Faced with her parents' conjecture, Luo Xinlan shook her head very positively and denied, "no, it's impossible. Although I have drunk wine, I'm absolutely not drunk. I can guarantee that the voice is really suddenly sent out from my mobile phone!"

"Mom and Dad, I'm afraid someone is trying to hurt me. Maybe it's a warning or a threat. I'll go to the police station and call the police! I'll ask the police to help me find out what's going on and who's up to it! "

Due to Luo Xinlan's worry, Luo family finally went to the police station and called the police.

At that time, Ji Tongsheng heard about this incident. Originally, he didn't need to be in charge of such a report. However, after hearing this, Ji Tongsheng suddenly thought of something and inquired about the details of the incident.

After that, Luo Xinlan came back to the room with several special criminal investigation teams to take the mobile phone for investigation.

Ji Tongsheng had a guess in his heart, but he didn't say it. He didn't immediately investigate the problem of the mobile phone. Instead, he investigated Luo Xinlan's family background and relevant information.

No, I don't know. Ji Tongsheng learns that Luo Xinlan is currently working as a sales executive in Ruihe group and is in the same building with Huo Yanlin.

Contact the current mobile phone time, the whole story of this matter Ji Tongsheng has guessed a general.

Luo Xinlan must have done something bad, which made Wen Shutong and Dabao Er Bao feel disgusted. Then Dabao Er Bao tried to play tricks on Luo Xinlan

This matter, Ji Tongsheng after guessing the truth of the matter, did not intend to manage.

Anyway, Luo Xinlan is not a good product

"Miss Luo, we have checked it. There is nothing wrong with this mobile phone. The sound you mentioned is probably a auditory hallucination generated by yourself. The wine you drink is enough to cause auditory hallucinations."

This is the reply given by the police station. For this reply, Luo Xinlan's parents don't have any opinions. They think this is very likely.

But Luo Xinlan does not think so.

"It's absolutely impossible. I know my drinking capacity very well. I was definitely not drunk at that time. I really heard the strange sound from my mobile phone. Why don't you believe it?"

"There must be something fishy in this. There must be someone who wants to trouble me secretly. You must help me find out the problem!"

Luo Xinlan's words aroused the dissatisfaction of the police station staff. They thought that she was just deliberately looking for trouble. At last, she was sent away.

After this, Luo Xinlan did not dare to sleep alone, so she had to move back home and sleep with her parents.

Not only that, she also because of the psychological shadow and the sequelae, in a long time she did not dare to use her mobile phone to make a phone call.

Originally, she was ready to work toward Huo Yanlin's goal with a spirit of 12 points. Once this happened, she could not take care of any task, only wanted to turn over the article as soon as possible.

Huo Yanlin's business has suddenly increased in the past two days, and because he wants to expand the market, he is in urgent need of a technology, and Yanhong group, not far away, has this technology.

So Huo Yanlin immediately arranged for the assistant to contact the project leader of the other company and ask for cooperation to ensure mutual benefit and win-win situation.

The assistant soon made an appointment with the person in charge of the project of the other company and made a time to meet and talk about things.

Although Luo Xinlan is still worried about that last time, I heard that Huo Yanlin wanted to cooperate with the other party's Yihong group, so she had her own Xiaojiu.

Therefore, if Huo Yanlin doesn't realize that she needs to complete the task by herself.

That night, Huo Yanlin called Wen Shutong because he had arranged to have dinner with the project leader of the other party's group company. He couldn't rush home for dinner, so he called Wen Shutong.

"Shutong, I want to talk about cooperation in the evening. I may have to socialize late. I can't have dinner with you. If you are sleepy, go to bed early and don't wait for me."

When he called, Wen Shutong was tidying up his desk in the office, carrying his bag and preparing to go home.

"Well, you have a lot of social intercourse in this period of time, but you must remember to drink less. If you can't drink, don't touch it. If you have a bad stomach, you must remember that some time ago you have stomach bleeding."

"Don't worry, Shutong. I'll take good care of my body and I won't worry you any more."

"That's a good thing to say. Come back and promise me when you can do it."

Wen Shutong can't remember himself. This is the first time he heard Huo Yanlin promise himself, but at the end of each time, he should still drink.

"Well, you're busy. Hang up first. Dabao and Erbao want to eat my pizza. I have to go back and make them pizza."

Wen Shutong hung up the phone and saw the dark clouds outside, as if it was going to rain. She immediately put up her umbrella and planned to drive home.

If it rains heavily, the traffic on the road will be inconvenient and unsafe.

Wen Shutong walked out of the office building and met a man.

She could not help but be surprised when she looked at the man.Isn't this the man I met accidentally when I went to deliver food to Yanlin?

Huo Yihong strode toward Wen Shutong and looked at her in surprise, "Miss Wen?! What a coincidence, I met you again. "

Wen Shutong looks surprised. Seriously, it's a bit fake.

In front of her authoritative psychologist, Huo Yihong's expression betrayed his heart. Although his expression was really surprised, he was indifferent in the deep of his eyes, that is to say, he was not surprised.

Wen Shutong looks at Huo Yihong quietly, and is alert.

If the first time I met him was an accident, then now, if I met him again for the second time, she didn't think it would be an accident.

"Sir, what are you doing here?"

Wen Shutong looked at him politely and distantly, his eyes full of suspicion.

Huo Yihong found that he was seen through, and did not panic to explain, but was generous with a smile and joke.

"I've heard that this psychological consulting firm has invited an internationally authoritative psychological master to sit down. This person is not miss Wen, are you?"

listening to this flattery, Wen Shutong did not know what to say for a while.

Seeing her hesitation, Huo Yihong explained with a smile: "Miss Wen, don't get me wrong. I'm not a stalker intentionally following you. I happen to come to this office for consultation. I heard that there is a beautiful psychologist named Wen here. The first thing I think of is you."

Speaking of this, he was very familiar with a smile, "I didn't expect it was Miss Wen. We really have a predestined fate. Do you think it's Miss Wen?"

Wen Shutong listened to his tone and his profession made her start to judge whether his words were true or not.

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