Ji Tongsheng's words let these people finally stop for a few minutes, and then turn around and leave the front door of the criminal investigation team.

"Captain, this matter is not under the jurisdiction of our team. Besides, airlines usually handle this kind of matter well, which is basically -"

the subordinates are very unable to understand that Ji Tongsheng will intervene in this matter. Everyone thinks that this is a hot potato, and no one wants to cause trouble.

"Well, you don't have to persuade me. This matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. I chose to deal with it for my own reasons."

Ji Tongsheng interrupted several of his subordinates. Now Huo Yanlin's life and death are uncertain. He, as a brother, must try his best to find out his whereabouts as soon as possible.

The salvage team announced that it would stop operation this morning because the sea area was so vast that it had been salvaged all day and night, but nothing was found. If it continued like this, it would only cost more manpower and material resources.

So the rescue team had to stop the search. Everyone thought that even if it was salvaged, people could not survive after soaking in the water for so long.


Meanwhile, Huo Mu received an email early in the morning.

"Do you know where your son is now? He's soaking in the cold sea water, even being bitten into pieces by big sharks, bit by bit Finally, it turned into a pile of soil under the sea... "

"Do you remember the disgusting things you did in the past, and the photos from the last wedding? It was just an appetizer for you. Now this is the big meal I prepared for you! I hope you can enjoy the meal and don't let me down


When Huo Mu read the e-mail up and down, the whole person suddenly collapsed, shouting and smashing the mobile phone to the ground.

"No way, Yan Lin can't have an accident. How could he have an accident?"

Huo Mu suddenly thought of something, and immediately picked up the mobile phone, looked flustered to open the email address just now, found the number, and tried to dial back.

I didn't expect that the phone actually got through.

But the voice on the other side of the phone is obviously not a human voice, but a synthetic mechanical sound, which has no emotion.

"Madam Huo, I believe you have already seen the contents of those emails. I want to interview you. How do you feel at this time? Is it particularly broken and flustered?"

Huo Mu exclaimed excitedly, "who are you?! Why are you killing me! You sent that picture last time, didn't you! And my son, what have you done to my son? "

"You want to know who I am? Hehe, you can think about how many heinous things you have done over the years."

"You used to destroy other people's families in such a cruel way. You never thought how much harm your behavior would cause to that family, you selfish woman!"

"I want you to feel the loss of the most important things. I want you to be punished and tortured forever! As for your son Hehe, it is estimated that it has become the nutrient of the sea floor

"Aren't you good at using your despicable means, mother depends on your son's high position? Now your son's soul has already returned to the west, I think what else can you take to make the mother depend on the son to be expensive?"

"Ah, ah..."

She screamed and screamed, and her brain hurt like she was being split. "Don't say it! I beg you not to say it

"I've never done anything wrong except cheating in marriage. I can't understand what you're talking about!"

"Even if it was my cheating, I didn't feel guilty at all. Huo Yanshan never loved me, never! He just treats me as a useful object! "

"I have nothing to be sorry for! You say, are you from Huoyan mountain? How cruel he is to deal with his own son like this

"Tell Huo Yanshan that Huo Yanlin is his own son and his flesh and blood! He killed his own children with his own hands. He is not as good as a dog

After Huo Mu called out, her whole body was weak, like a ball that was suddenly breathed out, and the whole person collapsed.

"Better than a pig or a dog? Ha ha, it's called a pig and a dog. Then you should reflect on what you have done that is worse than a pig or a dog."

The phone snapped off, and Huo Mu sat on the ground for a long time, gasping heavily, as if she would suffocate in the next second.

She recalled the news she saw this morning, saying that an accident car was found in the sea, but only the wreckage of one car was recovered, and no human figure was found.

When she saw the news, she quickly jumped off the platform. Now she wants to come to the news. The news is basically --

Huo Mu brush stands up and rushes forward to read the news again.

Take a closer look, the car in trouble is indeed Huo Yanlin's car.

Huo Mu's brain hummed for a moment, a blank.

How can a good man have an accident?!No, if something happened to Yanlin, what should the company do, what should she do!

I don't know if his father has heard the news and what he will do. No, she can't wait to die. If she goes on like this, sooner or later she will be on the street!

Huo mu, aware of the deep crisis, grabbed her clothes and hurried away from her residence to Huo's house.

At that time, in Huo's house.

Huo Fu is sitting in his study talking on the phone.

"Yi Hong, let me ask you, tell me the truth, is it related to you that Yan Lin fell into the sea in a car accident?"

Huo Yihong's tone was wronged and innocent, and he was busy denying it.

"Dad, how can you think of me like that? Do you think your son and I are the kind of person who specializes in doing bad things? I admit that I did wrong in the last photo, but I was also defending for my mother!"

"Even if I don't like Huo Yanlin any more, he is destined to be my brother. We are brothers by blood. How can I do something to him?"

Huo's father was silent for a long time. After a moment, he sighed and shook his head. "It's not you. What I fear most is to see your brothers fighting for their family property. This is not what I want to see."

The reason why Huo Fu knew that Huo Yanlin had fallen into the sea was that Huo Yihong deliberately asked people to help reveal the news.

In fact, the news broadcast by the major media is not accurate.

Because Ji Tongsheng in order not to let Ruihe group internal personnel appear chaos, do not let Huo Yanlin's other competitors make trouble, so he deliberately suppressed the news.

In addition to a few parties and several of Huo Yanlin's closest people, others do not know that Huo Yanlin is the protagonist of the sea fall accident.

However, with the disturbance of Huo Yihong, it is only a matter of time before the people of the whole city know the truth of this matter.

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