Lanlan group, President's office.

The exchange of roles between the two was quite different from the scene in the court that day.

This time, Yin Hong sits on the sofa with her legs up and looks at Huo Yihong.

Yin Hong picked her eyebrows and said, "what's the wind today? It's so big that the president of Yanhong group has been blown over?"

Different from Yin Hong's calmness, Huo Yihong's face was a bit angry and angry, "Yin Hong, you have a cruel heart!"

Before Huo Yihong's action was vigorous, Yin Hong was no exception.

After the court's judgment, Yin Hong immediately let Lanlan group withdraw from the cooperation with Yanhong and terminate the contract unilaterally on the ground that Yanhong's lack of funds led to problems in the project.

Lan Lan group's attitude is tough, do not give Yanhong time, do not let him find any excuse.

Yanhong company used to invest a lot of assets because of the cooperation with Lanlan group. Now Lanlan group suddenly withdraws its capital and the contract project is forced to terminate.

All the investment of Yanhong company in the early stage was all in vain. The stock market was extremely turbulent and fell down one after another. Yanhong almost collapsed.

Huo Yihong didn't understand that the project side he invested in was actually a person secretly sent by Yin Hong. He didn't know that all his investments actually injected the principal into Lanlan group.

If he had known, he would have vomited blood in his heart.

A trap down, Yanhong group suffered heavy losses, Lanlan group benefited a lot, even better!

With a pleasant smile on her face, she sipped the tea in her cup and refused to comment on Huo Yihong's blame.

"What kind-hearted or not, President Huo. My temple here can't accommodate you, the Buddha who abandoned his wife and son. If there is nothing important, please leave Mr. Huo."

The same surname is Huo, the same is the Huo family, why the two people's character is so extreme?

Sometimes, Yin Hong's heart will inevitably have doubts, but when Yin Hong sees Lin Chen who pushes the door and enters, she has a sincere smile on her face.

But it doesn't matter. What matters is that now she meets someone who can really accompany her life.

The handsome man and the beautiful woman left the office hand in hand.

However, a lot of time, there will be staff to urge Huo Yihong to leave, the host is not in, what's the meaning of the guests staying here?

Not to mention that this guest is the president of their rival Yanhong company.

Huo Yihong's eyes are dark, cold looking at the two people away from the back, only feel a dark tide cold mood in his heart fermentation breeding.

The gloomy and low breath made him extremely angry and dark, and all the people were not satisfied with him.

Yanhong company suffered heavy losses, and his employees talked about it in succession. His family was not like his family, and the company was not like the company. It seemed that all the bad things fell on him.

"Yin Hong, Yin Hong..."


And the source of all this bad luck, Huo Yihong is counted in Yin Hong's body!

Yin Hong and Lin Chen get married. The people of the Lin family basically know about it. Lin Shu also sincerely wishes the two of them, hoping that they can really walk together.

The two made preparations and decided to hold the wedding.

For Lin Chen, meeting Yin Hong is the greatest fortune in his life, so he can't treat Yin Hong unfairly, or let her just simply get a certificate and not give her a wedding.

"Have you decided on the time of the wedding?" Wen Shutong handed over a basin of fruit and asked.

The two of them were too anxious to get the certificate. It was said that Mrs. Lin was not particularly happy, but because of Lin Chen's face, she never said anything.

However, Mrs. Lin is only a little unhappy about Yin Hong's having a child, but the whole person is still very good.

Yin Hong took a drink of water, picked up a piece of fruit and nodded, "it's probably confirmed that at the end of this month, we want to hold a wedding earlier."

"It's a rush, and you have to try the wedding dress. By the way, has your wedding dress been customized?" Wen Shutong was surprised to hear that he was in such a hurry.

She thought that they had got the certificate now, so she could take it a little longer. Maybe they would hold the wedding after half a year.

Yin Hong shook her head. "Lin Chen said that the faster we two hold the wedding ceremony, the more favorable it is for me. Now Lan Lan has offended Yan Hong. Although Huo Yihong is an illegitimate child, how to say it, outsiders will be more or less afraid of his Huo family's son's reputation."

After a pause, she continued: "people outside don't know that Lin Chen and I are married. Because of this, many partners have cancelled the cooperation with us Lanlan. Now the best way is to let everyone know that Lin Chen is our supporter now."

Lin Chen represents the whole Lin family. No one is willing to compete with a Lin family for the sake of an illegitimate child. No one is so stupid.

Although she started LAN LAN to deal with Huo Yihong at first, now she has feelings for LAN LAN. She has employees under her hand. She needs to be responsible for those employees and herself.Moreover, she has a lot of supportive friends, so even for these friends, she can't let Lan Lan collapse.

"Have you decided when to see the wedding dress?" Wen Shutong asked.

"Yes, next week. You'll come with me then."

Smell speech, Wen Shutong a little surprised, "I?"

"Yes, Lin Chen may have to see a very important client at that time, and just go to have a look, and you just give me advice." Yin Hong nodded and said.

In fact, she has other plans in mind. Wen Shutong has been in a bad mood for such a long time. She doesn't seem to be particularly happy at home. She really doesn't want her to continue to be so depressed.

Moreover, the stars and the moon can't follow Wen Shutong forever. Huo's family can't agree.

If that's the case, things will only be bad for Shutong. She doesn't want to see Shutong separate from the stars and the moon.

"Yes, I promise to go with you." Wen Shutong agreed to her.

Anyway, I'm free. I'd better find something for myself. There's nothing wrong with the office recently.

Hearing that Shutong agreed, Yin Hong was relieved.

The stars and the moon were having a good time. When they heard that Shutong said that they would go with Yin Hong, they immediately rushed up and asked, "Mom, where are you and aunt Yinhong going?"

"Why, do you two little things want to go?" Asked Yin Hong, hanging a star's nose.

Star touched his face. In fact, he heard aunt Yin Hong say where she was going. Although she was going to try on her wedding dress, they really wanted to go.

"Can we go then?" The moon asked earnestly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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