The rest of the reporters wanted to seize the opportunity to continue to dig deep into the news, trying to use the gimmick to bring more attention and hot spots to the newspaper office.

but seeing Ji Tongsheng and others in uniform coming over, several reporters changed their faces instantly.

"Why Why are all the police here? "

"Yes, I have done nothing wrong!"

Several reporters were terrified and quickly put down their machines and turned to look at Ji Tongsheng. "Police officer, we are all good young people in society. We have not done anything illegal and criminal."

"Yes, yes, we are all good citizens of society..."

Wen Shutong couldn't help sneering, "now I start to argue that I am a good citizen of society. What do you say about those behaviors just now, such as breaking into my house, holding up a camera and infringing on my personal privacy right?"

"I called the police, so you have any questions to ask me."

Wen Shutong looked at Ji Tongsheng and laughed, "Captain Ji, you are here."

Ji Tongsheng's face remained cold, looking at the remaining media reporters and paparazzi, "what are you doing here? We received a call to the police, saying that you broke into the houses illegally."

"You guys will come with us and take notes at the police station."

As soon as they heard that they were going to the police station, the rest of the paparazzi were really frightened and quickly explained, "misunderstanding, officer, this is really a misunderstanding. We did not do anything to Miss Wen, and we absolutely did not mean to do anything bad to Miss Wen!"

"Ah, the chief editor does not have much to do with our work, which means that we should follow the requirements of our work."

Ji Tongsheng looked at a few people coldly and said, "all follow us to get on the bus and make a record."

He asked his men to take these people to him and turned to look at Wen Shutong.

Br > "did you shake your head just now?

" is it OK for me to shake my head? "

"I was just worried that I couldn't face these things, but I was surprised that I was stronger than I thought. Ha ha."

Wen Shutong smiles, but the smile is more reluctant than crying, full of bitterness.

"If nothing happened, I told you not to come down first. I can deal with it."

Wen Shutong shook his head with a smile. "Tong Sheng, of course I know you will help me, but I have to stand up for this gossip. I have to let them know that I was framed. I have never done anything sorry for Yan Lin

"Well, I believe you, you are absolutely not that kind of person. It must be someone who is behind the scenes to slander you and frame you up."

"Now I have some clues. Just now those media reporters revealed that the news was probably first exposed by Golden Phoenix media. I have to follow this clue and maybe find out the person behind the incident."

"Golden Phoenix media?"


"Well, I can help you with the investigation. This matter must be clarified as soon as possible, so as to clarify your reputation as soon as possible."


They were talking. At this time, Wen Shutong's mobile phone suddenly rang. He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from assistant Xiao Liu.

Wen Shutong felt a sense of foreboding.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone is connected, Xiao Liu's tone is a little urgent.

"Madam President, no, the company is in a state of paralysis again, because this morning, the staff saw the gossip about you and began to talk about it, and the stock value of our group also fell again and again What should we do now? "

at the first moment when Wen Shutong saw that the gossip news was released, he thought of this situation, but he didn't expect that the situation would come so quickly and be so caught off guard.

What should she do if she is not ready yet?

Wen Shutong asked herself that she could not ask anyone else except herself.

"Well, I know about the scandal, Xiao Liu, do you believe me?"

"of course, Madam President, I believe you! If I don't believe you, how can I follow you? I know you have a good relationship with the president! It's absolutely impossible for you to do something sorry to the President... "

"Well, thank you for your willingness to believe me. Since you believe me, we will face this matter together. At present, I can be sure that someone must be behind the plan, maybe it has something to do with the company."

"Don't worry about it. I'll try to find a way. I'll go to the company to control the situation. Before that, I'll have to trouble you to control the scene."

"Madam, what are you saying? This is what I should do. How can it be a trouble? I will control it now. Don't worry, madam. We can always think of a way."

"Well."After hanging up, Wen Shutong plans to rush to the company immediately.

"Tongsheng, the company is in a mess now. I have to rush to the company to deal with matters. Can you help me send the stars and moon to school? I may not have time."

Ji Tongsheng looked at Wen Shutong anxiously, "do you want to go alone? Or I will go with you. We can send the stars and moon to school first, and then I will accompany you to the company to see what the situation is."

"It's OK. I don't think it's early. If it's a little later, the stars and the moon will be late, and the company's things are also in a hurry. Let's divide our forces into two ways, so that the efficiency will be faster."

Under the insistence of Wen Shutong, Ji Tongsheng had to give up, "well, I will send the stars and moon to school. You must be careful and contact me whenever you have any situation."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful."

Wen Shutong suddenly felt that in this period of time after Huo Yanlin's accident, she really grew up a lot, and many things began to change easily.

Before that, she had always felt that she was independent enough, independent enough and mature enough. But now it seems that those are only under the protection of Huo Yanlin.

Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that Huo Yanlin overcame the difficulties and obstacles one by one in the past, and has come to this day.

Life has never been easy.

Upstairs in the room of the stars and the moon.

The stars and the moon are not idle at all during this period, especially the stars. He is busy judging the source address of the information through the gossip on the Internet. He hopes to find out the behind the scenes of this matter by searching for clues in this way.

"Star, what's the matter? Is there any result?" the finger of the moon looking at the star is tapping on the keyboard flexibly, crackling, so fast that he can hardly see his finger clearly. It seems that this matter is indeed a certain degree of difficulty. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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