Wen Shutong bent down and pulled Huang Shuyun up from the ground. He said in a deep voice, "this time, the stars and the moon met because someone revealed that Huo Yanlin and I were not at home. So there may be an internal ghost. Do you still want to say who you know?"

Huang Shuyun looked at wenshutong doubtfully and said slowly, "this man is the security guard of your family."

Wen Shutong's forehead jumped: "when did you get in touch?"

"He came to me on his own initiative." Huang Shuyun said, eyes unnaturally Dodge, obviously this thing said some shame, "is Li Huanhuan at that time, I was afraid you do anything, I asked someone to help me pass the message."

"Do you remember the name of the man?"

Huang Shuyun did not hesitate to give a name.

Wen Shutong's brow was even tighter: "this man has been dismissed because he smoked when he was on the job."

"Ah?" Huang Shuyun, who is always reasonable, was stunned. She took out her mobile phone blankly and showed the SMS page to Wen Shutong, "then how did he give me the message?"

"Did he instigate you to come to me?" Wen Shutong's voice suddenly sank.

Huang Shuyun's lips began to tremble, even the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes trembled: "yes, he said that you don't care about children at all. Let me say it well. The more you get into the office, the more obedient you are..."

No wonder Huang Shuyun will do such a thing today. No matter how she makes trouble before, she is only in private!

Sure enough, someone is behind to add fuel to the flames!

Wen Shutong's face turned white, and said to Huang Shuyun directly, "no, this person may have deliberately put you out!"

Huang Shuyun was surprised: "what do you mean?"

"Where did you let the people in the hospital go?" Wen Shutong managed to keep calm.

"Yan Shan didn't like to be watched by so many people. I didn't let those people stay. I just let them disband on the spot. What did they do?" Huang Shuyun said here, also suddenly afraid, "will..."

"Back to the hospital!" Wen Shutong does not care about other things and interrupts her directly.

She took Huang Shuyun and ran frantically to the parking place.

While running, he made a call to Huo Yanlin, but Huo Yanlin didn't answer.

Wen Shutong wondered why Ji Tongsheng didn't get through to Huo Yanlin, and she didn't get through. Is there something wrong with the company today?

After getting on the bus, Huang Shuyun glared at Wen Shutong and said, "why didn't Yanlin answer the phone? Let him go to the hospital

Huo Yanshan didn't like to be watched by a group of people these days, so the people who stood by him withdrew, leaving only three.

On the contrary, it was Huang Shuyun. She was more worried that someone might harm her, so there were four or five people guarding her door.

Huang Shuyun dismissed those people by his own will, which means that the guard around Huo Yan Mountain is very lax, which is very likely to be taken advantage of.

What is the point of this person's insight into all aspects of their home!

All things, like a ring buckle like, frequent situation let anyone can not resist.

When Huang Shuyun heard Wen Shutong's words, he had no idea for a long time. He sat on the front passenger's seat with tears in his eyes, and occasionally took out an empty mouth to urge Wen Shutong to drive quickly.

Wen Shutong glanced at her and said quietly, "Huo Yanlin's phone can't be reached. You can call the people before and let them go back quickly."

Huang Shuyun trembled and took out his mobile phone. He couldn't help calling.

But she was afraid in her heart, and she was crying. After a long time, she didn't understand.

Wen Shutong grabs the mobile phone and simply explains a few words. He orders those people to quickly return to the hospital and guard Huoyan mountain.

At this time, Huang Shuyun didn't dislike Wen Shutong's hegemony. Wen Shutong became her life-saving straw. She put all her hopes on Wen Shutong.

As the car sped along, Wen Shutong couldn't help running through a few red lights and rushed to the hospital without stopping.

As soon as they arrived at the floor of Huoyanshan hospital, they felt the unusual atmosphere.

All the doctors who came and went were dignified and kept coming in and out of Huoyanshan ward.

Then, Huang Shuyun saw the operating car pushing a man out of the ward. The man's arm on one side was dripping with blood.

The doctor's icy mechanical voice sounded: "the patient's heart was punctured by sharp tools, blood pressure decreased, and oxygen saturation decreased rapidly!"

"There's a cut in the arm artery, too!"

Although the voice was cold and emotionless, the two short sentences were almost like the sentence of death.

Huang Shuyun's legs softened and she sat on the ground directly. Then she cried out in a voice: "Yan Shan, he just recovered. This is to kill him."Although Wen Shutong's heart is also tightly tugged by worry, she can't collapse earlier than Huang Shuyun.

Huo Yanlin is not here, she is the person in charge.

Wen Shutong forcibly pulls Huang Shuyun up from the ground and calmly pulls her forward.

At this time, Wen Shutong actually saw a pale Huo Yihong in the shuttle crowd.

The light in Huang Shuyun's eyes seemed to be lit up all of a sudden. She stood on tiptoe and pointed to Huo Yihong in the crowd and began to roar: "I knew he had a bad intention. Every time Yan Shan was assassinated, he was there! Huo Yihong looked at her coldly, and was not even in the mood to reply. He ran after the operating car and rushed out with the doctor.

Wen Shutong squeezed Huang Shuyun's arm tightly, and the whole person was frozen there.

Huang Shuyun turned his head and cried to Wen Shutong: "what are you pulling me for? Why don't you let me go? If he wants to hurt your father, what should he do?"

Wen Shutong opened his mouth word by word: "the man on the operating car is not Dad, but Liu Menglian."

Huang Shuyun suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Wen Shutong in disbelief: "what do you say?"

Wen Shutong did not pick up her words again, and dragged Huang Shuyun into Huoyanshan's ward.

Huo Yanshan is lying in the hospital bed. The nurse is giving him a cardiac monitor. The other one is taking his blood pressure.

The bed sheet was stained with blood and had not had time to change it. The blood should also be Liu Menglian's.

Huo Yanshan was frightened. Now she was breathing in a hurry. Seeing Wen Shutong, she pointed to her weakly and said in an angry voice, "go Look at Meng Lian. "

Huang Shuyun couldn't say anything for a moment. He just stood at the end of Huo Yan Shan's bed and watched him patter his tears.

Huo Yanshan raised his chin, and his old face showed more fatigue. He sighed heavily and said, "I'm sorry for them..."

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