Wen Shutong frowned. After a thoughtful silence for a moment, he slowly opened his mouth: "this is not a problem I want or not to have. This is a hot potato, at least in my place, it is really hot potato."

"What's the matter? Is something going on?"

Huo Yanlin gently stroked Wen Shutong's hair. This is a small action when they are alone, and it is also a small action that Wen Shutong is used to.

As if he was grooming animals, Wen Shutong's irascible mood would always be calmer at this time.

"During your absence, a lot of people have thought of all kinds of wonderful ways to take away my shares, you know? Coercion and inducement, both soft and hard, in short, they want these shares for one purpose."

Wen Shutong was very helpless. "Now these shares are like Tangseng meat in my hands. Sooner or later, they will attract all kinds of demons and ghosts, so I think I still have to give it to you, the demon king."

Huo Yanlin raised his eyebrows and was puzzled.

"Of course, who dares to rob what you have in your hand, isn't it?"

"well, for the time being, I believe my wife. Who makes you my wife? Her words are bigger than the sky."

Huo Yanlin couldn't help smiling and shaking his head, "you still keep these shares. I'm really moved. Shutong, you can hold these shares with such a strong persistence, and Ruihe group also has Ruihe group."

Speaking of this, Huo Yanlin's eyes are moist.

"I know how difficult it has been for you during this period. I had someone secretly send you a message telling you that I am still alive, but I have to feign death for a while to complete some things, but I didn't expect that you didn't see the note..."

Huo Yanlin's eyes and eyebrows are full of heartache.

"You are my treasure. I wish I could hold you in my heart 24 hours a day. I can't bear to see that you have been wronged a little. But this time, I fell such a big fall and hurt you to suffer so much injustice. I really don't feel very good in my heart."

Wen Shutong also felt a little sour in his heart. He was more fortunate and moved.

She was glad that Huo Yanlin came back safe and sound. As long as he could come back safely, all the grievances she had suffered before seemed to be less important.

Even, it's nothing at all.

Nothing is more important than Huo Yanlin.

"Yanlin, before you had an accident, I always felt that I was strong enough and independent enough. But then I found out that it was you who protected me and my children with your arms. My worries were nothing at all."

"Many people are surprised that I, a psychology major, can support the moribund Ruihe group in a short time. Even I can't believe why."

Wen Shutong pauses, then shows a light but firm smile.

"Later I want to understand, because I love you, you know, I love you more than I love myself, so I am willing to try my best to keep your things, because I don't want to see you sad when you come back."

The smile on Wen Shutong's face was deeper. "I hope to be a woman who can stand with you side by side. I hope to be an eagle flying in the sky with you, instead of a bird that you protect in your arms. Do you understand? I love you."

Huo Yanlin was deeply touched. At this moment, he felt a strong emotion in his heart, which was about to break through his body and fly to wenshutong.

Maybe it's his heart.

"Shutong, I love you."

"I love you, too, very much."

Huo Yanlin hugs Wen Shutong tightly. He doesn't want to waste every minute and every second of his time with her. Life is so short that he can't waste any more. He must cherish every minute and every second.

"Yan Lin, the operation is going to be carried out tomorrow, isn't it?"

Huo Yanlin nodded, "well, we can have surgery tomorrow."

Said, Huo Yanlin rubs Wen Shutong's hair, "you don't need to be nervous and don't have any psychological burden. Qingsen has also said that the operation can be successfully completed."

Wen Shutong nodded with a smile, "I hope so."

What's more, as long as she doesn't know how many operations are required, what's more, as long as she doesn't know how much surgery is the highest risk.

"You'll ask Mrs. Liu to come here with the stars and the moon later. I want to see them."

Huo Yanlin felt Wen Shutong's worry and held her hand tightly. "Shutong, I said there would be nothing wrong with you. No matter how much it costs, I will certainly let you recover."

"I will ask Liu Ma to come with the stars and the moon to accompany you and chat with you later, so as not to be too nervous."

Wen Shutong couldn't help laughing, "I said, you are so nervous about me, don't you forget what I do in my profession?"

Huo Yanlin pinched Wen Shutong's cheek, "of course, I know that as a psychologist, your inner emotions will be well controlled.""But I want you to know, no matter what, I will always be with you, and the stars and the moon, we will accompany you together."

The feeling of having a family is really warm. Wen Shutong smiles and nods, "OK, OK, I know. You always emphasize it in my ear. How many times has it been..."

"It's not enough to say it many times. I just want to keep saying it all the time, so that you won't be confused if you are upset, right..."

The time between them passed quickly.

Back in this period of time, Huo Yanlin with a quick knife to cut the chaos of thunder means to solve a lot of things.

First of all, Ruihe group.

Before, although Wen Shutong temporarily stabilized Ruihe group, but later he failed to go due to physical reasons. In addition, he was framed and had improper relationship with Huo Yihong. Ruihe group was once again agitated.

Fortunately, there is Xiao Liu, who has been doing his best to support Ruihe group.

On that day, Xiao Liu once again received resignation letters from several employees, which was how many times he did not remember receiving these things.

However, as the saying goes, it's not sweet to try to turn things around. Of course, Xiao Liu knows why these employees want to leave their jobs, and does not intend to force them.

He emphasized with these people in advance that the one who walked out of the gate of Ruihe group today would not be allowed to step into Ruihe group no matter what kind of development Ruihe group has become.

It is also because of this, Ruihe group in Huo Yanlin back is not so messy, everything is still in order.

Xiao Liu is sorting out the documents, but when he looks up, he sees boss standing in front of him. His first reaction is whether he didn't sleep well last night. He even has hallucinations

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