Wen Shutong was so excited that he finally heard some useful information since the accident.

"You are right! I believe he will come back easily. I believe he will come back easily

Obviously, Ji Tongsheng's words gave Wen Shutong great hope.

Looking at Wen Shutong's excited appearance, Ji Tongsheng is a little impatient. In fact, he said that he had confidence in Huo Yanlin.

But in such a dangerous environment, if people really fall into the sea, it is really not easy to survive, and the possibility is very small.

In the face of such a nervous and uneasy Wen Shutong, Ji Tongsheng can't bear to break her expectations.

Ji Tongsheng vowed to find out the murderer of Yan Lin no matter how much it cost! damn!


At the same time, a villa study.

Huo Yihong sat at his desk, waiting for the results.

Soon he received a phone call -

"boss, the matter has been settled. We watched him fall into the sea with people and cars, and there is no chance of survival again if he falls into it

Huo Yihong said with a proud smile, "well done. I have eliminated such a large tumor for me. This time I have to treat you well. One person, one luxury car and one suite."

"Yes! Thank you, boss! We didn't do it well. Thanks to the boss, you're so clever. Now those police officers are busy investigating the whole story of this incident. But don't worry, we haven't left any information revealing our identity. "

"Well, this time you've done very well. I'll give you a holiday. I've already reserved your air tickets. Tomorrow morning, there will be a special bus to take you to the airport and then go abroad for sightseeing."

"Boss, can we take the family with us? We can pay for the tickets ourselves! I haven't had fun with my wife and children for a long time. I don't want to go out alone this time... "

Huo Yihong looked thoughtfully at the computer screen in front of him.

After a moment's silence, Huo Yihong's eyes narrowed slightly and he said a meaningful sentence, "you have to think about it. Are you sure you want to take your family with you?"

after hearing this, the staff over there nodded and affirmed, "yes, we all want to take the family to play together. They haven't been on an airplane yet!"

“…… That's OK. No problem. If you want to bring it, you can bring your family and children together... "

The rest of the words, Huo Yihong did not say, only in the heart of the whisper, since you so insist, then I can only help you.

It's OK. You and your family can get together again.

"Great, thank you, boss!"

The people there were shouting excitedly, and they didn't realize that something was going to happen soon.

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yihong's lips overflowed with a cold smile.

"Huo Yanlin, I let you and I rob, I said one day, I will let your mother also taste what nothing is like."

Huo Yihong can't wait to see Huo's mother's anguish at the news of her son's death.

The last photo was just a warning. That's the big deal!


The next morning.

There were two headlines in the city.

One is that, according to the police, an accident happened at the intersection of Siqing on a rainy night yesterday. The vehicle in the accident has been salvaged, but the accident personnel in the vehicle have not been salvaged, so it is impossible to confirm their identity.

In the second news, an accident happened on a domestic flight to a foreign country, and the plane crashed, leaving no one on board.

Two pieces of news about human life broke out in the early morning, and the people of the whole city were talking about it for a while, and they were boiling in an instant.

Soon, there were several news in the entertainment industry, such as the scandal between a certain female star and a male star, and so on. Soon, the explosion of these news covered the heat of the previous news, and everyone no longer paid attention to these news.

But there are also some people who are closely related to the two big news, but they will not forget the two big news in the morning because of the hot news of the stars.

Inside the police station.

Ji Tongsheng was woken up early in the morning. A large group of people appeared at the door of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, crying all over the world.

"Officer, my son died unjustly! There must be something wrong with the plane, officer. You must help us to find out! "

"Yes, officer, my husband died on that plane and took my children with him. Now the plane has an accident, and the adults and children say that if it is gone, it will be gone. How can I live! My God... "

"Officer, please, please look for it again My son and daughter-in-law and their children got on the plane together. They said it was the welfare of the boss of the company. Now something has happened and we can't find the boss of the company! "……

The police officers tried to stop these people who were crying and shouting, "all step back. This matter is not under the jurisdiction of our criminal investigation team. If you have problems, go to other departments. Don't block up here and delay our work."

Ji Tongsheng put aside the police officers and went forward to understand the whole story of the incident. He had a guess in his mind.

Two big news came out early today. One is about Huo Yanlin's accident and the other is about the accident of this aircraft. How could such a coincidence happen.

Ji Tongsheng's intuition is that there must be some inevitable connection during this period. Perhaps by grasping this connection, he can further find the culprit of the whole thing!

"One by one, we need to know some details about this."

Next, Ji Tongsheng took turns to ask these family members who came to seek justice.

After inquiring, Ji Tongsheng found out what these people said was the biggest common ground.

They all mentioned the reason why their family members took the plane to go abroad. It is said that this is the reward of their driving company, and they can also take their families to participate.

But when asked what the company was, their answers were surprisingly consistent. They didn't answer the name of the company, but said that they didn't know the specific name of the company.

Even after the accident, the whole company seems to disappear. There is no news at all, and no one can find the boss of the company.

Therefore, although the airline will give compensation, but the family members do not want to see their relatives suffocated so obscure, many things can not be wiped out by money.

Summing up the information, Ji Tongsheng took out a pen and paper to make a record.

"Well, we have some clues here. As for the company you mentioned, we will find out the driving force behind the company through various forces as soon as possible."

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