Wen Shutong pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth and said, "this may be a housewife. By the way, how did you find that place today? "

"It was Lin Chen who told me." Huo Yanlin opened his mouth on her head, "but what he told me was that he asked me to bring some people. I was afraid that moss would be disturbed. If she did something else, she would not take anyone. He was always guarding the door."

"In fact, moss is not like Lin Chen thought," Wen Shutong sighed. "If you say that they are two people, they are also evil fate."

Huo Yanlin was silent for a long time, as if he was considering the language. After a while, he said, "Huo Yihong has also gone. He should not rest assured of you."

Wen Shutong froze awkwardly for a moment, and then she patted Huo Yanlin on the shoulder: "I have nothing to do with him, but it makes me feel strange to say so. I'll find a chance to thank him then..."

Huo Yanlin was about to say something when his phone rang off guard.

The caller ID is Lin Chen.

Every time Lin Chen calls these days, there is nothing good. Wen Shutong feels that he is going to have a stress reaction.

Wen Shutong's heart was suddenly lifted: "it's so late that Lin Chen still calls. What's wrong with Yin Hong?"

Huo Yanlin did not delay, directly connected the phone.

Sure enough, Lin Chen's sad voice on the other end of the phone said: "Yin Hong's child is gone. It must have been Lin Qin's work. Up to now, she still refuses to let Yin Hong go. It seems that she is determined to fight against the Lin family."

Wen Shutong widened his eyes in disbelief: "no way. She has promised me today. She will not stand with us, but she will not participate in this matter. How can she harm Yin Hong?"

Lin Chen was angry and anxious, and his voice was shaking: "in the afternoon, I was dealing with things in the company. When I came back, I saw Yin Hong pushed down the stairs! The one who pushed her is the man under my hands. Aren't these Lin Qinfang's eyeliners next to me?

Now Lin Chen is on the verge of rioting. He can't listen to Wen Shutong's words.

Wen Shutong gave up reasoning with him and said, "which hospital are you in now? We'll get there right away. "

Lin Chen didn't want them to go to the hospital to see Yin Hong. He just wanted to tell them to watch out for Lin Qin.

However, since Wen Shutong asked this question, he still gave the address frankly. After all, some things need to be said face-to-face to make it clear.

Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin did not delay, no matter what the stars, directly all the way to the hospital.

The night has been deep, everywhere is quiet, only the hospital this place is still lively.

Lin Chen seemed very frightened this time. His people surrounded the red ward into iron buckets, and even a fly couldn't fly in.

Mingming hospital is full of lights and bustling, but Lin Chen seems to be in the deepest darkness. He sits alone in the rest chair beside him, full of exhaustion.

When Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong walked past, Lin Chen's eyes seemed to be filled with living water and turned his head slowly.

Huo Yanlin has always been a few words, but with Lin Chen look at each other, but can not say anything to comfort him.

Now he walked up to the door quietly and asked, "how about his red eyes?"

Lin Chen felt his hands on his knees for a moment, then rubbed his face to cover the red blood in his eyes: "I woke up half an hour ago. There is nothing wrong with people, but the child..."

"Did the Lin family inform you?" Wen Shutong continued.

Lin Chen shook his head: "it's too late. I don't want my mother to worry about it. I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Wen Shutong looked at Lin Chen's haggard face. He wanted to help moss explain, but he swallowed it again.

At this juncture, Lin Chen must not be believed by anyone, and he does not want to hear other people's sophistry.

Sure enough, Wen Shutong didn't mention it, but Lin Chen took the lead in mentioning her: "I didn't expect that she would be so crazy! In this afternoon, I thought there was still room for discussion, but I didn't expect that she could not bear the red color! "

Huo Yanlin frowned and said, "moss has no time and motivation to do it."

Lin Chen and Huo Yanlin have never had a dispute, but he heard Huo Yanlin said this sentence, but suddenly angry.

He stood up in a rage and looked at Huo Yanlin: "she has everything she wants to do, even if it is 800 li away! Motive, is her motive not obvious enough? "

Mo Si's motive is because she likes Lin Chen, so she envies Yin Hong.

Lin Chen couldn't bear to say these words, but all the people present knew it well.

Wen Shutong was silent for a moment and said, "today she took me back to her villa. We have already made it very clear that she will not make trouble for Yin Hong because of you."

Wen Shutong didn't say the next words. She was afraid of infuriating Lin Chen. Now he was in a tense mood. Anything he said might become a lead and detonate a bomb.Last time, moss had gone to the Lin family to find Yin Hong. She really wanted to do it. Last time was the best opportunity and more deterrent. Why wait for Yin Hong to keep her child?

Lin Chen sees that Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong are both helping Mo Si to speak, and his anger does not come out.

"I'll confront her now." Lin Chen took out his mobile phone without saying a word.

Huo Yanlin coldly pressed his hand and said in a deep voice, "are you going to let Yin Hong get a second stimulation tonight?"

Lin Chen cast his eyes at the door of the ward, relaxed his hands, stepped back a few steps, and fell into the chair.

After a long time, he raised his head again and looked at Huo Yanlin and said, "what should I do now?"

"Behind the whole Bureau, there is a person named Zhou Wenruo. It is not clear what she has done." Wen Shutong continued, "don't forget there is another person, Jiaoya."

Hearing the last name, Lin Chen's eyebrows twisted: "isn't this afternoon confirmed? Jiaoya belongs to LinQin. I'm too busy to ask her today. "

"Not necessarily." Wen Shutong said, "I tried moss. She didn't tell me about Jiaoya's role in the whole game. Jiaoya's identity is not ordinary. It's not just about delivering messages. "

Lin Chen does not want to tangle in this matter too much, lost already lost, mention again, just add a scar on his wound just.

He put his hands on his knees and pressed against his forehead: "no matter what you say, I will let LinQin pay the price!"

At the end of the hospital, a figure in a windbreaker walked quickly to this side. The slender high-heeled shoes knocked on the hospital floor and made a crisp sound.

I didn't expect that Lin Chen's phone call didn't go out, and that unwelcome person actually came by himself.

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