"According to my method, we have to find this man quickly now. There is not much time left."

Wen Shutong's eyes were firm. "No matter what, I absolutely can't hand over what Yan Lin left to me. Yan Lin said, except for me, he doesn't trust anyone to take these shares, which is all his painstaking efforts!"

"even his mother can't do it! So I have to keep these shares, and at the same time, I can't let the stars and moons have an accident."

Ji Tongsheng nodded, but soon his face became more complicated.

"Shutong, have you ever thought that if the person who kidnaps the star and moon is not an aunt at all, but someone else, what will happen if we don't follow the content of this email?"

Wen Shutong is shocked.

"I know. Don't worry. I know it."

Wen Shutong took a deep breath and stopped talking. He only looked at the buildings that were flying by the window in silence. "Tongsheng, would you ask your colleagues if there are any clues and information?"

"We are too passive now. If we can master more information, we may be able to take the initiative."

"For the time being, there is no news from there. It is estimated that there is no new clue, but I will ask again."

Ji Tongsheng immediately contacted the Bureau.

"What's up, is there any result from the tracking?"

"Captain, there are too many viruses in the information. We can't track more information for a while."

"Then hurry up."

Wen Shutong listened to the reply message with a dim look.

At present, I can only hope to find the man as soon as possible and see if I can get some news from Huo mu.


At the same time, in the small fishing village.

"Boss, is your leg hurt any better? Can you walk now?"

Xiaowu is worried about looking at the injured leg of boss. Since the last accident, this leg has been infected, ulcerated and inflamed, because the treatment is not timely, and the medical equipment here is not enough.

At that time, they were forced to cut off the inflamed and festering muscle with local prescription, namely knife alcohol, but this caused a new problem, and there was no way to sew it up.

It took a lot of time to come and go.

"You brought these medical supplies here, didn't you expose yourself?"

Huo Yanlin's eyes narrowed slightly at his injured thigh, and a cold light came out from the fundus of his eyes.

Xiao Wu shook his head. "No exposure. Don't worry, boss. I've always been very confidential."

"I'm afraid my legs won't get better for a while. What's going on there?"

"Boss, during this period, madam and captain Ji are close. It seems that something has happened to the family. The master and his wife found the lady not long ago and asked her to hand over the shares..."

Huo Yanlin eyebrow a sink, "ha ha, had anticipated early."

"What did you say happened at home? What was the matter? Shu Tong and Tong Sheng were very close to each other?"

"our people are investigating. During this period of time, because our people have been following Madame secretly, Captain Ji seems to think that we are bad people, so they deliberately interfere with us and let people trace back. If we go on like this, we will expose ourselves sooner or later Share of... "

Huo Yanlin frowned, "cut down the manpower and find out what happened at home as soon as possible. There is another side for you to investigate Huo Yihong's activities. Do you have any news?"

"Huo Yihong has no news for the time being, but he and his wife asked for cooperation, but his wife did not seem to agree. In addition, he has nothing else The big news. "

“…… It's really calm enough. It seems that he is only a few years old

Huo Yanlin clenched his teeth and clenched his fist. Looking at his injured leg, he was helpless.

In fact, he was in the car that night, but he fell into the sea with the car. Although his emergency ability, including survival ability, was very strong, he had no time to respond at that critical moment.

As for how they survived at that time

Huo Yanlin's mobile phone has been equipped with emergency software, this software is usually invisible, no one knows or can see it except himself.

That day, it was a windy night with heavy rain, and the waves in the sea were rolling violently.

When the car fell into the sea, he quickly opened the door and rushed out of the car.

Once they fall into the sea together in the car, the water pressure will oppress the door, so he can't open the door at all, let alone escape, and have to wait for death.

So he knew very well that he had to jump out before the car went into the water.

Fortunately, he succeeded, because there was a similar survival training before, so it was more accurate than ordinary people.

But unfortunately, when he jumped into the water, his thigh was cut by a very sharp part of the car. In addition, there were bacteria in the water, and the wound was quickly infected.Not only that, the smell of blood also attracts some dangerous guys

Thinking of that night's thrilling moment, Huo Yanlin just wanted to sigh that his life's luck was probably used up that night, otherwise even if he had a few lives, he would not have died.

Fortunately, his timely rescue signal was received by the people under his hand. Xiaowu arrived at the first time and successfully rescued Huo Yanlin, who was exhausted at that time.

After rescuing Huo Yanlin, Xiaowu couldn't tell the direction. He was drifting along the current to the shore, which is the fishing village where Huo Yanlin is now.

At that time, they were both dizzy and were washed to the shore by the big waves. The kind fishermen rescued them.

In order to eliminate the security crisis and because of his leg injury, Huo Yanlin had to stay for secret treatment.

Because this accident is obviously a deliberate murder, if that person knows that he is not dead, he will certainly come up with new ways to deal with him.

Before this, Xiao Wu had been working in secret and mingled with the crowd. He rarely appeared around Huo Yanlin. They had never even been in the same frame. So Huo Yanlin assured him to go back to inquire about information and do things.

Now Xiaowu has become Huo Yanlin's eyes. Huo plans to find the best time to go back. He intends to take this opportunity to find out the behind the scenes man who has been secretly fighting against him during this period of time.

Originally, he thought that the plan could be completed as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that the wound on his leg could not be healed. In addition, the dark hand behind the scenes did not show up. Although he was worried, he was helpless.

In addition, Xiaowu said that Wen Shutong had been admitted to the hospital because of his car accident, and his mental state was very bad. Considering Wen Shutong's physical condition, he had to ask Xiaowu to send a message to Wen Shutong immediately to let her know that he was still alive.

He believed that as long as Wen Shutong knew that he was still alive, he would have a way to face those problems, and he would have people help him secretly.

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