Wen Shutong stepped back in her crazy voice until she reached the TV wall.

She has met a lot of such counselors, and they often show this kind of collapse when they touch the most sensitive spirit.

But this collapse is actually a precursor to healing. All their psychological structures are rebuilt after this collapse, which is not a bad phenomenon.

Wen Shutong stood quietly beside her, and after she had finished venting, he said softly: "in fact, it has nothing to do with Lin Chen, this is the softest place in your heart. You feel pain because someone else touches it. It's not something you can't see. "

Moss's thin body was shaking wildly under her broad silk nightgown, and her eyes were scarlet at Winston.

After a long time, she sneered: "your goal has been achieved. Are you happy? The first time I went to your consulting room, I behaved so carelessly and poked you into the heart of being respected as a consultant. That's why you pulled me into your trap step by step and wanted to see me like this, right? "

"You and I are in a consultative relationship. Why do I need your respect?" Wen Shutong looked at her faintly, "time has passed for a long time, try to compromise to the past."

Moss stepped back a few steps like a jerk, put his back heavily against the sofa, then slid down the sofa and sat on the floor.

The two of them fell into a long silence. Wen Shutong did not try to break the tranquility, but went to her side and sat down with her.

"those people around Lin Chen are not my eyeliner. I never thought about watching him." Moss looked up at the ceiling as if he were looking at the stars.

"It's just that those people have been loyal to me from the past. I let them stay by Lin Chen to rest assured. I never thought I would have such a day with him."

Wen Shutong stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on her shoulder, which is a soothing gesture in psychology.

Moss raised his head, his eyes misty, his eyelashes wet with tears.

She took a sharp breath and swallowed all her nasal and choking voice: "my intention today is to get him arrested and say those words, but only to annoy him."

"You can tell him that." Wen Shutong spoke softly.

"There's no need. He won't listen to it any more." Moss's voice suddenly returned to its former coldness. "But you still made a mistake. I won't cooperate with you."

Wen Shutong's body stiffened for a moment: "when I talked with you just now, I represented Ruihe, but now, I'm just a psychological consultant."

Moss raised his hand, tightly covered his face, and exuded words from his fingers: "you go, go back and tell Huo Yanlin that I will not cooperate with you, but I will not have contact with Zhou Wenruo."

Wen Shutong didn't know what to say for a moment. In fact, gambling with Lin Chen's feelings was a dangerous move, and the result was the best.

"Thank you," she said slowly

By the time he put his hand down again, his face was no longer private, and his face was as cold as ever.

She stood up and looked down at Wen Shutong: "I don't need you to say thank you. I'm not here to do good."

Wen Shutong raised his lips and laughed: "I know."

Moss gently raised his leg and sat on the back of the sofa: "I only have one exchange condition, that is, you tell Ji Tongsheng that all the things happened before are not responsible for the past, and you can go."

The concession made by moss this time has given Huo Yanlin many chances to breathe. The terms she offered are not harsh.

Wen Shutong nodded solemnly: "don't worry, I'll make it clear to him."

Moss never showed an expression of appreciation to a woman, because in her world, no woman was worthy of being looked at by her, except for herself. Wen Shutong was an exception.

Her eyes are not covered with admiration, and then ordered the door: "this time to take you over, is really the most correct move I have done, go, you can go home, remember our deal."

Wen Shutong, who had been calm before, was a little flustered. She looked at the dark sky outside her eyes and said, "do you think I'm a genius to know the way? Your villa is so remote. I came here by car. How can I get back? "

After two people discussed, the atmosphere can not help but take a trace of relaxed, moss has always been cold expression, also can not help with a smile: "you have been kidnapped, still ask the kidnapper to take you home?"

Moss seldom laughs, even with scorn or enchantment, but now it shows that she is somewhat out of line with her age.

"The conditions can still be discussed." Wen Shutong held out his hand and said, "my mobile phone has also been thrown away by you."

"Huo Yanlin is not a fool. After you are hijacked, he will not lie at home and sleep soundly." Moss stopped laughing and said, "he'll wait for you."Wen Shutong nodded and went to the door. After a while, she thought of something and said, "Ji Tongsheng said before that someone in Jincheng bought many unregistered eavesdroppers. Does it have anything to do with you?"

"I said no, do you believe it?"

"As long as you say it, I will believe it."

"I don't have one." Moss spoke.

"Good." Wen Shutong looked at her deeply, "I believe you."

Moss left home when she was young and never felt the warmth of the people around her. Lin Chen was one of the few people who gave her a sense of security.

But at this time, Wen Shutong looked at her so deeply that she was inexplicably warm.

Wen Shutong did not look back, gently opened the door and walked out of the villa yard.

Just out of the door, Maybach's lights flashed at her, followed by a gust of wind near my ears, and the cold fragrance of Huo Yanlin was wrapped up.

Like holding a rare treasure, Huo Yanlin took Wen Shutong's whole body into his arms and repeatedly asked, "how about it? She didn't embarrass you, did she? Does the wound hurt? "

Wen Shutong sticks tightly to Huo Yanlin's chest, and can even feel the outline of his tight muscles.

She laughed and hugged Huo Yanlin with a smile and said, "it's very good. I'm not embarrassed. The wound doesn't hurt. The stars and the moon

"I've lulled him to sleep."

Although Huo Yanlin heard that she was ok, he was still worried. He pulled her into the car and turned on the light to check the wound on his body.

The old blood scab, mixed with the blood that came out before, plus the bloody gauze, looked shocking.

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