Wen Shutong's heart missed a beat. She grabbed her mobile phone and was in a panic. She yelled, "Yan Lin! Yan Lin, what's wrong with you?! What's the matter? "

But on the other side of the phone, there was always a busy tone, and no one answered her.

Oops, is something really wrong?!

Wen Shutong immediately got up and quickly called the police for help. "My husband just talked to me, but suddenly there was no sound. There seems to be an accident there. Can you help with the situation?"

when the police asked where the accident happened, Wen Shutong couldn't answer for a moment, but at this moment, the star moon heard the news and hurried out of the room Come out of the room.

As soon as he saw the stars, Wen Shutong immediately thought of a fastest way.

"Star, can you help Mommy locate where your father called me just now?"

Xing Xing picks up his mobile phone and searches for Huo Yanlin's position when he was on the phone just now.

"Mommy, daddy, he's on Siqing road now. The location of the mobile phone has not changed. People should still be here."

"Siqing road? Star? Are you sure? This is the location?"

Wen Shutong was shocked.

If it's really Siqing Road, it's really bad. Siqing road is a coastal road, and it's easy to have accidents when driving there.

How can Yan Lin go that way today?

back home from the company, it is clear that there is a safer route, but it will be a little slower, but it will not take much time.

Wen Shutong was more and more nervous and shivered all over.

All blame her. Why do you have to call him several times in succession? If you don't call him, maybe he won't go that way in a hurry

Wen Shutong trembled and told the police that Huo Yanlin was at the location of Siqing road. There might be an accident there. The police soon agreed to send for help.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Shutong hurried to one side and picked up his coat bag. He planned to go to Siqing road to see what happened to Huo Yanlin.

"Stars, moon, you two stay at home. Don't go out. Go back to your room and have an early rest. If you have something, call your mother in time. Don't come out by yourself."

After explaining the two treasures, Wen Shutong turned to go, but the stars and the moon kept pace.

"Mommy, daddy, is there something wrong with him?" the moon grabbed mommy's hand and looked at her eagerly.

Judging from all the words and deeds of mummy just now, the moon and stars basically concluded that something was wrong with Daddy.

In addition to the heavy rain outside, and now it's so late, daddy has never come back.

Wen Shutong didn't want Liangbao to know about it, but he also knew that he could not hide the two clever children.

"The moon, the stars, Mommy is really going out to look for your father. Your father may have some problems on the road, and he has not come back yet. I have to go and see him."

"Mommy, stars and I also want to go together, OK?"

after the moon and the stars looked at each other, they immediately grabbed Wen Shutong's hand, "Mommy, you are worried about daddy, we are also worried about you and daddy, even if we go back to the room, we can't sleep."

Wen Shutong hesitated, "this Now it's so late and it's raining hard outside. Mommy is worried about driving. You have to have class tomorrow, so you have to go to bed. "


The moon and stars still insist on, pulling wenshutong's hand and shaking and playing coquetry.

Finally, Wen Shutong finally could not stand the insistence of Liangbao and nodded his head and agreed to their request.

"Well, I can take you with me, but you can't go in vain. You have to do mummy a favor."

"Mommy, what do you want us to do? Just say it directly. As long as the stars and I can do it, we will do our best."

Wen Shutong thought for a while, holding his son's hand, he went out and explained.

"Star, you know computer technology. When we are on our way, you must always monitor the location of your dad's mobile phone. If there is any change or other situation, please let me know."

The star nodded and said, "don't worry, Mommy, I will do it well! It's a piece of cake for me, no problem at all! "

"What about me, Mommy? Do I also have a task?"

"yes." Wen Shutong nodded, "the moon also has something to do. You have good eyesight and quick reaction. You still have some Kung Fu. You can help mummy find Dad together later. In case dad is in any danger, we can go up and help him."

After hearing this, the moon immediately rubbed his hands and nodded, "don't worry, Mommy, I will help you find daddy together, and daddy will be OK!"

"I hope so."

Wen Shutong's voice was trembling as she spoke. Looking at the thick night and pouring rainstorm in front of her, the uneasiness in her heart became more intense.

Wen Shutong has always hated rainy days. It seems that when it rains, his mood becomes wet and extremely bad. Moreover, it seems that no good things happen when it doesn't rain.I remember that on a rainy day, she waited for Huo Yanlin to come home for dinner in the living room for less than an hour. The next day, she got up with a bad cold and fever. She hung up for several days, which made her miserable.

At this moment, Wen Shutong felt that the storm was too depressing.

She can't help but grip the two children's hands, with the children immediately came to the garage to get on the car.

The two children were scared by the heavy rain outside. They had been in the bedroom all the time. They had no idea that it was raining so hard outside.

Now, the moon and the stars are also somewhat insecure.

Just feeling Wen Shutong's worry, the moon began to comfort her, "Mommy, daddy, he's so powerful, he'll be OK!"

"Mm-hmm, the moon is right. Daddy, he will be OK. Mummy, you must not worry too much and worry about it..."

As he spoke, he glanced down at the electronic watch positioning system on his hand, and frowned slightly.

"Mommy, the location of the mobile phone seems to be moving, but the speed and distance of the mobile phone are relatively slow and short..."

Wen Shutong immediately asked, "star, do you mean your father's mobile phone is moving, can that prove that your father is still alive and is leaving somewhere?"

after calling Huo Yanlin, what Wen Shutong is most afraid of is that Huo Yanlin has an accident, directly speaking, he is afraid of a car accident.

In the location of Siqing Road, it's really easy to have traffic accidents on rainy days.

No, it will be ok As long as people are alive, it's good to be alive

The star frowned and shook his head very seriously.

"Mommy, the location of the mobile phone doesn't look like a human operation at all."

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