She tried to turn her face to the direction of Huo Yanlin, but he pulled her back.

"I told you to let go of me. Do I know you very well, Mr. Huo? If you do this again, I will call the police!"

"Call the police? Are you going to call me that boy from Ji Tongsheng? Do you think it's useful?"

Wen Shutong blushed even more, and turned to stare at Huo Yanlin angrily.

"It's you who did the wrong thing. Why should I be sorry! Every time you play such a rogue, hum, I tell you, it's no more than three times, and I'll never forgive you for the third time! "

Wen Shutong took a punitive bite on Huo Yanlin's cheek. "Next time, I'll put you in the cold. I won't let you go in this life!"

Huo Yanlin chuckled a few times. The vibration of his chest made Wen Shutong feel crispy and numb in his heart.

Thinking of this period of time, because Huo Yanlin is busy with the company's affairs, and Wen Shutong is not very well, the two have not been intimate for a long time.

The atmosphere is just right now.

After the Qi in Wen Shutong's heart dissipated, he got into Huo Yanlin's hot arms and whispered in his arms, "we must not have another time. I don't want conflicts between us because of some unimportant people."

Huo Yanlin was also moved. His nose was filled with the fragrance of wenshutong's hair. He didn't feel tired when he smelled it. He only felt that he didn't smell enough.

He whispered in her ear, "Shutong, I won't fall in love with anyone except you."

As soon as the voice fell, Huo Yanlin kisses Wen Shutong's lips, and their breath begins to intertwine. The atmosphere in the room is getting hotter and hotter.

Huo Yanlin is about to take the next step. Wen Shutong fumbles out a hand to turn off the bedside lamp.

"Turn off the light, in case the son suddenly comes in..."


On the other side, the stars and the moon are busy with their own careful thinking.

"Star, can you really do this?"

the moon gets close to the star and looks at it.

The star is bowing his head very seriously, nodding, "don't worry, moon, can't you trust my technology? It's actually very simple."

The star holds a signal receiver in his hand and connects the signal to the computer.

"During the day, that strange aunt clearly framed us and injured Niky. In the end, she was just pretending to be dizzy, which can be seen by any fool!"

"We have to teach her something about bullying us!"

Star heart is still Yin, because of the day things angry, the moon is also the same, two people decided to use their own way to revenge Luo Xinlan.

As for what this method is -

the stars are operating, and we believe that the results will be obtained soon.

The moon doesn't understand the information technology. She just looks at the side and worships the stars.

"Brother, you are really good! How do you learn these things? I don't understand them at all. It's troublesome just to look at them... "

"And when I was in school, I was dizzy every time I went to arithmetic class..."

After hearing the moon's complaint, the stars couldn't help laughing.

"Moon, everyone has his own specialty. Although you don't know computing and technology, you know more about communication than I do. Moreover, your skill is very good. You also know how to investigate and use concealed weapons..."

"So I also adore the moon. In my heart, you are a superhero."

The moon was praised. He was so happy that his tail was almost up in the sky. He blinked at the stars. "Really? Do you really think I'm a superhero?"

"Hey, actually, I really have a dream. I want to be a superhero like Uncle Ji who can arrest prisoners and protect everyone!"

"Moon, you can. My wish is to be a famous scientist."

"Stars, you can do it, too. Come on

Brother two, you look at me, I look at you, smile bright, very warm.

Star hand action has not stopped, about half an hour later, he finally tapped the computer keyboard, looking at the side of the moon.

"Moon, done!"

The moon looked at the screen and said, "star, what have you done? Why can't I see anything? So I can get revenge on that bad aunt?"

"of course not. Let me tell you simply. I searched her mobile phone ID with my electronic watch at that time. I just connected the signal, and now we can make some strange sounds at random..."

The moon immediately responded and jumped up excitedly, "star, you're really amazing. You can do it like this! I'll send her a A little horrible voice, hey, hey, hey... "

At this time, Luo Xinlan has returned from the hospital to her residence, standing on the balcony drinking, one cup after the other, very upset.She was angry at the thought of the day.

It's really the hell. I wanted to make trouble with that woman. I didn't expect that she finally got into trouble. Huo Yanlin was not happy.

I'm afraid this will affect the next plan

Luo Xinlan thinks more and more, the more anxious she feels. When can she finish this task?

At this time, her mobile phone on the table suddenly made a strange sound

"Ugliness, ugliness, where are you from..."

The sound is like the kind of mechanical sound from the robot. Luo Xinlan is scared and shakes the glass in her hand and wet the floor.

What's going on?!

She looked at her mobile phone suspiciously. How could she suddenly make such a sound? It was not her cell phone ring at all, let alone singing

The sound on the phone continues.

"Bapo, Bapo, you smelly Baba La la la la la... "

Luo Xinlan was so scared that she stepped back a few steps and looked around in panic, "who, in the end, is playing tricks! Come out and say it! What skill is it to play tricks in secret! "

"Three eight, three eight, you are three eight Ha ha ha... "

The sound continues

Luo Xinlan almost got mad and smashed the glass in her hand to the mobile phone on the table, "who is playing tricks there! Get out of here

The wine overturned on the mobile phone, the mobile phone was soaked in water and finally there was no sound.

Luo Xinlan was the only one in the room. She didn't dare to stay here alone. She was so crazy that she grabbed her coat and put it on her body and rushed out of the room.

After she ran out, she took a taxi to her parents' house and told them about her strange experience.

"How can this happen, Xinlan? Is it possible that you accidentally touch some keyboard and then release those sounds?"

"yes, or maybe it's the alarm clock you set yourself, but you just heard it wrong and you drank too much wine, so you confused it?"

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