"Shuyun, I have some important things I want to talk to you face to face. You can find a chance to come out. I'll wait for you in my old place."

"Why should I listen to you? I have said that we must not be involved in any more. Are you unable to understand people's words?" Huo's mother was impatient.

Li Jiansheng is not a vegetarian. "You don't have to be so anxious to get rid of my relationship. Huang Shuyun, don't forget that we were in bed at that time."

"Enough, don't say any more!" Huo Mu's face changed sharply, and she was busy shouting.

"Li Jiansheng, I warn you, if you dare to expose my photos or let a third person see them, I will definitely hold you together even if I go to hell, and you will never have a good time in your life!"

"ha ha, don't worry, Shuyun, I'm not a light person. I have no way to say so. I really have something important to discuss with you Let's meet then

After hanging up the phone, Huo Mu slammed the phone onto the sofa and angrily swept all the vases and porcelain on the table to the ground.

"It's damned!"

she just finished the violent movement, and suddenly she felt the pain in her abdomen. Her face turned pale and she fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liu ran out and helped her up. "Madam! Madam, what's the matter with you? How do you look so bad? Do you feel sick? I'll call an ambulance right away!"

Huo's mother felt something wrong with her stomach and quickly covered her abdomen. The whole person fell into a more and more panic stricken state.

Sorry, she almost forgot about the pregnancy. Is it true that she is pregnant this time?!

Huo Mu clearly felt something more in her abdomen. For a time, she was very excited, but she was panic stricken.

If she is really pregnant, the child must not have an accident!

"mother Liu, please help me call my husband quickly, and tell him that I fell down and was hospitalized. Let him come to the hospital to see me."

"It's ma'am. I'm going to talk to my husband."

Soon, Huo Mu was rushed by the ambulance to the hospital.

After a hospital examination, it was finally determined that Huo's mother was indeed pregnant. The reason why she would have sudden abdominal pain was a sign of fetal movement. Moreover, Huo's mother was originally an elderly woman, and the possibility of miscarriage was very high and dangerous.

"Ma'am, we suggest that the best way for you to be a child is to leave, because according to your current physical condition, age and other factors, it is not suitable for pregnancy."

"No way! I had a hard time getting pregnant with this child. How could I have done it, no way!"

Huo Mu shook her head without hesitation and denied the doctor's suggestion.

She had to use the child to restrain, continue to use Huoyanshan, how could she kill the child.

What's more, Yan Lin's family has become too lonely now, especially since she and Yan Shan have become DINK people, so this child must stay.

"Madam, our hospital is not trying to force you to do anything. It's just for the consideration of your physical condition. If you leave this child, it's easy to have some special conditions, such as massive bleeding, when you give birth."

Although Huo Mu's face changed, her eyes were still firm.

In her opinion, the belly of this is not just a fetus, this is a cash cow, as long as you can plant this cash tree smoothly, her life will be guaranteed in the future.

"I said it's ok if it's OK. Moreover, my husband and I just experienced the pain of losing our son recently. Do you know what it's like to send a man with white hair to a man with black hair?"

Huo's mother talked about these doctors all the time, so she just started to sell them miserably.

"No matter how dangerous it is, I have to give birth to this child."

Anyway, without children, her glory and wealth will not last long. Sooner or later, she will not be able to live on. Why not choose to gamble.

"Well, ma'am, we will try our best to ensure the safety of you and your child, but you may need to take some tocolysis drugs, otherwise the pregnancy will be very unstable."

"Well, I'll trouble the doctor."

Huo's mother knew that she had no choice, and there was no way out. Now, the child was conceived with great care.

As the saying goes, wealth insurance in demand, high risk accompanied by high yield.

While Huo's mother was lying in the hospital thinking about her next move, Huo's father was told by Liu's mother that Huo's mother suddenly fainted and was sent to the hospital.

After dealing with the matter at hand, Huo Fu rushed to the hospital.

"Shu Yun, what's wrong with your body? How can you faint? Are you all right now? "

Since Huo's mother deliberately flattered and used the means, her father's feelings for her from the beginning of disgust gradually turned to favor, now how much or care about her.

In this regard, Huo Mu admires herself in her heart. Even such a person, she can find a way to play with her. It is only a matter of time before her glory and wealth.

Huo Mu reluctantly smiles and shakes her head. "Yan Shan, why are you here? I'm fine Don't you have something to do? I didn't dare to disturb you, so I asked Mrs. Liu to call for an ambulance to bring me here... ""You are really, how old a person, such a big thing should not say to me, even if I am busy, then your body is more important ah!" Huo father see Huo mother pale, know that she must be physical condition.

"How do you feel now, much better?"

Huo's mother looked at Huo Fu very seriously. After a while, she laughed, "Yan Shan, I have something very important to tell you."

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Huo's father saw Huo's mother's expression of unusual solemnity, and his heart thumped for a moment. He was worried about whether there was something wrong with Huo's mother, or whether her mother had some incurable disease.


Huo mother like to install a pair of do not know how to open mouth appearance, after a long time just slowly open a mouth, "I am pregnant."

"What? ! "

Huo's father stood up and looked at Huo's mother in a daze." what did you say just now? You said you Pregnant? When did it happen? ! "

Huo Mu nodded," well, I just found out that I was pregnant. That night, you went home for dinner, and after drinking a few drinks, you took me to my room Then... "

Huo father suddenly silent, thoughtful looking at Huo mother, seems to be thinking of something.

"Are you sure it was at that time?"

Huo's father looked at her suspiciously, and her eyes hurt her very much. Obviously, Huo Fu began to doubt whether the child was his kind or not.

"Yan Shan, what do you mean? Do you think I'm pregnant with another man's child? "

" I didn't expect that you would think of me like this, Yan Shan. You really let me down. I was really happy to have a baby. My first thought of salvation was to tell you the good news, but I didn't expect you to... "

"Since the last wedding, I haven't got in touch with that man any more, and I haven't had anything to do with it. Anyway, I've said everything that should be said. Since you don't believe me, I don't think it's meaningful for me to have this baby. Anyway, the doctor suggests that I still do it. After all, I'm an old woman with a high risk of childbirth."

Huo Mu no longer spoke, coldly turned her face aside and did not speak.

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