Huo Yanlin looked at her sleeping face and couldn't help laughing. He simply opened the quilt and slept beside her.

As soon as he lay down, he felt that there were four hot lines of sight behind his back, which almost burned a hole in his back.

He turned his head inexplicably and saw the two small things that should have been sleeping soundly, staring at them with big eyes.

The moon put his chin against the head of the stars, two people like a small animal, one by one, the pupil of the dark shining in the dark.

Seeing Huo Yanlin turn his head, the moon was the first to react. He quickly raised his hand over his eyes, lowered his voice and said, "Dad, I don't mean to see it. It's mom who asked us to come to this room. You can do whatever you want. We are already asleep!"

The stars covered their eyes and said, "well, I fell asleep."

By looking at the gap between the two fingers of Huo Yan Lin is not small.

Wen Shutong has always been shy and rarely let them see these things. Even if two people say something freely, they can make Wen Shutong blush.

Huo Yanlin raised his index finger and gave a "hush" to the two people. Then, in front of them, he kissed Wen Shutong's soft lips.

Then he said in a low voice: "if you meet a girl you like in the future, if you want to kiss her, you must ask her permission, OK?"

The moon listened to Huo Yanlin's words, suddenly came to be interested, he pointed to his lips: "also kiss here?"


Hearing Huo Yanlin's words, the moon seems to think of something happy, happily turned over, happily closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said, "Dad, I still want to go to kindergarten tomorrow!"

Naturally, Huo Yanlin couldn't agree.

Moreover, even if the night was guaranteed well, they would not wake up the next day after sleeping so late.

Those two little guys are still sleeping soundly. Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong have already got up to prepare for work.

My aunt was rescued yesterday and placed in the guest room. She woke up this morning.

The security guard has a good physique. He woke up last night.

Now two people are sitting in the living room, talking about yesterday's experience.

"These people are very evil!" The security guard waved his hands with exaggeration, "when I went out last night, the security system had been turned on, but they didn't even have a sound when they came in!"

Huo Yanlin nodded gently and said, "well, I checked yesterday, and the security system was hacked by them."

"I didn't respond to it. I was hit by a stick from behind!" The security guard touched the back of his swollen head. "Fortunately, the two young masters are OK. Otherwise, I would like to apologize for my death."

Huo Yanlin pondered for a moment and said: "the star set a program before, this program is active to open, no matter who is, as long as the forced black into the program, it will send out an alarm, you did not hear it?"

Is eloquent security a Leng, he and his aunt at the same time, two people shook their head blankly.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong lowered their eyes at the same time. It seems that these people are far less simple than they seem.

The security guard hesitated and said, "what's going on?"

"You don't have to worry about this. Recently, the situation is quite special. Please be vigilant." Huo Yanlin said.

The security guard and aunt nodded at the same time, and the aunt continued: "I saw them come in last night and blocked the stairs to prevent them from passing. I didn't expect to be knocked unconscious by these two people! What a thrill

According to the description of the security guard and the aunt, although the two men broke into the house, they did not intend to harm anyone. They should want to take the stars and the moon directly, ready to threaten something.

Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong did not delay for long. Huo Yanlin first sent Wen Shutong to the office, and then he rushed to the company.

The front desk has been taken away. Now the front desk is empty. Other people dare not ask for more. They can only comfort Wen Shutong with a few words on the Internet.

After receiving the visitors who had been appointed before, Wen Shutong leaned wearily on the soft sofa in the consulting room and pinched his eyebrows.

"I've been busy these two days." Ji Tongsheng first knocked on the door, and then a gentle voice sounded, "I saw that the door was not locked, so I came in. They said that your visitors had just left."

Wen Shutong quickly smiles at Ji Tongsheng and asks him to sit down: "how can you think of me today?"

"To Yan Lin called, he did not answer, should be busy at work, just out of the field when passing your side, simply came." Ji Tongsheng is not polite, directly sat down, "tell you about Huang Jingshu."

Concerning Huang Jingshu, the exhaustion on Wen Shutong's face swept, and Jing quickly sat up straight: "how to say?""After all, she is still a young girl, and she has never experienced anything. She just asked a few questions and told her the truth." Ji Tongsheng smiles. "Her name is Huang Jingwen. She belongs to Lin Qin."

"I know."

"But what you don't know is that Lin Qin just told her to keep an eye on your movement and not to let you approach Yin Hong." Ji Tongsheng lowered his voice, "but then there was a command to tell her that if she was exposed, she would be killed like her sister."

Wen Shutong frowned tightly: "but what is the purpose?"

"Through technical analysis, the technical investigation cracked the mobile phone number that issued the command. It has nothing to do with Lin Qin. It's a nameless card. It's difficult to locate. Lin Qin can't play this method." Ji Tongsheng shook his head. "Her sister died in the blood and was injected with air. She didn't even struggle. It can be seen that she is at least a familiar person."

Ji Tongsheng said flat and light, but Wen Shutong's heart was unconsciously tight: "I really don't know, what's the reason for this person's action behind his back."

"Blame Lin Qin." Ji Tongsheng said faintly, "she is Lin Qin's person. After being exposed, she kills people. It looks like Lin Qin arranged it."

"The man who crashed is Lin Qin's, isn't he?"

"Now our more reasonable guess is that Lin Qin let him hit you with a car just to scare you. But I didn't intend to kill you or let that person die. It was the BMW who had been tampered with, and that talent didn't escape. "

Ji Tongsheng pressed Wen Shutong's shoulder. "The identity of this person behind her should be very clear. Obviously, she threw the pot to Lin Qin, and let Lin Qin fall out with all of you. She will have vested interests."

"Zhou Wenruo." Wen Shutong grabbed Ji Tongsheng's arm with his backhand. "We must find a way to check Zhou Wenruo." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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