Huo Yanlin's beautiful eyebrows and eyes tightly knit together. He took out the medical box behind the car and said coldly, "Wen Shutong, is that what you said is OK?"

"It's really gone." Wen Shutong winked at him courteously, "why don't you ask me what I've achieved?"

Huo Yanlin ignored her words, helped her to deal with the wound on her neck, and replaced the gauze on her shoulder with a new one. Then he was cold and said, "I don't want to ask."

Wen Shutong knows that Huo Yanlin's decision was made before he was angry with himself.

In addition, this time it was really her own opinion. In front of her, she pouted her mouth and Huo Yanlin blinked pitifully: "just ask me ~"

Where did Huo Yanlin see Wen Shutong? Although she knew that she was intentional, she couldn't help but feel soft.

He put his hand on Wen Shutong's forehead and separated them from one punch. He was afraid that he could not help doing something.

Then he whispered, "what have you achieved?"

Wen Shutong pulls Huo Yanlin's hand against his forehead and hides half of his body into his arms.

Find a comfortable position to nest in, and then begin to tell Huo Yanlin what he said to moss.

She omitted the process of being asked by moss, but even so, Huo Yanlin was still shocked.

His long, narrow and indifferent eyes were stained with a worried look. After Weng Shutong finished speaking, his hand tightened fiercely, almost melting Wen Shutong into his own blood.

Wen Shutong also felt the power. She raised her head and looked at Huo Yanlin and said in a bewitching tone: "since the stars and the moon are asleep, why don't we go and see the stars and the moon?"

This star and the moon are not the stars and the moon. Wen Shutong's words have an indescribable provocation.

She didn't say anything, but she seemed to have said everything.

Huo Yanlin couldn't help but jump out of the corner of his eyes. He leaned down and gently kissed Wen Shutong's lips.

Wen Shutong's lip shape is very beautiful. Her upper lip is thin. Usually, her upper lip is too thin, which often shows some tenderness. However, because her lips are round, her mouth is inexplicably attractive.

Huo Yanlin kisses the pith, but he can't help but deepen the kiss. He reaches out to tie Wen Shutong's neck and constantly attacks the city.

Wen Shutong was so kissed by him that he couldn't breathe, and the whole person collapsed in his arms like water.

Huo Yanlin felt Wen Shutong's rapid breath, which let her go.

He raised Wen Shutong's chin and said with a smile, "aren't you brave? I dare to do anything. How can I be so scared by a kiss? "

Wen Shutong angrily forked his waist: "I'll go back to test for a diving permit. I'll hold my breath for 5 minutes under the water. I'll see which one of us has consumed energy."

Her face was still slightly red with emotion, coupled with this pair of angry expression, added a lot of lovely, let Huo Yanlin's few anger in the heart of an instant disappear.

They whispered something, and finally, urged by Wen Shutong, Huo Yanlin started the accelerator and took her to a mountain.

Because the place of the villa was remote, it was hard to find the mountains around. They soon reached the top of a mountain.

But just after they took a taxi to leave, a black vehicle hidden beside the villa moose flashed its lights like a sigh.

Huo Yihong walked down from the car, idly leaned on the car, lit a cigarette with a lighter, and smoked in boredom.

Just after Wen Shutong went out, he and Huo Yanlin interacted, and Huo Yihong hid here to see clearly.

In fact, he did not know why he did not appear at that time?

He came here because he was worried about Wen Shutong, but he didn't want to have any contact with them when he saw their intimate appearance.

The smoke was blown by the night wind and scattered around the forest. Huo Yihong also looked up at the stars and the moon in the sky.

He raised his hand, empty toward the moon in the night sky to grab a, squint eyes.

Over the years, what has supported him is the deep-rooted chill and Liu Menglian's incessant beating.

However, Huo Yanlin handed him the information, which broke all his insistence in recent years.

With his in-depth investigation, he found that Huo Yanlin is really the right one.

Supporting Huo Yihong's hatred, the moment is like a duckweed without roots, and there is no basis.

He was like being pulled out of his spine and no longer had the strength to stand up again.

Huo Yihong took the last puff of his cigarette and flicked the rest out. He sighed and said, "I'll help the Huo family again, and I'll apologize for the mistakes I've done over the years."

The cigarette butts which are not extinguished are stuck on the leaves. The leaves are burned by high temperature and emit the smell of ashes.

Huo Yihong gazed at the bright and dark little red dot on the ground, raised his foot and twisted it out: "but Huoyan mountain, what you owe me, have you paid it back?"Huo Yihong sat back in the car, the lights flashed, and rushed out in the dark with a roar.

Originally, the mountain fog, mountain haze full, the light of the moon can not penetrate.

The whole top of the mountain is like a fairy dressed in gauze, which makes people feel hazy and can't see clearly.

When Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong arrived, there was no reason for a gust of wind, blowing the mountain haze clean, revealing the clear stars and moon in the sky.

Huo Yanlin put his suit coat on Wen Shutong's body, then took her whole person in his arms and looked up at the stars in the sky.

Huo Yanlin gently put his chin on Wen Shutong's head: "you have such a sudden fancy that you want to take me to see the stars and the moon. What's your intention?"

Wen Shutong said in a low voice: "recently, we have been so busy that we haven't even had time to be alone. All of a sudden, we feel that we have experienced so much. It's not good to have a look at the starry sky with you."

The mist that was blown away slowly rolled up from the foot of the mountain, wandering at their feet, as if twining immortal air.

Huo Yanlin's voice is a little bit hoarse, slowly blooming in Wen Shutong's ears, inexplicably let Wen Shutong have some quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

After a long time, Wen Shutong looked up at the sky and said, "where are the seven killing stars?"

All of a sudden the man on his head was silent.

Wen Shutong waited for a long time, but there was no sound. She raised her head curiously and looked at Huo Yanlin. Two people looked at each other. Huo Yanlin couldn't help laughing.

Wen Shutong was puzzled by his smile. He turned and pinched him gently: "what are you laughing at?"

"When other girls look at the sky with their husbands, they will ask what Orion is and what is Uranus. It's better to have a silly expression and a naive tone."

Huo Yanlin kneaded Wen Shutong's head and said, "you're good. As soon as you come up, you ask me such a murderous question." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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