Huo Yihong shook his head while shaking his glass. If he knew, he would not be at a loss here.

"Although we are much cleaner now, we are not going to be any better."

Zhao Linrui pressed the position of his eyes with his finger belly. Huo Yanlin left, Zhao Linyang left, and Fei orange also left. They were much cleaner in an instant.

Originally thought it would be much easier, but a Ling Fei disrupted all their plans.

The two men stayed in the bar for a long time before leaving, but they didn't notice three pairs of deep and sharp eyes staring at them in the corner.

"One Ling Fei can't fight. There will be many bitter days for them."

Liang Liang is happy in his heart and drinks up the wine in the cup.

Huo Yanlin and Zhao Linyang are also in high spirits. They look at each other with a smile. After touching the glass, they put the cup to their lips.

Yes, they came back, in a different identity, in a different posture.

This time, Huo Yanlin did not rely on any background and influence of the Huo family. He started from scratch. Zhao Linyang was also cured by Wen Shutong. They are making a comeback and the king is back.

The next morning, Wen Shutong was woken up by the noise of the stars and the moon.

After the two little guys returned home, they were so excited that they wanted to go to the amusement park. Wen Shutong looked at the two little guys, but he couldn't help but pick up the corners of his mouth.

After Wen Shutong came back, she reestablished her own office. With Jiang Xing there and without Huo Yihong's interference, she was much more clean and relaxed.

"Mommy is the best. Finally, I can go to the amusement park again."

"Moon, you wait for me."

Two little guys got on the car noisily, and Wen Shutong also got on the car.

Huo Yanlin and Zhao Linyang have had too much work recently. I'm afraid they don't have time to play with the stars and the moon.

"Mommy, why did we move?"

When Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong left at the beginning, they sold their former villa. Now they just bought the villa. Naturally, they feel fresh.

"Yes, can't we live in the old house?"

The dark eyes of the two little guys looked at Wen Shutong's face.

Wen Shutong quickly brainstorming. The two children are still young, but they are already very sensitive. She has to find a reason that they can trust.

Finally, Wen Shutong snapped his fingers and his eyes brightened. "That's because Uncle Linyang has stood up and started a new life. So we should celebrate together and share happiness. Haven't you found that I have replaced all your things? It's not just the house. "

As for the concept of Nirvana rebirth, Wen Shutong was afraid that the two children were too young to understand. He could only explain it in such a popular language and gave them a lesson.

"Mm-hmm, I know. We have to start over again and cheer on."

"Yes, let's go."

Looking at the two little guys clapping their hands, Wen Shutong breathed a sigh of relief and finally solved the problem.

Today is the weekend. There are too many people in the amusement park. Fortunately, the two kids are sensible. They are afraid that Wen Shutong is too tired to queue up. So they will go home after playing several projects.

In order to reward them for their understanding of themselves, Wen Shutong decided to take his two children to buy toys.

After the two little guys entered the toy store, they were very happy. They looked left and right, which made Wen Shutong very happy.

"Wen Shutong, why are you here?"

The familiar voice makes Wen Shutong's mouth rise slightly. She turns her head slowly. Her eyes turn to Li Huanhuan, who is holding a toy in her hand.

"Huanhuan, this is good..."

Huang Shuyun also saw Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong had thought for a long time that since they were coming back, the day would come sooner or later, but she didn't expect that it would come so quickly and suddenly.

Two people to one, they certainly have more confidence, this is Huang Shuyun and Li Huanhuan two people now the same idea.

What's more, Li Huanhuan's baby is Huo Yanlin's, so good news, they just took this opportunity to tell Wen Shutong.

"See you again."

Wen Shutong's lips are slightly crooked, and her face is calm. She has long looked away from her. All kinds of actions of these two people are to find her unhappy. Why should she care.

However, after a month's absence, Huang Shuyun and Li Huanhuan can clearly feel that Wen Shutong has a little more elegant temperament, which makes Li Huanhuan more jealous.

But she always had a way to make Wen Shutong angry.

Thinking of this, she raised her eyebrows slightly, raised her head and straightened her chest, and looked at Wen Shutong with more momentum.

"Do you know why we're here?"

Wen Shutong continued to choose toys, with a look of indifference. "Why are you here? What does it have to do with me?"On wenshutong's delicate profile, Li Huanhuan bowed his head, stretched out his slender fingers and covered his abdomen, "I'm pregnant, 32 days."

In a word, let Wen Shutong choose toys suddenly, and the corners of her mouth are uncontrollable.

At the same time, Huo Yanwei knew exactly what time was 32 days away from her.

She bit the back teeth, trying to keep herself calm.

Turning her head, she looked at Li Huanhuan's abdomen with a 45 degree angle rising arc.

"You want to threaten me with this? I'm afraid you've made a wrong calculation. "

Wen Shutong has already thought very clearly. After so many things, she and Huo Yanlin have been deeply impressed. Nothing can damage their relationship, even now.

"I'm not threatening you. I just want to tell you that, after all, this child belongs to Yan Lin and is the grandson of the Huo family."

Li Huanhuan said more proud, Wen Shutong is still a face of calm.

Even the corners of her mouth wiped a rising radian, which made Li Huanhuan unable to understand.

"What are you laughing at?"

Looking at Wen Shutong, Li Huanhuan's defensive heart rises. She thinks Wen Shutong is not crazy.

"What am I laughing at? I laugh you are too naive, Huo Yihong's identity, the Huo family did not also know, the result now? It's not the same. It's a lost dog. "

"You Wen Shutong... "

Not to Wen Shutong gas to, Li Huanhuan is first angry, she put the line of sight for help in Huang Shuyun's face.

Huang Shuyun cleared his throat. When he looked at Wen Shutong, his eyes were full of disdain.

"How can Huo Yihong compare with my grandson of Huang Shuyun? Although we all know Huo Yihong, the Huo family has never admitted his identity. Yan Shan and I have made it clear that he is the same as your two children." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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