Wen Shutong touched her head, and his face was meaningful. "Lin Chen is a good man. You can marry him. Don't think so much about it. Just understand that you like him and he likes you

"I, think again."

The original indecisive choice, after Lin Shu's affirmation, Yin Hong wavered.

The stars and the moon two little fools are also human spirits. When they hear the news of Yin Hong's marriage, they are all excited to clap their hands there.

Several people also made some jokes, which made Yin Hong feel more comfortable.


For a few days, Yin Hong's thoughts were restless. Although she said that she wanted to agree with him, she still didn't know how to talk to Lin Chen.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Lin Chen finds that Yin Hong is hiding herself. She has gone to the company for several times, but she has not been seen.

In front of the French window, Lin Chen took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. The smoke surrounded by clouds was blowing out slowly from his mouth, showing a slight impatience.

He didn't smoke again for a long time.

"Brother What's the trouble of staying up so late? "

Seeing that the light in the living room was on, Lin Shu, who was wearing casual clothes, rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked unintentionally.

"It's OK. It's getting late. Go to bed." Smell speech, Lin Chen snuffed out the spark of the cigarette end, threw it to the side of the ashtray, birth and death, knead Lin Shu's hair, soft voice.

Lin Shu nodded and looked at his mobile phone screen hanging on his side, thinking deeply. If she didn't read it wrong, it seemed that there were red photos on the screen?

Is her brother in conflict with the high spirited?


Lin Chen's marriage proposal and Huo Yihong's lawsuit press Yin Hong step by step, which always looks like a knife hanging on her head, which makes her never peaceful for a moment.

The company even busy for a few days, Yin Hong is a little restless, she fidgety with her hands to rub the temple, the clear and sweet bell suddenly rings, there is a phone call.


"Sister Yin Hong, are you free this afternoon? I want to see you. " Across the phone came a sweet voice. Yin Hong recognized that it was Lin Chen's sister, Lin Shu.

"Yes, free." After all, Lin Chen's younger sister still has to give her face, but Yin Hong is very curious and confused. At this time, Lin Shu comes to her. What's the matter?

Although he didn't want to see Lin Shu before because of Wen Shutong's affairs, now everyone has put it down.

Yin Hong had no prejudice against Lin Shu.

Lin Shu's words with the meaning of familiar reading, like an old friend reminiscent of the general, "then meet in the forest wood cafe, just for a period of time did not drink coffee there."

In the afternoon, Mori cafe.

The time when they came to the cafe was almost the same. As the host, Lin Shu had already reserved the place and coffee.

They sat face-to-face on the second floor by the window. The atmosphere of the cafe was very good, and the music was played in the front desk.

"Sister Yin Hong, I haven't had a chance before. I'd like to thank you for helping me at the party."

With that, Lin Shu shook his steaming cup and sipped his coffee.

She had a gentle smile on her face. "You know, when I was very young, my family got separated by accident, and now I'm back. Although I haven't been with my family for 20 years, and I haven't felt my brother's love for me, I still believe in him

Yin Hong didn't know what Lin Shu said. So she looked at Lin Shu with a little perplexity and said, "lucky people have their own natural appearance. Maybe it's the fate of heaven that makes you meet again."

"Yes, the fate of that day made me and my family meet again. In a short period of time, I felt the endless care and love of the Lin family for me, and also let me know more about my brother's conduct. I believe his love for Yan Hongjie is because I have never seen him treat a person so good that even my sister is jealous. I think this is like it?"

With that, Yin Hong vaguely understood Lin Shu's intention.

Sure enough.

When you look at the coffee, you will smile. I hope you will have a good love for me

Since he discovered that Lin Chen often smokes in front of the French windows in the living room at night, Lin Shu often knocks from his secretary, and finally hears about Lin Chen's proposal to Yin Hong.

She said, no wonder her brother is so unhappy recently. It turns out that Yin Hong refused to marry him.

After thinking about it, Lin Shu finally thought of such a way and secretly went to do ideological work for Yin Hong without her brother's knowledge.

It has to be said that Lin Shu's success once again shakes Yin Hong. One person's words may have prejudice, but what about one person, two people, three people?

Maybe to marry Lin Chen is what she wants! There is a little sweetness in the heart.

As soon as Lin Shu left, Lin Chen knew what she was doing. After learning about the conversation between the two people in the coffee shop, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing, "this old and strange little girl!"When Lin Chen proposed to Yin Hong again, he was still worried, but he looked at Yin Hong firmly. The bright crimson Rose Diamond Ring in the box glittered, revealing some ancient charm.

"I will."

Yin Hong closed her eyes and gently put a kiss on Lin Chen's cheek. She had liked him. Now the result is very good, isn't it?


Marriage can't be done overnight. After all, there is engagement before marriage, and there are all kinds of processes. It's very troublesome.

Because of Yin Hong's insistence, she refused to let Lin Chen get involved in this matter. Now Yin Hong has agreed to his proposal, and they are one family. Yin Hong naturally ignores his actions.

Huo Yihong had just knocked the judge behind him, and Lin Chen followed him. The judge was caught in the middle and was in a dilemma at both ends.

Although Huo Yihong's ability is not small, but it is just Huo Yihong. Only one Huo Yihong can not represent the whole Huo family, and Lin Chen can represent the whole Lin family!

The status of the two people immediately met. In addition, according to the law, the situation was inclined to Yin Hong, and the children should be awarded Yin Hong for public and private affairs.

If the judge wants to finally award Yin Hong the right to raise the child, he will not bend the law for selfish ends.

Within a few thoughts, the judge already has a decision in mind.

When the court was held again, the result was not unexpected. Yin Hong successfully won the custody of the child, and Zhou Cheng returned with a full fight.

After all, it was the Huo family and the Lin family who participated in the case. The attention was not small. His career and reputation rose to a new height.

Although the matter has come to an end, some things have not been solved.

For example, Lin Chen promised to marry Yin Hong.

Marriage is a wonderful word.

Two people who love each other, have experienced many hardships and frustrations, and finally come together happily. Of course, we should pay attention to such things.

In Yin Hong does not know the case, Lin Chen quietly planned a grand wedding for her, trying to give her a surprise.

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