He pushed Li Huanhuan away and slapped her to the ground: "no wonder you tried your best to please moss. Did you know that she was playing with me, and you had planned to join her?"

Although Huo Yihong didn't mean anything to Li Huanhuan, Zhao Linrui was still criticizing Li Huanhuan at this time, and he couldn't see through it for a while.

He frowned and said: "this time is still bullying women, is not a person?"

Mo Si narrowed his eyes and looked at Huo Yanlin. This man broke down her two moves in a short day. Before that, she really underestimated him.

Originally thought that the Huo's tree is the best target to attack.

I didn't expect that Huo Yanlin was like a sharp blade born out of thin air in this intricate commercial war. With his own hands, he could cut off all the entanglements in it.

Huo Yanlin was wearing a white shirt with his sleeves pulled up to his elbows. Underneath was a tall and straight silver gray suit.

This body match outlines her tall and slender figure, so that his whole person is like a scabbard sword, and his whole body is shining with the light that cannot be forced.

Moss carefully looked at Huo Yanlin. She suddenly felt that things became interesting. It seemed that it was not easy to deal with them in a conventional way.

After a long silence, moss finally said, "well, I admit that I have left behind, but it's no fault that the businessman pays great attention to profits."

Zhao Linrui's mouth twitched a few times, and he wanted to rush up and strangle MoSi.

However, he was pinched by her neck still faint pain, he really did not have the courage.

Moss turned his head and looked at Zhao Linrui coldly: "Zhao Linrui, you are just a piece I put on the chessboard. You may become an abandoned child at any time. What qualifications do you have to take Joe with me?"

Zhao Linrui's eyes widened angrily. It seems that he can't believe it. Moss still dares to say such a magnificent thing.

"Well done. I'm a loser, right? Well, today I'll let you know whether a scrap chess can destroy a chess board Zhao Linrui looks around like a madman.

Li Huanhuan reluctantly got up from the ground with his stomach propped up. He looked at Zhao Linrui with hatred in his eyes. Today, he can be angry with himself because of this incident. Later, he will be angry with himself because of more strange things.

Following Zhao Linrui is not the best choice.

She turned her eyes to moss. From the very beginning, Zhao Linrui only used her means to show his prestige in front of Huo Yanlin once or twice.

If there was no moss, there would be no Zhao Linrui's present prestige.

After Zhao Linrui finished speaking, before other people could react, he rushed to the corner of the living room. While running, he said with a crazy smile: "today, you people who have hurt me and offended me, everyone wants to run!"

As soon as Zhao Linrui started, moss felt something bad. She said in a sharp voice, "stop him!"

Before his words could be uttered, Huo Yihong and Huo Yanlin moved on the sound, intending to stop Zhao Linrui.

However, the distance between them was not close after all. In addition, it was still a step late when something happened suddenly.

At this time, to everyone's surprise, Li Huan Huan held up a vase behind his back and smashed it at the back of Zhao Linrui's head.

The broken porcelain pieces across the back of Zhao Linrui's head, and blood gushed out.

Li Huanhuan still kept throwing out the vase, but her hands were shaking. She looked at the back of Zhao Linrui's bloody head, shivering and saying, "I..."

Zhao Linrui's body suddenly settled in place. He turned his head slowly like a slow action, and looked at Li Huanhuan incredulously I raise you so, you hit me with this thing? "

Li Huanhuan's body shakes as if she is in the temperature below zero. She looks at Zhao Linrui stupidly and tears fall down.

But not because of heartache, but because of fear.

Zhao Linrui said the last word, then the body a shiver, directly fell down.

The blood in the back of his head meanders down the floor to Li Huanhuan's feet.

Li Huanhuan like to avoid an ugly maggot general, quickly raised his feet to hide in the past.

She raised her eyes, looked at moss in a daze and said, "what should I do now?"

Mo Si how clever, Li Huanhuan's words export, we know that this woman is going to take refuge in themselves.

She looked askance at Li Huanhuan: "you still have his child in your stomach. Dare you treat her like this? Are you afraid that he wakes up and retaliates against you?"

Li Huanhuan's face showed a trace of weak expression. She looked at Moss and said, "I didn't think so much just now. I'm afraid he really triggered something and implicated you."

"Well done." When she looks at Li Huanhuan, she will think of Yin Hong.

She really hoped that Yin Hong's love for Lin Chen was the same. She could abandon and use it anytime and anywhere, so that she could start from Yin Hong openly and honestly.

At this time, Huo Yihong coolly broke the harmony between them: "are you still doing well? Zhao Linrui, after all, is Zhao's family. If anything happens to him, we'll all be in trouble. "Now that Zhao Linrui is down, Li Huanhuan naturally turns to moss. The whole camp in the room is clearly divided into two camps.

"I always thought you were the one who didn't have a heart. I didn't expect that you would have time to worry about others at such a time. You'd better think about how to get out at that time." Moss also remembered the moment when Huo Yihong attacked him with a stool and gave him a cold smile.

Huo Yihong didn't seem to notice her cold expression at all, but casually spread out his hands: "without Zhao Linrui, you'd better think about how you plan to go on in the future."

The two of them were talking. Huo Yanlin quietly approached Wen Shutong's ear and said in a low voice: "try to inform Ji Tongsheng that the situation is not right."

Wen Shutong even asked why it was too late. She kept a calm expression on her face and slowly put her hand into her pocket to touch her mobile phone.

Just now they didn't let the stars and the moon come together. In order to ensure their safety, the moon set up an emergency call on the mobile phone. As long as you press the button, you can call the emergency contact.

In view of emergencies, the program of the moon is that if Wen Shutong doesn't speak within five seconds, the phone will automatically transfer to his and star's children's watches.

Wang Shasha has been observing the surrounding situation. Originally, he thought that Huo Yihong and himself are on the same line, but after observation, she found that Huo Yihong did seem to have cooperation with Huo Yanlin.

She thought quickly in her heart for a moment. If Huo Yihong really cooperated with Huo Yanlin, would Wen Shutong's personality allow her to enter the Huo family?

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