Finally, the doctor suddenly realized: "Oh, the two children were OK, but they were bruised and frightened, but the woman who was together was seriously injured and is now in the emergency room!"

Hearing the doctor say that the two children are OK, Wen Shutong's tense nerves finally relaxed.

But when she heard that Shuya was seriously injured and in the rescue, her heart hung up again.

"Where is the emergency room?"

"Oh, turn left in front." The doctor raised his other hand and pointed in a certain direction.

"Thank you." Wen Shutong immediately ran to the emergency room, regardless of his pregnancy.

Huo Yanlin stopped his car and ran into the hospital. He saw Wen Shutong's back disappear at the corner of the corridor. He immediately stepped up his pace and followed him.

As soon as Wen Shutong turned the corner, he saw two children sitting on a bench at the door of the emergency room at the end of the corridor.

Tears "brush" the ground to flow down again.

"Mommy, Daddy!" The moon just turned its head and saw Wen Shutong appear in the corridor not far away. He ran to them with short legs.

The stars also ran past.

"Wuwuwu Mommy, I'm so scared! " The moon rushed into Wen Shutong's arms and cried.

The stars also rushed into Huo Yanlin's arms.

Although the stars and the moon are usually very smart, but in the end is a child, encounter this kind of thing, will still feel afraid.

"Don't be afraid. It's OK." Wen Shutong gently patted the back of the moon, comforting with soft voice.

"Wuwu, mummy, Auntie Shuya, she Aunt Shuya was injured to protect us... " The moon was crying in Wen Shutong's arms.

"It's OK, it's OK, Auntie Shuya. She'll be OK."

Wen Shutong looked up at the bright red "rescue room" three characters, firmly said.

After comforting the two children, Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong looked at the two children carefully from top to bottom. They were sure that they were only slightly bruised, and then they gave a heavy sigh of relief.

"It's OK. You're OK."

But at the thought that Shuya was seriously injured in order to save their two children, Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin were filled with guilt.

"Mommy, when the gas exploded, aunt Shuya used her body to protect me and the stars in the corner of the sofa." The moon tells the story of the gas explosion.

A family of four sat at the door of the operating room. There was only the sound of the clock ticking around.

I don't know how long before the red light on the rescue room went out.

"Doctor, how is the wounded?" Wen Shutong immediately stood up and grabbed the doctor who had just come out of the operating room and asked urgently.

"Don't worry, the operation was very successful, but the injured person was in a coma because of the serious injury." The doctor took off his mask and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, doctor." Wen Shutong thanks the doctor gratefully.

"How's Shuya?" Jiang Xing arrived panting.

"Still in a coma." Wen Shutong felt guilty.

Huo Yanlin gently patted Wen Shutong on the shoulder, "I'll help Shuya go through the hospitalization procedures."

Looking at being pushed out of the rescue room, the pale Shuya, Jiang Xing feels his heart ache.

"Shuya..." He raised his hand to touch Shuya's sleeping face, but found that his hand was shaking slightly.

Not long ago, she was still full of vitality to speak by her side, but at the moment, she was lying weakly in the hospital bed with her eyes closed.

Why is this?

Before he received a call from Wen Shutong that there was a gas explosion at home. Shuya was seriously injured in order to protect his two children. His heart was in a panic, as if he had lost something.

Maybe he had already fallen in love with Shuya unconsciously, but he didn't know it.

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for protecting the stars and the moon, Shuya would not..." Looking at Jiang Xing's absence, Wen Shutong feels more guilty.

"It's none of your business. You don't have to blame yourself. I'll watch her." Jiang Xing patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.

Huo Yanlin has always felt a little strange about the Shuya family gas explosion, so he called to ask Ji Tongsheng to help investigate the incident.

Out of gratitude, Wen Shutong often goes to the hospital to see Shuya, who is still in a coma.

In order to recover Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin often runs to the hospital.

This day, Huo Yanlin happened to accompany Wen Shutong in the hospital, but at this time, Ji Tongsheng also rushed to the hospital.

Seeing him appear, Huo Yanlin knows that he may have found some clues.

Do not want to let Wen Shutong worry, two people came to the corridor outside to talk.

"Did you find anything?"

Huo Yanlin put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. His face was a little tired.

"Well, you're right to guess. The gas explosion at Shuya's house was not an accident, but a man-made one."Ji Tongsheng nodded, and his tone was more serious than usual.

Huo Yanlin originally calm eyes after hearing these words, immediately became turbulent.

"Did you find out who it was?"

"Not yet. It was too dark that day, and I couldn't see the figure clearly. I only knew that someone saw a sneaky figure once appeared near Shu Ya's house. It looks like a woman

"Women? No matter who I am, I must find out the murderer as soon as possible. I will let her taste the taste of death and dare to hurt my child. I will never let her go. "

Huo Yanlin's cold words have a piercing chill, and his dark eyes twinkle with endless anger.

If it wasn't for Shuya, the stars and the moon might

If Wen Shutong didn't work overtime at the clinic that night, but stayed at home with two children, Huo Yanlin really couldn't imagine whether he would lose her and her children.

The fury in the heart is burning all the time. We must find out the murderer and never let her go.

After the gas explosion, Wen Linlang heard that a woman and two children were taken to the hospital.

Naturally, she thought it was Wen Shutong and her two children.

Without the news of Wen Shutong's death and the two children's death, Wen Linlang was naturally not reconciled, so she took advantage of this day to sneak into the hospital, wondering whether Wen Shutong and her children had died.

When she was trying to find out, she overheard the conversation between Huo Yanlin and Ji Tongsheng.

Wen Linlang, hiding in the corner of the stairs, suddenly turned pale when he heard Huo Yanlin's voice as fierce as hell Shura.

How What should I do?

Huo Yanlin has even found out that the gas explosion is man-made, then will he find himself next?

Especially thinking of Huo Yanlin's sentence "let her taste the taste of death", the anger in the tone made Wen Linlang feel numb.

She believed that if Huo Yanlin really found out that he had done it, he would surely kill himself.

No, she can't die. She's just come out of prison, she's just been freed. She can't be caught again. No.

But what to do? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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