"If you come a little later, you'll explode into fireworks." The mercenary holding him looked pale and said, "but you are lucky, we happen to be in the vicinity of the mission."

As soon as the man's voice fell, he could not help but hold him in one hand and then he went up the elevator.

His skill is so beautiful that even if he still has a child in his arms, he does not delay his movements at all.

Others have also been up the rope ladder, orderly to the helicopter.

There are two people in the helicopter, sitting in front of the control console, I don't know who is talking to.

Seeing Wen Shutong get on the helicopter, he turned his head without expression and said, "you come just in time. The blood wolf asks you to talk."

Wen Shutong was stunned, then nodded to the direction of the console.

She didn't hear the words of the stars just now. She didn't know who was the one who saved them.

As soon as she sat down in her seat, she heard a low scolding voice coming from outside: "what a group of dead rats, killing one pile and another!"

Just about to turn around to see what happened, the console screen flickered twice, and a blurred face appeared.

It was as if the face was hidden in the dark fog, so that people could not see his face clearly.

But even if you can't see anything clearly, there is a sense of tension and oppression across a screen.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier when you had such a thing?" The black fog slowly opened its mouth, and its voice was as cool as its temperament.

"We thought we could solve it." Wen Shutong's face with a look of embarrassment, "but did not expect to be betrayed in the middle."

"Do you want me to do it?" The voice didn't have a trace of ups and downs, just like the voice of computer AI.

"No, we'll try to solve it. Thank you today." Wen Shutong tilted his head at him.

The other end of the video was silent for a long time. Suddenly he said, "there are unidentified flying objects in the south. Don't tell me you haven't found them."

The cold faces of the two men on the control console were nervous for a moment. One of them pressed the buttons in a hurry and called up an air route map.

One of them looked at it for several times, then hesitated and said, "we didn't notice..."

"Stupid." He spewed out a word indifferently, "don't follow the original way back, take them back by a detour, and quickly return from the other direction."

"Yes The man straightened his back in an instant and raised his voice.

Although he promised very freely, he still couldn't stop playing the drum in his heart.

With his ability, it was impossible for a flying object to follow them, but he did not notice at all.

This is a big mistake!

He looked at the picture carefully and found that on a route, there was a small light that could not be checked.

If you don't observe it carefully, you can't see it at all.

He was slightly surprised.

While sighing at the amazing observation of the blood wolf, he sighed that the man behind was so skillful that he could even cheat his eyes.

It seems that this man is really not simple.

But unfortunately, compared with the blood wolf, or chess is a bad move.

The person at the other end of the video turned his eyes to Wen Shutong: "ask Wen Yueqi how he is. If he is lazy, I will know it at the first time."

The moon suffered a little injury because she was entangled with that man just now, and she is dealing with it now.

Before finishing processing, he heard the words from the video and got up in front of the console in a hurry. Before he could say a word, the screen went black and the man disappeared.

In other cases, unless they turn to him for help in an emergency, the chance of seeing a blood wolf is almost zero.

The moon drooped her head and pouted her mouth and said, "I don't want to say a word to me. I only talk to my mother. It's mean!"

Wen Shutong couldn't help but chuckle out: "he said that let me ask you well, this is not talking to you?"

As soon as her voice dropped, a muffled breath came from behind.

"What's going on?"

"Uncle Shao is injured," the moon pointed to the back, "he is the last one to get on the plane, and there are still hands down there."

As soon as her face changed, she got up and went there to check the situation.

Shao Yunzheng was not the only one injured, but also the three people who died with him.

The men seemed to be the last to put all their eggs in one basket and fired straight at the rope ladder.

However, these people's physical fitness is excellent, coupled with the rapid reaction, although the gunshot wound, but it does not look like a big problem.

After taking the medicine, he looked more than half recovered, even his face was not very bad.

On the contrary, Shao Yunzheng's arm is still gurgling with blood. The accompanying doctors repeatedly dealt with him several times, but still could not stop the blood.The man holding the star said with a cold face: "it seems that these people really want to kill you, but I am more curious that you don't even have any Kung Fu. Why do you want to break up with us?"

Shao Yunzheng was stunned for a moment, and his face was pale and he said, "because most of today's events are due to me, I want to atone."

The man scornfully lifted his lips, with a thick sneer in his eyes: "if you were my subordinate, I would have opened my head. If you don't know your strength, what's the difference between it and death? "

Shao Yunzheng's long eyelashes trembled: "I'm really sorry. I just don't want to owe others. Maybe I have some hidden flattering personality."

"Affectation." He wiped his nose indifferently and turned to sit on the other side.

Wen Shutong slowly sat next to him and said in a soft voice, "today's affairs are the result of a combination of various reasons. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to blame yourself. Besides, aren't we all out now? "

He looked at her gratefully, his eyes turning and stirring a complex emotion: "thank you..."

Huo Yanlin sat quietly in his position, trying to investigate the origin of these people and their purpose.

Noticing the conversation between the two men in front of him, his fingertips trembled.

A trace of displeasure crossed her eyes.

Zhang Yingying's wound has also been treated. Naturally, she sits beside him and slaps stars on the shoulder.

"You boasted to me that your two children can do anything, but today I see it. They are capable of writing and martial arts. Today we are all relying on them to come out! "

"Don't touch me!" The face of the moon was suddenly cold.

Her hand was frozen in the air for a moment, then she shrank back awkwardly.

She looked at Huo Yanlin wrongly: "how is this going on? I just want to... "

"He doesn't like the touch, not because he hates you." Huo Yanlin's expression light open mouth explains.

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