he knows that he is the backbone of Wen Shutong at the moment. If he even loses his calmness, Wen Shutong will be more upset.

"Yes, the stars and the moon are so smart that they will be OK. They will."

Wen Shutong comforted himself in a low voice.

At the moment, Wen Shutong is like a lonely boat lost in the vast sea. She is so helpless and fragile that she can easily be overturned by a gentle wave.

Looking at this kind of Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin is extremely distressed.

Holding Wen Shutong's cold palm tightly with one hand, he gave her silent comfort.

Soon, the car was taken to the hospital.

"Doctor, doctor, how is my child?"

Wen Shutong stumbles into the hospital, grabs a doctor in a white coat and asks nervously.

"What child?" Some inexplicably, the doctor looked at the woman in front of her eyes, who was holding her sleeve tightly.

"It is It's the child from the gas explosion. "

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