"What's wrong? Tongsheng, you probably don't know. I don't know from there that Huo's mother learned that I have more than 30% of Ruihe group's equity on hand. She asked me to hand over the equity several times."

"Not long ago, Yan Lin's mother and his father called me to talk about things. For this reason, both of them wanted me to hand over the shares."

the more he thought about it, the more angry he felt. He could hardly believe that there was any human conscience at the end of the day!

"I can't believe that tiger poison still doesn't eat children , I didn't want to bring her to do such a thing to her grandson! No, I'm going to find her now, I'm going to go back to the stars and the moon! "

speaking of this, Wen Shutong suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Ji Tongsheng." by the way, Tongsheng, didn't you say that there was no evidence to arrest people? Now, is there any evidence now, if Mom insists on not If you are willing to tell me the truth, then I may need you to help me interrogate! "

to this point, Wen Shutong can't care about any apparent relationship. As long as anyone dares to hurt her child, it's against her. She can't tolerate it!

Ji Tongsheng is still thoughtful and reads the email several times.

"Shutong, calm down first. Don't worry. If you can trust me, just listen to me."

Ji Tongsheng's words made Wen Shutong come out of the excitement just now and become calm.

"Tell me, Tongsheng, what's wrong with you? I was really excited just now."

Wen Shutong's face is very ugly. Since Huo Yanlin's accident, she has to take care of the stars and the moon, and on the other hand, she has to deal with all kinds of emergencies in Ruihe group.

So I didn't pay much attention to sleeping and eating. In a few days, the whole person was very thin and his chin was sharp.

Now her face is even more pale, because there is no time to make up, almost lose her plain face, now the blood color on her face has faded a lot.

Ji Tongsheng looks at her like this, some heartache.

"Shutong, don't be too nervous. Isn't there still me? I won't let you face all this alone. I will accompany you and wait for Yanlin to come back. So you must take good care of yourself and never let yourself fall."

Wen Shutong nodded with a smile. She really appreciated Ji Tongsheng and gave a sincere smile of gratitude.

"Tongsheng, thank you very much. If there was no help from you and Qingsen, I might not be able to make it now."

"Don't say that. You've been very brave and strong. You've faced too many accidents on your own."

Ji Tongsheng sighs. The only thing he can do now is to help her and accompany her to wait for Huo Yanlin to come back.

But if something happened to Huo Yanlin, he would never come back

"OK, Tongsheng, let's talk about this email. Didn't you just say that there is something wrong with this? What's the matter?"

Wen Shutong soon brings the topic back, and Ji Tongsheng wakes up from his numerous assumptions.

"Well, I just said there was something wrong with this, because this email mentioned my aunt."

"If you're not as excited as you were just now, calm down and think about it. If the kidnapper is really an aunt, even if she did it for the sake of equity, do you think she would make it so obvious?"

Ji Tongsheng picked up his mobile phone and read a few words, "you can see here directly, so that you can hand over the equity in hand to your aunt, and not yet It's enough to intervene in Ruihe group's business. If it's really Auntie who did this, let's assume it. "

"Do you think that from the perspective of a normal person, she would write on her face the words that I am the kidnapper? Isn't it?"

after Ji Tongsheng finished, Wen Shutong frowned and fell into meditation.

Obviously, Ji Tongsheng's statement is absolutely reasonable.

"What you said is reasonable, but let's make another assumption. It is because she expected that we would have such an idea, so she deliberately reversed it. In fact, she did it on purpose."

Wen Shutong looked at Ji Tongsheng and said, "you can understand what I mean. It's just that a thief shouts to catch a thief. In fact, it's easy to confuse people. You just said that Yan Lin couldn't be so stupid as to directly say so. But if she did, she would not believe it."


Ji Tongsheng frowned, as if thinking, "Shu Tong, this hypothesis is actually tenable in a certain way. To be exact, this hypothesis exists in our criminal psychology, and often appears."

"Yes, so now we have no way to determine who the sender of this email is, or what the sender's real intention is."

Wen Shutong looks at the mail. After calming down, she gradually can see the words on it.

"But the only thing I can be sure of is that the kidnapper asked me to hand over a million yuan before, which was just a cover. Now this condition is the real purpose of the kidnapper. The kidnapper kidnapped the star moon from the very beginning to ask for the equity in my hand."Ji Tongsheng nodded slowly. "Indeed, your analysis is very reasonable, and I can basically conclude, but now it is really a thorny matter."

"You know, Yanlin and I have been good brothers since childhood, and I often go to his home to play. Although we say that aunt is not a good person, it is still very good to us on the surface. Let me take her away for interrogation directly, this..."

Indeed, after all, Ji Tongsheng's identity is special. If he does, but he is not Huo's mother, Ji Tongsheng will become very passive.

He will not only have to bear the abuse of his mother Huo, but also may face the criticism of all other people that he is a cold-blooded animal with no identification.

After thinking about it, Wen Shutong finally came up with a solution.

"Tong Sheng, I think of a way to try it."

"What can I do?"

"didn't Huo Mu cheat before, and then met a man? Although I don't know whether she still has contact with this man now, it is certain that the man must have the handle to deal with Huo mu..."

Ji Tongsheng's face changed slightly, "Shutong, do you mean..."

Wen Shutong nodded slowly, "well, yes, since it is not convenient for us to ask directly or face Huo Mu directly, why don't you find someone more suitable than us and beat around the Bush?"

Ji Tongsheng was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

A moment later, Ji Tongsheng nodded slowly, "I think this method can really be tried at present. It can be regarded as a dead horse doctor. After all, we have no clue about this situation. It is really troublesome."

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