Wen Shutong's whole heart seemed to be suspended in the air. Hearing this sound, her soul couldn't help shaking.

Her hands trembled uncontrollably, and she quickly opened the window and turned to see what was going on behind her.

Behind a scene of flaming fire, several cars crisscross into each other, can not see is the enemy or friend.

A cool feeling climbed up her back. She watched the scene for half a minute, until the car drove farther and farther, and the light gradually shrank in the fire.

She never saw the two people she wanted to see coming out of the fire

Her brain almost lost the ability to respond, a pull open the door, regardless of the car is still running, get up to jump down!

Seeing her for Huo Yanlin regardless of life and death, Shao Yunzheng's eyes flash a complex look.

He grabbed her, lowered his voice and said, "this is the time my brother-in-law took such a big risk to help us seize the time. Do you want his efforts to be wasted?"

"But they are too dangerous now!" Wen Shutong's eyes quickly red for a week, choked with a nasal voice.

At this moment, suddenly, the sound of a car sounded behind their car.

Huo Yanlin is just like a God, riding a motorcycle from the fire!

His face was still covered with mottled blood, and with his face that was enough to reverse all living beings, there was an indescribable feeling.

The moon is placed in the front, a small face is also tight, looks particularly serious.

The locomotive soon caught up with their car, Huo Yanlin slightly side head, lowered his voice and said, "Why are you so slow? How was it arranged? "

His upright eyebrows inadvertently glanced at Shao Yunzheng, with a sense of blame.

He tried his best to fight for such a short time, but Shao Yunzheng arranged a muddle headed.

At this time, Huo Yanlin's aura is really too strong, just such a light floating eye, but let him feel that the cold hair on his body is up.

With obvious excitement on her face, Zhang Yingying pushed Wen Shutong by the window and said excitedly, "you really want to scare me to death! Don't take the risk if your injury is not good yet

Hearing her words, Wen Shutong's words came to his mouth and swallowed them all.

She teased her lips, there are others here to add fragrance, she really can not insert a word.

"Turn left at the place ahead!" Wang Hu suddenly broke the tense atmosphere, excitedly pointed to an exit, "that place can only allow a car to pass by, even if they catch up, they can't surround us!"

Shao Yunzheng was obviously relieved. He lowered his voice and said, "I have found someone to meet me outside. As long as I escape from here, there will be nothing wrong."

With that, he put his foot out of the gas pedal and sped forward.

It's getting closer and closer to the exit, and they'll be able to escape soon!

At this critical moment, the car shook violently, and the ground trembled slightly.

After that, things like the gate rose up and blocked all the roads!

"What's going on?" Shao Yunzheng cried out.

None of them expected that they would encounter such a situation when they were about to escape here!

But Wang Hu didn't say that there were not many people who knew this place. How could there be an ambush in advance?

Huo Yanlin reaction quickly stop the car, holding the moon turned down, and then directly opened the door to pull all the people out.

I want to escape with them before the gate is fully closed.

At this time, their feet suddenly burst a layer of white smoke, Wang Hu took out the gun and banged on the ground!

His face with a superb smile: "all stay here, no one to run!"

Just like once, Huo Yanlin almost subconsciously put Wen Shutong in his arms.

As soon as the gun shot down, the gate speeded up and fell directly down, locking all of them in it.

The narrow passage was blocked in front of and behind, which left them with great ability to run out.

"Ha ha ha ha, all of you can't run! Die here

Wang Hu suddenly laughed wildly and played with the gun in his hand. "Mr. Shao, can't you imagine that I'm the last straw that killed you!"

Shao Yunzheng's canthus were cracked, his eyes widened, and he looked at the people in front of him: "you actually lied to me!"

"You're going to die soon. What if I lie to you?" He tilted his head to look at the person in front of him, "I'm sorry, I'm just ordered to do things, collect money, I have no way."

With that, he jumped straight into a place that looked like a sewer next to the prop!

Then there was only a click, and the lid was immediately sealed.Shao Yunzheng rushed forward and pulled it, but found that the place was sealed tightly and couldn't be pulled away. Only he could escape.

His eyes were scarlet with anger, and he raised his hand and smashed it on the ground.

There was a roaring car outside, and these people were about to catch up.

Zhang Yingying, with a face of panic, approaches Huo Yanlin, forcing him to be warm and comfortable in the past.

"What should we do now? If you are caught by those people, you will die! "

Shao Yunzheng looked at her with a gloomy face: "can't you say something auspicious?"

"It's not because you believe in the wrong person!" Zhang Yingying also looked at him without showing weakness, "if it wasn't for the person you're looking for, we would have gone out now! Pingbai let Yanlin take such a big risk just now and help us fight for a chance of life! "

Then she turned her head, sighed heavily, and said, "I knew I should have informed the police."

Wen Shutong's face changed. It was clear that they had come to save people. They didn't say anything just now. If something happened, they would be blamed?

She lowered her voice and said in a cold voice, "why didn't you try to inform us before? We came here because your leader called. They didn't intend to save you at all because you broke the rules first. "

"No way!" Zhang Ying stopped drinking and interrupted her, "are you sure you don't want to show off in front of Huo Yanlin, so you deliberately don't call people, leading to self defeating now?"

"Is that enough?" Huo Yanlin coldly interrupts their words, with a full of indifference in his eyebrows.

Zhang Yingying instantly closed her mouth and glared at Wen Shutong.

The imaginary sound of the car has never come. After a moment of silence, Shao Yunzheng said: "how come those cars have not come? Is it that Wang Hu didn't send a message to them? "

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