Wen Shutong takes out his mobile phone and opens it.

The screen shows an email. Wen Shutong's first reaction is whether it is a new request from the kidnapper?

Wen Shutong hesitated and did not dare to open it. He bit his teeth or opened the anonymous email.

Unexpectedly, a sentence pops up on the screen --

"Mommy, I and star are in a small broken room in the eastern suburbs, SOS."

Then, not only Wen Shutong received it, but also Ji Tongsheng's mobile phone rang and received a message with the same content.

Wen Shutong was so excited that she almost cried out. My God! She didn't read it wrong. This is the news from her baby son. It's great! Finally she knows their location!

"Tongsheng, this must be the news from stars using their own electronic watch. Great! Finally we can determine their position!"

Wen Shutong is ecstatic. If we say that before this, she will be in a state of ecstasy After being passively received, Tongji is still in a completely passive state.

"Great! I knew that the stars and the moon are different from other children, and they will certainly try to send out a message for help!"

Ji Tongsheng was also excited and had to say that it was really exciting good news.

But the news also said that the two people need to face some problems, such as how to rescue the two children.

"Tong Sheng, you asked your people not to act rashly for the time being, because the kidnapper mentioned in the email that I should not disturb the police. If they find out the action of your criminal investigation team, they may..."

Ji Tongsheng nodded, "don't worry, Shutong, I've thought of this for a long time, and I'm sure I won't act rashly. Anyway, we must first ensure the safety of the stars and the moon!"

Wen Shutong nodded.

Indeed, Huo Yanlin left her equity can not be handed over to anyone, nor can it be transferred, but if compared with the life of stars and moon, these shares are insignificant.

Of course, this is only the worst plan. If there is no way to save the stars and moon directly, then Wen Shutong also plans to hand over the equity.

But at the same time, there is a worry in her heart. Those kidnappers may do something to hurt the stars and the moon after taking things. Then she will really lose her wife and break down.

Therefore, this matter must be careful, and we must not make any choice too easily.

Because any choice may change the direction of the whole thing.

"Let's go back and discuss what to do. Time is running out. The sooner we save them, the safer we will be."

"Mm-hmm, I'll go back and discuss with you the best solution."

At the same time, the stars and the moon were still in the broken house.

"Moon, how can you be so sure that we are in a dilapidated house in the eastern suburbs? I remember that we fainted just after we left the workshop..."

The stars looked at the moon with bewilderment, and the moon laughed mysteriously, "Hey, hey, this Naturally, I have my own unique way of judging. "

"What method, you teach me, I think this skill is really super cool!" the star blinked, looking at the moon expectantly.

The moon looks at the stars and looks forward to it. It can't be said that it depends on talent, although it does have something to do with it.

"I've learned anti tracking, and I'm good at judging from what I see from the window."

"I think your sense of smell or something else is more sensitive, and then you will judge what..."

"Ha ha, of course, there is a little bit of this factor, in short, these are not learned in a day or two, hehe."

"The moon, after we go out, you can teach me, even some simple self-defense skills."

After learning the universal boxing, sometimes you can't get the ability to protect yourself.

"Of course, if you want to learn stars, I will teach you directly, which will save the cost of finding a teacher. Hey, then you will teach me how to play these electronic devices."

It is not only the star's ability to envy the moon is outstanding, but the moon is also very envious of the star. If the star hadn't told him sentence by sentence just now, he would not have known how to send messages to mummy and uncle Ji.

It is also because of her own experience that the moon thinks that this electronic device is really magical sometimes. It can send messages directly to people thousands of miles away with just a few simple tricks.

In short, brothers are often in a state of mutual admiration, but also constantly learning from each other, mutual progress in the process.

"Of course. Hey, we'll be teachers to each other."

"Star, when do you think mommy and uncle Ji can come to us I really want to go home. I miss our big soft bed and my mother's cooking... ""Well, moon, don't say it. If you go on, I really can't swallow my saliva..."

The moon and the stars looked at each other and swallowed.

"It's going to be fast. I have a hunch that mummy and uncle Ji will come and rescue us soon."


After Li Jiansheng went back, he thought twice, organized his language, and then called Huo mu.

Usually at this time, Huo Mu's phone calls were always unanswered. This time, Huo Mu's phone was quickly connected.


"Why do you call me? We agreed. I gave you a sum of money. We will never have any contact again."

Huo Mu's voice is a little anxious, like can't wait to get rid of this terrible burden.

Originally, Li Jiansheng still felt guilty when he made this call. He always felt that he had betrayed Huang Shuyun.

But as soon as he heard Huo's tone and attitude full of disgust, Li Jiansheng's tantrum also came up in an instant.

He sneered, "why, when I sleep with you, your husband yells at me smoothly. If something happens at this moment, you can't wait to kick me away? Ha ha, Huang Shuyun, you are really ruthless."

"You What do you want? I have no money. Now my son has an accident. I tell you, I am a clay Bodhisattva. I can't protect myself. Don't try to search for anything from me. I don't have anything!

Huo's mother is more and more anxious and can't wait to hang up the phone. "If there's nothing wrong, don't call me again. You know Huo Yanshan's spleen Qi and ability. "

"If he knows I'll keep in touch with you, he'll kill me! Neither of us will have a good life!" www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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