Ji Tongsheng lowered his head and saw Wen Shutong's eyes softened when he caught his hand.

He gently put his other hand over: "OK, I will help."

When Ji Tongsheng's hand reaches out, Wen Shutong detects something wrong, and she pulls back her own hand without a trace.

Ji Tongsheng tilted his head: "we will also help investigate. Thank you for coming to tell me so much today. I will inform Huo Yanlin when I go back."

"It doesn't matter. The clearer the investigation is, the better the situation will be. You won't be bumping around like a headless fly."

Ji Tongsheng saw Wen Shutong take back his hand. A little disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he soon recovered.

Wen Shutong pondered for a moment, and briefly talked about what happened to Yin Hong and the stars and the moon yesterday.

Ji Tongsheng frowned tightly: "how can things happen so quickly?"

Wen Shutong sighed: "this person has launched such obvious attacks one after another recently. On the one hand, she has got a powerful informant; on the other hand, she can't wait."

"You'd better be careful." Ji Tongsheng's phone rang, he looked at the name of the call and immediately turned it off, "I have a task to go back to first."

Wen Shutong glanced at his mobile phone and whispered, "is it Huoyuan?"

"Well," Ji Tongsheng did not conceal, "these two days the child was sick, she was a little anxious, just called me."

Ji Tongsheng's expression was light when he spoke, as if he didn't have any feelings.

Only when it comes to the child's illness does his eyes flash.

Wen Shutong's heart is not full of bitterness. Ji Tongsheng is not such a heartless person.

He and Huo yuan clearly have countless ties, but such an awkward deadlock.

Wen Shutong got up and sent him to the door. At last, he said casually, "there is a big time difference between us. It should be late at night there. She pinches this time to call you, should be calculated good time, afraid to disturb you

Ji Tongsheng turns his head in surprise and looks at Wen Shutong.

Wen Shutong continued: "when I take care of my children by myself, I'm exhausted enough to take care of them every day. Basically, I can go to sleep by lying in bed and clothes, not to mention calling people all night long."

Ji Tongsheng's hand hanging on his side trembled imperceptibly, and then he hurriedly said, "I'll go back first. I can't delay too long."

When he recalled carefully, Huo yuan called him at this time. He always used to excuse his busy work. Even if he picked up, he could not speak for long.

He occasionally wanted to care about the children. Once he called, Huo yuan always picked it up directly and never complained about anything.

Now think about it again, several times Huo yuan answered the phone with a strong nasal sound, as if she was awakened in her sleep, but she did not mention anything.

Therefore, he never considered the problem of jet lag. If Wen Shutong didn't wake him up today, he might never have realized it.

Ji Tongsheng's heart tip seems to have been gently pricked by something, and then the pain is crisp and numb.

He held the mobile phone and hesitated for a long time, and finally sent a short message to Huo yuan: "it's so late, go to bed first, and I'll call you back when it's morning, and take good care of the children."

Just after Ji Tongsheng left Wen Shutong's side, Huang Shuyun came to the office angrily.

When Wen Shutong sees Huang Shuyun, one head is almost two big ones. Recently, things have been bad enough, and she has to put a foot in it.

Wen Shutong got up and poured a cup of tea for Huang Shuyun. He said patiently, "Mom, Yanlin and I were going to the hospital to see you and dad tonight."

"Pa --" Huang Shuyun was not polite and knocked out the cup in Wen Shutong's hand.

The scalding tea splashed on Wen Shutong's arm, which made her bow.

Huang Shuyun was stunned at first. She wanted to reach out to see how she was. As a result, she thought of something. Her expression suddenly changed: "don't act! Splash on so little drops of water, can you pain into what kind? Delicate

Knowing that he had nothing to say to her, Wen Shutong turned to Liu Li Tai to wash his hands.

Huang Shuyun followed her and began to blame him: "what happened yesterday? Why didn't you tell me? Do you have a heart as a mother? Leave the child at home alone. What if something happened to our grandson of the Huo family? Can you take the responsibility? "

Although Wen Shutong didn't want to pay attention to her, she still patiently explained: "it was an emergency yesterday. Yin Hong's child was gone. Yan Lin and I went to the hospital to see her."

Huang Shuyun followed Wen Shutong's back and said, "it's her child who's gone. It's not your child. I'm worried about so many other people's affairs that I almost let my grandson have an accident! You'll go to the hospital with me and apologize to your father! "

"Why should I apologize?" Wen Shutong suddenly turned his head. "What happened to the stars and the moon? Do you think I'd like to?"When Wen Shutong turned around, her eyes had already taken some wet meaning. Yesterday, she had enough self reproach, but Huang Shuyun was still so persistent.

When Huang Shuyun saw Wen Shutong's appearance, he could not help but be stunned. His voice softened a little: "no matter how you say it, you're also responsible for being a mother!"

Wen Shutong was about to say something more when she suddenly realized that something was wrong and said, "who told you about yesterday's news?"

This incident happened in their home, the security guard and aunt will not be idle to talk about it.

She is not so familiar with the Lin family. Naturally, Lin Chen did not specially run to tell Huang Shuyun.

Huang Shuyun was stunned at first, and then with a fork in his waist, he could not straighten up and said with a strong voice: "what's wrong with what my friend told me?"

Wen Shutong couldn't help but sneer: "well, you tell me which friend you are. You know our family affairs so clearly. Did he install surveillance on Huo Yanlin? "

Huang Shuyun was just finally aroused a little guilt by Wen Shutong, but now she finds that she really hates Wen Shutong a little more.

"What do you mean?" she said? Suspect me of spying on you? I just care about my son's affairs. I'm really wronged to be scolded by my daughter-in-law by pointing at his spine like this! "

If not for Huang Shuyun's broken arm, she would have sat directly on the ground, raised her hands and threw them wildly.

Now she does not have a bit of the appearance of a powerful family, is simply a country shrew.

Fortunately, this is an excellent sound insulation psychological counseling room, otherwise this person is really lost.

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