
The stars and the moon cried out with one voice, staring at Huo Yanlin, doubting that he was wrong, he rubbed his eyes specially.

Ji Tongsheng is also extremely shocked. He is stunned in situ and looks at Huo Yanlin motionlessly.

"Yanlin, are you back?! You're really back! How wonderful! I knew you would be all right! "

The stars and the moon stumbled to Huo Yanlin, while still muttering, "my God, I should not be dreaming, I really saw dad, Dad's body has temperature! It's warm! "

The stars and the moon to Huo Yanlin's various "salty pig's hands" only to make sure that everything in front of him is real, not a dream.

"Daddy, are you ok?! Are you really OK? "

Huo Yanlin looked at the two precious sons who had not seen each other for a long time, and held them in his arms and rubbed their heads.

I really miss the uproar of two children.

Now seeing that his wife and children are here, Huo Yanlin feels that his life is complete. Without their company, life can't be called life at all.

After mutual warmth, Huo Yanlin and Ji Tongsheng talked about some things.

Two people stand at the end of the hospital corridor, Huo Yanlin smoked a cigarette.

Ji Tongsheng is excited and happy to see his good brother come back safe and sound.

"Yan Lin, what happened that night, but I always believe that you can come back safely, because that night when we salvage, only your car was salvaged."

Huo Yanlin was thoughtfully silent for a long time. "This matter comes to me. I can be sure that the traffic accident I encountered that night was man-made."

Huo Yanlin snuffed out his cigarette end. "Let's not talk about this for the time being. What does Qingsen say about Shutong's condition? When can I have an operation?"

"Shutong's condition is quite special. Qingsen discussed several plans with these experts, and finally determined an operation plan with the least risk. As for when to operate, it has to wait for Shutong's various functions To achieve the specified value, in order to maximize the success of the operation

"In addition, you also know that surgery is a bit risky. No doctor can guarantee a 100% completion rate, so..."

Huo Yanlin nodded slowly, "well, I understand the situation, but anyway, I still hope the operation can be 100% successful."

"During my absence, thanks to the care of Shutong and the two children by you and Qingsen, I just came back, and there are a lot of things to deal with. Qingsen, please contact me, let's meet for dinner in the evening, and I'd like to discuss some matters with you."



Soon, the news of Huo Yanlin's return was on hot search.

Naturally, the major news media will not let go of such a big hot news, so they think of strange ways.

"Huo Yanlin, the president of Ruihe group, came back from the dead? Is this a premeditated plan or a breathtaking one?"

"will the first thing after Huo Yanlin's return be revenge on his wife Wen Shutong?"


Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong looked at the news reports and tried to laugh, but they couldn't.

"Yan Lin, you see, it's all you blame. Everyone blames me. They say that I'm a snake and a scorpion. I deliberately called you when you were driving, and then planned to murder you and seize the equity of Ruihe group..."

Wen Shutong pinched Huo Yanlin's waist, but he was also reluctant to use a lot of strength.

She was tickling. Huo Yanlin hugged her with a smile, "wife, you're right. It's all my fault. Don't worry. I'll severely punish these unscrupulous media and those who frame you up! Clean up my wife's reputation! "

Speaking of news, Huo Yanlin remembered one thing.

"Some time ago, did those media still spread that you had an affair with Huo Yihong, the new president of Yanhong group?"

as soon as Huo Yihong was mentioned, Wen Shutong immediately thought of the immoral request he put forward, and his face changed slightly and frowned.

After noticing the change of her face, Huo Yanlin asked again, "what's the matter? It seems that Huo Yihong is not a good thing, which has offended my wife?"

Huo Yanlin has seen the gossip news for a long time, but his first reaction when he saw the gossip news was that he couldn't.

He absolutely believes in Wen Shutong's feelings for himself, but when he saw the illustrations on the news, Huo felt uncomfortable.

Wen Shutong was silent for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth, "Yan Lin, I don't think Huo Yihong is a good man. Of course, he didn't do anything to hurt me, just..."

Speaking of this, wenshutong was stunned.

"I think he is a very complicated person. I thought he was very good when I contacted him before, but later I thought he was hypocritical."

Huo Yanlin slightly frowned, "it sounds, we Shutong and he also had contact?"Wen Shutong gave him a bad look. "It's not because of you. If you hadn't had an accident and didn't come back for such a long time, I need to work hard for Ruihe group."

"Not long after your accident, these people were covetous and wanted to swallow Ruihe group one by one. Seeing that Ruihe group was going to have an accident, I had to find a way to save it. So I talked with Huo Yihong about the cooperation project before."

"Well, I'm wrong about this. I made my wife worried. I made my wife so tired. I was wrong!"

"How about the cooperation you talked about with him?"

Wen Shutong snorted coldly, "it's not so good, it's not happy to break up. I don't want to cooperate with people like him. Yanlin, you don't want to cooperate with him. There's something wrong with this person."

Huo Yanlin was in a good mood and nodded with a smile, "well, my dearest wife has spoken. I have to listen to my wife! Don't worry, Ruihe group won't cooperate with Yanhong group any more. "

"You just came back, there are a lot of things at home. Oh, by the way, I'll tell you something."

Wen Shutong thought of an important thing, "before you left me the equity, or take back to be responsible for it."

"What's the matter? Don't want to? You don't dislike me because I didn't come back these days and didn't accompany you..."

Huo Yanlin blinked and blinked, showing a very aggrieved expression. He looked at Wen Shutong with some surprise in his heart.

Wen Shutong silently pushed his face away from his eyes and looked at him with disgust. "I hope it's because I dislike you, but I'm afraid you're too late, I love you too late, and I don't have time to dislike you."

Huo Yanlin's heart was in full bloom, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to his ears.

"What's the reason for that?"

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