"You can tell him," Huo Yanlin said, "since Huo Yihong has already thrown out the olive branch, if we hide something from him now, it is not good for him to stand on our side."

"Well." Wen Shu Tong nodded. "Actually, I have another doubt. The perfume on the name card is obviously not the taste of Mo Si. When I was close to Lin Qin today, I could smell the perfume on her body, which was different from that in the car.

"no one can guarantee that one person only wants to smell a perfume in his life." Huo Yanlin's eyes in the dark, with Wen Shutong looked at each other, "yesterday you are the fragrance of plants, today is not the smell of sunk trees wenshutong?"

"I'm talking to you seriously." Wen Shutong lowered his voice.

"I'm talking to you seriously, too."

Huo Yanlin learned from Wen Shutong's tone to lower his voice. Originally, his voice was low, and then he lowered it again, which was deadly sexy in the dark.

With this short sentence, Wen Shutong felt goose bumps all over his body.

At this time, Huo Yanlin suddenly approached her and directly took Wen Shutong into his arms. In an instant, Wen Shutong was wrapped by a fragrance of grass and trees.

"We just..." Wen Shutong gives him a push and says shyly.

"What are you thinking? I'm just hugging you." Huo Yanlin instantly approached, gently kissing Wen Shutong's earlobe, "or do you expect me to do something?"

Wen Shutong raised his hand and directly covered Huo Yanlin's mouth: "sleep!"

Huo Yanlin chuckled and held Wen Shutong tightly. Both of them were tired for a day and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Wen Shutong was woken up by Huo Yanlin.

She opened her eyes vaguely, saw Huo Yanlin's dignified look, and suddenly woke up.

"What's going on?" Wen Shutong said nervously.

"Didn't you tell me about Zhao Dazhuang yesterday?" Huo Yanlin's face was as heavy as water. "In the morning, I asked Tongsheng to check. There was no such person in the place where he said to work!"

Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment: "could it be that he resigned and left after I told him that yesterday?"

"The people over there said that there was no Zhao Dazhuang from the beginning to the end," Huo Yanlin's face sank a little bit. "Not only that, their colleagues get along very well, they have never laughed at anyone, there is no such thing he said, so Zhao Dazhuang is not his pseudonym."

Although Wen Shutong was a little impatient, he still reasonably analyzed: "is there another reason that he worried that I would find out, and then he lied to me about his name and work place? I'll call and ask... "

Huo Yanlin reached out and pressed her hand to take the phone: "if it is true as you guessed, we should now watch the change. If you make a phone call, you will be startled. One more thing... "

Hearing Huo Yanlin's last few words, Wen Shutong's brain instantly "buzz".

Is it bad news recently? How come all the bad things come to them without stopping?

Wen Shutong clenched his teeth and stared at Huo Yanlin with a heroic expression: "what else do you say together? Don't kill people slowly."

Looking at Wen Shutong's expression now, Huo Yanlin can't help but stir up the corners of his lips. His solemn mood due to the bad news has also eased a lot.

"It's not as bad as that, it's just a bit of a disadvantage." Huo Yanlin cut Wen Shutong's hair. "That's the BMW. Didn't you say that you didn't find any information before?"

Wen Shutong nods.

"Ji Tongsheng knows the matter is serious, so he has not given up the investigation in recent days." Huo Yanlin continued to speak, "they checked every intersection that the BMW may have passed, and then found that it was driven from a community called Jinxiu Garden."

"But didn't the car have a license plate and had been reported missing?"

Huo Yanlin continued: "yes, and only one person was caught in the car on the surveillance, that person is the dead that day."

Although this is a new discovery, it is not a breakthrough.

At best, these evidences can only prove that the person who stole the car is innocent, and the murderer lives in the community of splendid garden.

Wen Shutong's mood has been tense. After listening for a long time, she didn't hear the key points. She sighed heavily: "you can just talk about the key points."

"Ji Tongsheng, they took the video data of the dead, let the people in the community identify, found the place where he lived, and then forced to break into the door." Huo Yanlin silence for a moment, "found a body in his house, the body's ID card said Huang Jingshu."

Huang Jingshu? Wen Shutong's expression is stiff for a moment. She is familiar with the name, which is the front desk of the office!

Wen Shutong himself did not notice that her voice was shaking: "don't tell me that person is the front desk of the office."

She felt that Huo Yanlin must have been worried that he could not accept this fact.And she specially emphasizes the name, that means to eliminate all the impossibilities, the last remaining most ridiculous may be the answer.

Huo Yanlin black eyes staring at her, and then gently nodded: "has been checked, is her."

"No way!" Wen Shutong was almost out of control and said, "she is still working in my company, and she was still talking to her yesterday morning. How could it be that she became a corpse this morning!"

Huo Yanlin reached for Wen Shutong and patted her gently on her back, but he threw a heavy bomb in his mouth: "after forensic investigation, Huang Jingshu has been dead for at least two days."

Wen Shutong was like a fallen leaf in the wind. Her body was shaking violently. She could not believe it. She shook her head. She grabbed Huo Yanlin's arm and said, "how could this happen? Who was the person I saw yesterday and the day before yesterday? Am I mad or are they mad? "

"Calm down." Huo Yanlin will Wen Shutong tightly hooped in his arms, "Ji Tongsheng, they are now checking, will give you a result."

Wen Shutong raised his eyes and looked at Huo Yanlin in panic: "what should I do now?"

Even though Huo Yanlin has tried his best to comfort Wen Shutong, he still can't dispel her fear.

When anyone with a normal mind hears such news, his first reaction will be fear.

Huo Yanlin held her in his arms and said in a warm voice, "well, today I will accompany you to the office, OK?"

Although Wen Shutong was still afraid, reason still prevailed in her heart.

She took Huo Yanlin's arm and shook her head gently: "it doesn't matter. Since you have plans in mind, don't change the plan because of me. I can go by myself. If you go with me, you will startle the snake."

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