Wen Shutong nodded: "well, so I said that the situation is worse. Because through my dialogue with her, I found that her moral values are relatively weak. "

After listening to Wen Shutong's words, Lin Chen gave a bitter smile.

How much morality can a man like his nephew and point a gun at his nephew's daughter-in-law's head?

"She went through a lot in her early years, and it's no surprise that she's now." Lin Chen Dao.

Wen Shutong also nodded: "although Yin Hong was nearly hit by a car that time, it may not be him, but I am sure that BMW must be related to him, and Ruihe company's successive heavy attacks must also be related to her."

Lin Chen stopped and said, "can I help you?"

If it is normal, Lin Chen will not say this sentence, because although their relationship with each other is good, but in this respect is very clear.

But in any case, Ruihe's hit this time has something to do with him, so he can't stand idly by.

Huo Yanlin, who has never opened his mouth, waved his hand: "Ruihe has me. You should tidy up the things in front of you first."

Lin Chen smell speech also had to nod: "that is good, but once she has what big action, you can inform me at any time."

Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin nodded at the same time and then turned to leave the hospital.

Huo Yanlin started the car, looked at the side of his head, dropped his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. Wen Shutong said in a low voice: "what are you thinking?"

Wen Shutong said: "I wonder why Lin Qin's main contradiction lies in Lin Chen and Yin Hong. Why does she order people to attack Ruihe?"

The warm yellow light in the car hit Huo Yanlin's face, making his facial features sharper and sharper.

He gently raised his lips and laughed. He downplayed the sharpness of his facial features and added a bit of doting: "today, I heard your analysis in the hospital. I thought you knew it. It turned out to be a blind guess."

Wen Shutong turned his head and glared at him angrily: "I'm not Zhuge Liang. Do you expect me to win thousands of miles away from my strategy?"

Seeing his wife lose his temper, Huo Yanlin did not continue to tease, solemnly opened his mouth: "do you remember what Lin Qin said to Lin Chen today? She said she firmly believed that Lin Chen would stand by her side. Do you think it's just her arrogance? "

"You mean..." Wen Shutong's heart had a vague guess.

Huo Yanlin said in a deep voice: "yes, she wants to play a comeback again."

Wen Shutong's eyes widened: "her original intention should be to use the Huo family to bring down the Lin family, and then work with Lin Chen to rescue the Lin family in the fire?"

"Well." Huo Yanlin wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Now that we know, can these stop losses in time?"

"It's late." Huo Yanlin lowered his voice, "she used the power of the Lin family to launch attacks one after another. Now Ruihe is in a strong momentum. If ignored, it will only lead to a greater crisis."

Wen Shutong said his guess in a trembling voice: "if we fight back, the Lin family will fall into crisis again In this way, he can join hands with Lin Chen to save the Lin family again. "

Huo Yanlin means unidentified smile: "still really is a madman, crazy also quite thoroughly."

"What now?" Wen Shutong inexplicably looked at Huo Yanlin's smile, "you still smile!"

"Don't worry," Huo Yanlin clapped Wen Shutong with one hand. "If it is confirmed that he is, we only need the Lin family to play a good play with us."

"What's the good play?" Wen Shutong really doesn't know much about business. At the moment, he blinks his eyes and looks at Huo Yanlin seriously, just like a student seeking knowledge.

Huo Yanlin parked the car in the garage. In a flash, he saw Wen Shutong's lovely expression. He held up her chin and gave her a kiss on her lip.

Then he let go of Wen Shutong and said with a smile, "then you will know."


Wen Shutong was kissing by Huo Yanlin in his eyes. He looked at Huo Yanlin with half anger and half tenderness.

Huo Yanlin suddenly did not control his mood, once again attached to the body, heavily kiss her lips.

This time, it was not as gentle as before. His action seemed to bite eagerly. The kiss was warm and comfortable, and his lips were painful and numb.

Wen Shutong held up his hand and refused weakly, in exchange for Huo Yanlin's more fierce attack.

Just then, outside the car, there was a knock on the window.

Huo Yanlin raised his eyes and saw the stars and the moon in front of the co pilot's window, peeping curiously.

Feeling Huo Yanlin's eyes, Wen Shutong immediately understands what's going on. She pushes Huo Yanlin away heavily, stares at him, and quickly turns to open the door.

The moon curled her mouth and said, "I heard Dad's car ring before. I didn't see anyone go back after waiting for so long. I thought you and mom were lost. It turned out that we were hiding in the car to do something shameful."By her son said so, Wen Shutong's face suddenly a little bit hanging, she said quickly: "my father and I have something to discuss."

The moon does not admit defeat of stem neck return a mouth way: "what matter is mouth to mouth to discuss?"

The stars who have not spoken all along nodded their heads heavily, and answered like "yes!"

Seeing that he couldn't fight for his child, Wen Shutong turned his anger to Huo Yanlin. She turned her head and glared at Huo Yanlin, and said with a lip pattern: all blame you!

Huo Yanlin quickly stepped forward, one side picked up the child: "go, dad will take you home. If you two go on, your mother is going to get into the ground

Wen Shutong rolled a huge white eye behind Huo Yanlin. He didn't think about who was to blame!

The moon looked up at Huo Yanlin curiously: "Dad, you didn't promise yesterday. Today we finished our craft class, you have to pick us up. Why did you change your mind temporarily?"

"I went to see a friend with my mother."

"Bang, you adults are like this, pigeon spirit!" The moon flat mouth, "today Zhaohe zhaoyue's mother also did not pick them up, I and the star accompany them for a long time."

Before Wen Shutong had time to be curious about the novel language that came out of the children's mouth, he was attracted by the latter sentence of the moon.

She caught up with Huo Yanlin, who was quick in pace, and said curiously, "do you know why Zhaohe zhaoyue's mother didn't pick them up?"

Jiaoya has always been in pain for the two children. She has never let anyone else interfere in the transfer of the children.

It's rare that I didn't pick up Zhao and Zhao Yue today. There must be something wrong.

The moon thought for a moment and shook her head.

The star opens a way: "the moon and Zhao he play, I hear them say that mother is ill."

From the two children here can not ask anything, more detailed things, you want to know, you must go to the investigation in person.

So Wen Shutong didn't ask any more questions. After taking his two children home, he put them to sleep.

After taking a bath, Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin lie back to bed exhausted.

Wen Shutong said: "the person behind Zhao Linrui may be Lin Qin. Are you going to tell Huo Yihong this news? Or will you tell him when you're sure? "

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