Wen Shutong does not feel cold because Huang Shuyun supports Li Huanhuan. She has been used to it for a long time.

"Equal to my two children? There's no need. Yan Lin has already cut off the relationship with you. How you treat your children is your own business. It has nothing to do with my two children. "

Wen Shutong reminds Huang Shuyun that their affairs have nothing to do with the Huo family.

Hearing this, Huang Shuyun, who has just been rightful, seems to be a ball that has let out her breath. For a while, she has no confidence.

When Huo Yanlin left because of her embarrassment with Wen Shutong, he returned the company to her and sent back all the things he had taken from Huo's family.

He was so cruel that Huang Shuyun felt palpitation when he thought about it.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go shopping with the kids first."

After nodding politely to Li Huanhuan and Huang Shuyun, Wen Shutong raises his feet to leave.

However, after two steps, she stopped again, "by the way, I will tell Yanlin about the child's affairs, and I will let him contact you in person."

With that, Wen Shutong left. In order not to let the child think more, she did not bring the stars and the moon to say hello to Huang Shuyun. Instead, she bought good things and went home quietly.

When they got home, Huo Yanlin and Zhao Linyang were already there. Because the stars and the moon did not see Huang Shuyun and Li Huanhuan, they did not say much after they came back.

Now is not the best time to talk to Huo Yanlin. Wen Shutong goes to the kitchen to be busy first.

Sister Lin is Wen Shutong's new aunt. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"You don't look very well, grandma."

She is not in the state of Wentong.

"Not really. I've been wandering for a long time today. I'm a little tired."

After all, it is impossible for Wen Shutong to tell Mrs. Lin about Li Huanhuan.

"Then you go up and have a rest, and I'll come for dinner."

Wen Shutong shook his head, but he was absent-minded when he chose the dishes.

At the dinner table, in order not to let other people see the clue, Wen Shutong tries to keep his face calm.

After dinner, Huo Yanlin finally went upstairs.

Wen Shutong took a deep breath. After drinking a cup of hot water, he also went upstairs.

"I've been shopping with my children for a whole day. I'm tired," Wen Shutong just came in, and Huo Yanlin's voice of concern rang.

He put his hands on Wen Shutong's shoulders and massaged her while pushing her to sit on the bed.

Feeling the man's unique cold pine fragrance, Wen Shutong's eyes flashed slightly, and put his hand on Huo Yanlin's hand, "I have something to tell you."

Wen Shutong is sitting in a critical position. Huo Yanlin raises his eyebrows. He has not seen Wen Shutong look so serious for a long time.

Dragging a stool to sit in front of Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin looked at her affectionately, "what's the matter, say it slowly."

At the same time, he raised his hand and affectionately lifted Wen Shutong's broken hair to the back of his ear.

"Li Huanhuan is pregnant, 32 days."

Wen Shutong's words made Huo Yanlin's hair lifting move suddenly stiff.

It is a moment of time, Huo Yanlin face of gentle full, followed by a face of seriousness.

"Are you sure?"

Huo Yanlin asked more about children's affairs.

"It should be. I met them in the toy store today. They were all there."

Wen Shutong knows that it has become taboo to mention Huang Shuyun in front of Huo Yanlin, so she simply avoids the past directly and cleverly.

Pick eyebrows, Huo Yanlin if thoughtful to look at Wen Shutong, "sorry."

These three words contain too much, including the unfairness of the Huo family to Wen Shutong, including Huang Shuyun's prejudice against her, and now. Although he didn't mean to, this child must make Wen Shutong unhappy.

Wen Shutong can understand Huo Yanlin's mood and know his suffering.

"I support you in whatever decisions you make."

Wen Shutong only gave Huo Yanlin this sentence. As for the rest, she thought Huo Yanlin should know more about what to do than she did.

"Well, I respect Li Huanhuan's decision, but this child has nothing to do with me."

His attitude is very clear, it is impossible to give up his favorite and family because of his own mistakes.

Wen Shutong nods. They can't force Li Huanhuan to remove the child, so what they can do is to draw a line with her.

After returning from the shopping mall, Li Huanhuan and Huang Shuyun felt very heavy, especially Huang Shuyun. She did not dare to face Wen Shutong again.

"Godmother, this child, is not to add trouble to the Huo family, or, better not to stay."

When he said this, Li Huanhuan's burning eyes looked at Huang Shuyun's face.She thought that maybe Huang Shuyun already had this idea, but it must be different when she said it from her mouth.

Now she can only bet, bet Huang Shuyun's balance in her heart is still leaning towards her direction.

Li Huanhuan's voice pulled back Huang Shuyun's thoughts. She looked at Li Huanhuan's abdomen and shook her head after thinking for a few seconds.

"No, without this child, Wen Shutong might have jumped much higher in the Huo family, and you can see how she vowed to break away from the Huo family today."

"The stars and the moon are also here today. She didn't ask them to say hello to me. These two grandchildren are not mine for a long time. My grandson only has one in your stomach."

When Huang Shuyun said this, he was so excited that Huo Yanlin's movements on the feet of the porch suddenly stopped and the corners of his mouth sank.

"Is it?"

Familiar voice, simple two words let Huang Shuyun's pupil suddenly a shock, she how can't think, Huo Yanlin will appear in the old house at this time, but also heard her say such words.

"I I mean... "

Huang Shuyun was short of words for a time. In the end, he was still guilty.

If Huo Yanlin was guilty of breaking up with Huang Shuyun, he completely put it down after hearing what he had just said. Maybe people didn't want his son and his two grandchildren at all.

Didn't she say that just now? Her grandson is the only one in Li Huanhuan's stomach.

"Schoolmaster, you are back..."

Seeing Huo Yanlin again, a flash of light flashed through Li Huanhuan's rare eyes.

This man did not see for a month, take off the halo of Huo family, as if more energetic.

At this time, Huang Shuyun also calmed down her mood. She turned her head and looked at the servant.

"Pour tea to the young master soon!"

Huang Shuyun orders, just still in the hair of the servant also responded, quickly turned into the kitchen.

"No, just a few words. I'll go when I'm finished."

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