The star looked at the positioning system and seriously explained, "if this mobile phone is really in daddy's hand, if daddy is busy leaving that place now, then the mark will not move like this So there must be another reason. "

"Why, stars."

Wen Shutong is about to cry after hearing the inference of the stars. There is still a distance from Siqing road.

"Another reason is The mobile phone may have fallen somewhere, or it has been picked up, and it is really in use... "

The more he thought about it, the more terrible he felt. He shrunk his neck and continued to talk.

"Daddy, was he kidnapped?" according to the stars, the moon soon had its own guess, but it was quickly denied.

"No way. I installed a secret anti-theft system on daddy's mobile phone. Once dad's mobile phone is lost, in order to prevent it from being picked up, his mobile phone will automatically enter the function of turning off flight mode. No one can turn it on except himself."

"Well..." Looking at the stars, the moon was worried, "the stars are OK. Daddy, he will be OK. The mobile phone may be out of power or accidentally thrown into the distance..."

"No, there is also a big possibility that Daddy may have fallen into the river because of the car accident..."

"No, stars, don't make a wild guess. Daddy, he will be OK! You forget, daddy's Kung Fu is very good... "

The moon's face changed, and she quickly shook her head and denied it.

Wen Shutong's face was already as pale as paper. "Star, how accurate is your judgment?"

"I..." The star also realized that he had just said fast, and now it is hard to change his words.

"Sixty percent..."

The star looked down at the electronic watch in his hand. A red dot on it was moving slowly. Gradually, the red dot became a little fuzzy

At this time, the screen suddenly flashed a few snowflake light, and then recovered when the screen has no red dot.

The star's heart suddenly clapped.

Oops, there's something wrong with the signal. If daddy does fall into the sea, there's only one possibility.

That is, the deeper he is sinking, the deeper the water is, all the signals will be blocked


The star hesitates to look at Wen Shutong, and doesn't know whether to tell mummy about it.

Wen Shutong has something on his mind. He can't wait to see what's going on. The accelerator on his foot can't help but speed up.

Outside, it was still pouring rain, lightning and thunder, and the trees beside the road crackled. After wenshutong opened, a big tree was broken by the wind and fell heavily. It was very dangerous.

"Mommy, be careful --"

the moon looks at the big trees on both sides of the road, and is always vigilant to see which tree will fall down.

Just then, Wen Shutong's mobile phone rings, and there is a sharp cut in the quiet car.

Wen Shutong listens with one heart and connects the phone immediately.

"Is that the lady who called the police just now? Our police have arrived at the scene you mentioned. There are indeed signs of traffic accidents in this place. According to this sign, a car broke through the fence and fell into the sea..."

"At present, we don't see any sign of the car on the sea. It may have fallen into the sea. Our search and rescue personnel are preparing equipment for search and rescue, but..."

"Because the sea area is too vast, and the weather conditions outside, we can't guarantee to salvage the drowning people, so..."

The blood color on Wen Shutong's face gradually faded.

"Police officer, please, I believe my husband has his own good fortune. Everything will be fine. You can find him. You can do it!"

Not long after the phone hung up, Wen Shutong was cold all over. He was numb looking at the car ahead, and his mind was always filled with the words just said by the police.

The moon and the stars found something wrong with mommy and held her by the shoulder, "Mommy, the police uncle must be able to get out of daddy's house successfully, and it will be OK!"

Wen Shutong didn't say anything. She just sped up her speed. When she reached a section of the road, a big tree on the side of the road suddenly fell down, threatening to hit Wen Shutong's car.

Wen Shutong made a sharp turn, which avoided the big tree. The whole body felt that it was going to be knocked out.

The faces of the stars and the moon are not very good.


Wen Shutong suddenly thought of something, "can you accurately control the location of your father's mobile phone, the more accurate the better!"

"Just now, the police officer called and said that your father may have fallen into the sea, and there is no sign of him. He should be constantly falling in. If you can accurately locate his position at how far away from the sea, the police will be more efficient in rescue!"

The star looked at his black electronic watch and didn't tell his mother what had not been signaled just now. Instead, he nodded at once with a very serious and firm expression."Don't worry, mummy, I will find daddy's position as soon as possible, and determine his position accurately."

While talking, the stars are playing with the electronic watch in their hands.

Three or two times, soon the screen began to light up, and also gradually appear red dots, but this is not enough, the stars continue to adjust the accuracy of the electronic watch signal.

Finally, when wenshutong arrived at the destination, the star also successfully determined Huo Yanlin's exact location.

"Mommy, I found the exact location of Daddy!"

Wen Shutong was shocked and immediately got out of the car with the star moon and rushed to the location of the police in front of him.

From a distance, the front of the flashing bright rescue lights, dense standing many rescue team personnel.

Because of the heavy rain, Wen Shutong put on his raincoat after getting off the bus. He also put on the raincoat for the stars and the moon. The mother and son walked quickly to the rescue team.

"Officer, I called the police just now. How is my husband doing now?"

when Wen Shutong looked around, he found that a large part of the guardrail on the road had been broken, and there was a big gap, which was very messy.

The police officer pointed to the gap, "see that gap, we judge that your husband should have driven out from that place, did not brake in time, and then directly rushed into the sea."

Then, with the light of the rescue lamp, Wen Shutong saw the vast sea area below constantly rolling waves and Howling sea breeze, as if there was a huge underwater beast overturning the river.

Wen Shutong shivered.

Such a big sea, if you really drive into it

She didn't dare to think further.

"By the way, officer, my son, he can accurately locate my husband's specific position. I wonder if this can help you find my husband more quickly!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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