"It's not a good sign." "If they want to capture us alive, they will rush to us when the road is blocked, but they just want us to die."

Zhang Yingying, after all, is a policeman and has rich experience in handling cases.

After hearing his words, the body fiercely a meal, in the eye took a bit inconceivable.

"Well, they didn't come here for so long because There should be bombs here. They don't need to get close to them. They know we're going to die! "

As soon as her voice fell, Shao Yunzheng's eyes turned to the tight fitting cover just now.

It should be in there!

Wait for Wang Hu to escape from a safe distance and detonate the bomb!

All of a sudden, he rushed to the well cover like crazy, and he couldn't help saying that he was going to lift it up!

This thing should be sealed by what below. It can't be pulled out at all.

After several movements, Shao Yunzheng's hands were rubbed to pieces and did not shake the thing.

He slumped on the ground, covered his face with the back of his hand, choked his nostrils and said, "I'm sorry, today's things are all because of me. It's because of me that I believe wrong that I've brought myself to this step."

Zhang Yingying was so angry that she stamped her feet: "what's the use of saying these now? If you didn't come in and have a foot, maybe now Yanlin and I have already run out!"

Huo Yanlin's face was so low and terrible that his narrow and long eyes gave her a dangerous look, which implied authority.

"As you guessed just now, he must have planted a bomb under him when he ran away. It's no use opening this now. You don't have to blame yourself." Wen Shutong's voice was faintly connected.

It's obviously comforting him.

She took a clean handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to her.

"I think these people will not kill us even if they want to kill us. There must be a reason. There may not be a chance for this matter to turn around." She continued to speak softly.

"Although these people seem to be underground boxing, but I think that since they are divided into two groups, the purpose must be different." Huo Yanlin took over her words, "this killing Bureau, perhaps only one party arranged."

Wen Shutong did not accept his words, and looked down at the people on the ground: "you get up first, this matter does not blame you."

Shao Yunzheng looked at her gratefully, sat up with his arm, pondered for a moment, and then said:

"although it is said that this matter was rashly put in by us, you should tell us from the beginning that Wei Yan was kidnapped, so that we can have sufficient psychological preparation."

"I didn't tell you at that time, I was afraid that you would worry, but now it's all in reverse?" Zhang Ying Ying Ying, with her eyebrows raised, retorted in a shrill voice.

Wen Shutong immediately understood that he was talking for himself.

"Can we hide the fact that Wei Yan was kidnapped without telling us? If we had known about it earlier, we would have investigated it directly according to the kidnapping. "

Shao Yunzheng's handsome face is full of ridicule, "my sister will not come alone to take risks. After all, it's you who are irresponsible! "

He usually looks gentle and elegant. What Wen Shutong didn't expect was that he was so ruthless when fighting.

The moon had no choice but to sigh: "when are you adults going to fight? Are you going to argue until the bomb goes off? Why are you so naive? "

Zhang Yingying choked her throat and pointed to Shao Yunzheng: "he started the fight first! I wonder if his purpose is not simple, but to lead us here on purpose

"If my purpose is not simple, you are the first one to kill!" Shao Yunzheng was forced out of a bit of ferocious anger by her, low voice staring at her.

She didn't even think that she would look like this.

She grabbed Huo Yanlin's clothes and said, "I'm not happy to talk about your family! I'm also thinking about the overall situation. If we delay for a while, we'll all die! "

Just at this moment, there was a loud fighting noise outside.

Then there is the roar of the propeller tearing the air and rolling up the dust on the ground.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yingying suddenly widened her eyes, "how can I seem to hear the sound of a helicopter?"

There was no response from outside!

One after another, the wails sounded, and in an instant the silence returned to the outside.

Then the obstacles they were blocking were strafed by heavy machine guns, which were forced to open after more than ten seconds!

It took less than half a minute for them to break through the barrier and get in.

dozen as like as two peas in army green clothes, almost identical in height and shape, allowing no explanation to force them out.

Just as they were fleeing from this area, a huge explosion was heard, and the road behind them was instantly blown to pieces!They could even see several of the limbs lifted into the air at the moment of the explosion.

Everyone looked at the place with fear. If they had come out a little later, they would have been blown to pieces.

Other places are no better than there. There are a lot of people lying on the ground in disorder. They don't know whether they are dead or alive.

It's obviously all solved by these people.

Other people are still in the clouds, Huo Yanlin has already understood what is going on.

He turned his head to look at the calm faced star and gave him a silent look.

It seems that the tacit understanding between them is not wrong.

When he was in danger, he indicated with his eyes that he was looking for help.

"When you adults were quarrelling, only the stars were busy!" The moon spoke with pride.

"How do you do it?" Shao Yunzheng's face with obvious surprise, his eyes can't help but glance at these people, secretly surprised in the heart.

These people, both in terms of their skills and their clothes, were obviously dressed as mercenaries.

The people who can call helicopters in such a short time and find so many mercenaries are definitely not ordinary people!

The star looks indifferent nodded his head and said: "I tried to connect to the LAN here and sent satellite signals to the blood wolf. I didn't expect that his people were really nearby. Fortunately, they came in time."

The others raised their eyebrows, wondering about the name.

Obviously, this is a code name, but people who can mobilize such power in such a short time, even if it is just a code name, they should have heard of it.

But they have never heard of any information about this person!

It can be seen how high his personal information encryption level is.

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