Star frowned, his expression was more serious, "not yet. I'm trying to decipher it, because there are too many gossipy news exposed on the Internet, the coverage is too wide, and the scope is too wide. It's hard for me to make a judgment for a while."

"How long will it take? A little later, Mommy should take us to school."

"It doesn't matter if I go to school. My tracker will search automatically, so even if the computer is turned off, it will not be affected. Once the decoding is successful, my electronic watch can receive the signal, so that I can get the message at the first time."

"Well, that's good. I hope we can catch this villain as soon as possible! Hum, dare to bully my mother

The moon and the stars are in a heated discussion, and Ji Tongsheng's shouts outside the door, "star moon, open the door, put on your schoolbag, uncle Ji sent you to school."

Hearing Ji Tongsheng's voice, the stars and the moon are some accidents. After a look at each other, they quickly turn off the computer and open the door of the room.

"Uncle Ji, why are you here? Did you just come?"

the moon and the stars look at Ji Tongsheng.

Ji Tongsheng nodded, "well, I came here just now and helped your mother solve a little trouble, but now this trouble has been basically solved, so I will send you to school."

The stars and the moon frowned, "trouble? What's the trouble, uncle Ji?"

when they spoke, the stars and the moon looked around and didn't see mommy's figure. They were worried for a moment, "Uncle Ji, where's my mom? She was at home just now, why is she missing?"

"yes, my mom, is something wrong with her?"

especially the one just now Under the circumstances, mother's reaction seems to be very wrong.

Ji Tongsheng looked at the worried stars and the moon and patted their heads.

"You two must not think too much about it. Your mommy has nothing to do with her. She just goes to the company to deal with some things and has no time to send you off, so let me take you there."

"Well, that's all right, Mommy's fine."

On the bus, the stars and the moon haunt Ji Tongsheng, asking a lot of questions.

"Uncle Ji, do you know who spread those gossip news on the Internet? Who is going to frame my mother? What a villain!"

Ji Tongsheng shook his head thoughtfully. "At present, we are still investigating this matter. There is no way to determine who did it. But you can rest assured that we will find out the culprit as soon as possible."

"Uncle Ji, what are you going to do to catch this villain?"

"this..." Ji Tongsheng was really asked and couldn't answer for a moment. "This may be something I and your mummy have to discuss again. The operator behind the scene is really cunning. The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. This situation is very difficult to deal with."

"Uncle Ji, would you like me and stars to help us? We have come up with a good way..."

The stars and the moon then told his plan to Ji Tongsheng. After hearing this, Ji Tongsheng felt thoughtful and was very surprised.

"Stars, moon, you two are genius! When you grow up, don't come to me to help me solve crimes. You are really talented

The moon nodded with a smile, "Hey, uncle Ji, how do you know that my dream is to be a hero like you, but you are my idol!"

"My dream is To become a scientific and technological talent who can affect the whole international community, I have to do scientific research, haha. "

"You two boys are really ambitious, not bad, very good, very good, uncle look after you

Ji Tongsheng is busy smiling and encouraging his two children. In fact, in his opinion, with the talent of these two children, no matter what industry they are involved in, they will get a good development in the future, and will become the leader of the industry.

Just like their father, Huo Yanlin, who is young and in a high position, I am afraid there is no second business talent who can compete with him in the whole business community.

Several people speak Kung Fu, soon came to the school gate, star moon got out of the car looking at Ji Tongsheng, "Uncle Ji, you wait for our good news, hey hey, be careful on the way."

"You go in and have a class. You're going to be late." Ji Tongsheng watched the two children walk into the campus, and then turned back to the car.

He thought about it, then started the car and drove in the direction of Ruihe group.

He was still worried about Wen Shutong and worried about what would happen to her.


At this time, Ruihe group building.

Wen Shutong drove to the company and noticed something wrong as soon as he got in.

On the way, the staff looked at her one after another, talking and pointing.

"Look, the president's wife is here!"

"Oh, my God, how could she show up here? I heard that our president was not killed by accident at all. It was her calculation that led to the accident...""I've seen something wrong with her for a long time. She's the most vicious woman. She's really a snake and scorpion beauty with a dark heart..."

"A few days ago, she also encouraged us to work together. I think she is just a perfunctory lie. She is afraid that we will find out her intention and deliberately paralyze us!"

"Yes, yes..."


All kinds of rumors and rumors one by one drill into Wen Shutong's ears, like a sharp knife, constantly stabbing into her heart.

She took a deep breath and let herself suppress the ups and downs of her emotions. She appeared in front of several staff members with a faint sneer on her face.

, "a few of you are very busy, aren't you? There's still time to work around here during the office hours. I think it's really good for me to give you the benefits."

"Madam President, we..." Several staff members were criticized by name, and tried to explain themselves in a hurry, but they could not speak when they saw Wen Shutong's cold face.

"You, what are you? Why, is what I said wrong?"

at this time, several bolder staff directly stood up and confronted Wen Shutong impolitely.

"Madam President, I think you are a embroidered pillow! No, you are a woman with a heart of bitches

"That's right! In order to get more benefits and more property, you deliberately planned all this and killed our president!"

"we are going to court to sue you. As one of the employees of Ruihe group, I can never see Ruihe group destroyed by you, a woman!"

Wen Shutong quietly listens to the responsibilities of these people. After a moment, she looks at these people and smiles with ease and grace. It is impossible to judge what she thinks at this moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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