Moss knocked on her forehead. Originally, she arranged for the show, but she forgot the existence of Huo Yanlin as a bomb.

Huo Yanlin with such a sentence, on the two pieces of news Zhao Linrui.

Huo Yihong also understood what he meant, which was to test whether he really cooperated with Zhao Linrui.

Huo Yihong quietly raised his eyes, and hit Huo Yanlin's eyes, two people tacitly hooked the lower lip.

Huo Yanlin remained calm on the surface, continued to open his mouth: "Mr. Zhao recently launched attacks on Ruihe one after another, competing to walk our several projects at a low price. For a while, they were in the limelight and looked very beautiful."

Huo Yanlin has always been indifferent and noble. He has no patience to say a word to a disgusting person.

In the whole circle of Jincheng, we all know how difficult Huo Yanlin is.

He suddenly said to Zhao Linrui so inexplicably a call, even the words still vaguely praise him.

Zhao Linrui rises a chill from the tail vertebrae. He can't help but step back and watch Huo Yanlin with vigilance: "what do you want to say?"

But Huo Yanlin's words only mentioned here, moss instantly understood her meaning.

On her coquettish face, her expression twisted for a moment, and said in a shrill voice, "Zhao Linrui, what are you still in a daze? She's all here, but don't take him off!"

It was at this time that the sudden change happened again.

Huo Yihong pushed Wang Shasha aside, stood up and kicked the chair under him.

The hard edges and corners of the chair struck her knee heavily, making her whole body soft and sitting back on the sofa.

Moss has been in the mall for several years, where he has been challenged like this.

She raised her chin, raised one eyebrow, looked at Huo Yihong and said in a sharp voice: "do you know what you are doing now?"

Even Wang Shasha also grabbed Huo Yihong's sleeve and looked at him incredulously: "what are you doing to hurt her?"

Huo Yihong did not pay attention to their two words, just idle hands and arms, relying on their own height, looking down at the two women.

He pulled out a gangster smile: "what's the rush? Listen to Huo Yanlin's words first and then worry. "

Li Huanhuan relied on himself to be a pregnant woman, has not been involved in the dispute, but on the sidelines.

At this moment, she also understood the sudden change of the situation. She was not paying attention to Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong. Once she turned around and raised her feet, she would rush out to call someone.

As soon as she turned her head, there was a heavy pressure on her shoulder.

Li Huanhuan raised his head in surprise and saw that Huo Yanlin's face, which was like a motionless king, was looking at her coldly.

That was the person she had loved for so long and wanted by any means, but now she was close at hand, but Li Huanhuan's legs could not help fighting.

Li Huanhuan reached out his hand and gently grasped Huo Yanlin's arm. With a cry, he pleaded: "schoolmaster, I have a stomachache. I want to go out and breathe. You see, for the sake that I used to like you so much, let me go out..."

When Zhao Linrui heard Li Huanhuan's words, he was not happy, but he knew that Li Huanhuan had planned to go out to rescue the soldiers.

After all, according to the current situation in the room, he was dragging a pregnant woman and a woman who could not see his position at all. It was impossible for him to beat the two brothers of the Huo family.

Zhao Linrui also rushed to Huo Yanlin and said in a sharp voice: "what she has in her stomach is the seed of our Zhao family. What's really going on? Can you afford it?"

Huo Yanlin was not moved. He looked at Zhao Linrui lightly and sneered at him: "it's cool to bid maliciously by pressing the price to the lowest level. Have you ever thought about the subsequent development of your company?"

Zhao Linrui thought that Huo Yanlin had some important information in his hand. After listening to him, he called Li Huanhuan and raised his chin. He said haughtily, "the piece of land I took to the west of the city is enough for me to rest in peace. Do you really think these things can coax me?"

Huo Yanlin laughed and did not make a sound, but turned his eyes to moss.

He noticed that, at this time, Moss's expression was ugly and cruel.

She didn't expect to buy such a deep line that Huo Yanlin and they dug it out.

She chose Zhao Linrui because of his irreconcilable contradiction with Ruihe.

But she can also see that Zhao Linrui is very ambitious, and according to the way he used to do things, we can see that his character is not very good.

If she helps Zhao Linrui to become bigger and stronger, it is difficult to guarantee that Zhao Linrui will not be alienated and will eventually work with other companies to deal with the Lin family.

Her plan to accompany Lin Chen to make a comeback together is to put all the losses and blows within the scope that she can bear.

If Zhao Linrui becomes a heresy, then the direction of things will be beyond her control.She didn't want to hurt the root of the Lin family, let alone let Lin Chen work hard.

So she left a hand, she gave Zhao Linrui gifts, the biggest is that piece of land.

But the geomantic omen of that land is not good, and there have been many incidents, which were forced down in those years.

If Zhao Linrui didn't mean to bite back, then this matter would be suppressed by her all the time.

But once Zhao Linrui has a different heart, he will release the news, let Zhao Linrui compensate even trousers are not left.

But today, Huo Yanlin actually planned to tell the story!

"Huo Yanlin," moss stood up with the pain in his legs and stared at him coldly, "do you know what the result is

"Shut up!" Zhao Linrui faintly feels something. He stops drinking and interrupts moss, "you're playing me like a fool? What the hell is going on! "

The whole room was in a treacherous atmosphere.

Before all entangled in the interests of entanglement, now as thin as hair hanging in the air, a little careless on the collapse.

Li Huanhuan did not understand what was involved, because Zhou Linrui did not let her participate in the previous events.

She tries to break away from Zhao Linrui's hand and intends to call people, but she doesn't expect that Zhao Linrui himself is not the other one who stops him this time.

"Stop for me!" Zhao Linrui stares at Li Huanhuan with scarlet eyes, "what the hell are you running for? Is it to let all know that I have been played with? "

Li Huanhuan was frightened by Zhao Linrui's murderous eyes. She covered her stomach and shrank back: "what..."

Zhao Linrui is now like a wild animal trapped in a cage. He looks at everyone as if he is going to kill him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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