The people sent out soon sent back the message. They searched all possible places, but they couldn't find the warmth.

Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were as black as black clouds.

He looked at Ning Jikang and said, "take him and follow me."

With that, he left Ning's house and went to the prison to find Xu Hui.

Seeing Ning Jiwei's mighty coming, Xu Hui was stunned at first, and then saw Ning Jikang tied next to him. She frowned and asked, "Ning Jiwei, what are you doing here? What are you doing with Ji Kang? "

Ning Jiwei stares at Xu Hui and asks directly, "where is jianhaixi?"

"What jianhaixi?" Xu Hui's eyes widened and asked, "are you sick, Ning Jiwei? I'm all in here. How can I move jianhaixi? "

Ning Jiwei said coldly: "this is not the answer I want to hear."

With that, he waved to the man who was pressing Ning Jikang, and someone immediately gave Ning Jikang a kick.

"Ah Ning Jikang screamed and cried: "Mom, please tell him quickly, I will be killed by him!"

When Xu Hui watched her son suffer, she felt very sad. Looking at Ning Jiwei, Xu Hui gritted her teeth with hatred. "Ning Jiwei, I said I didn't move Jian Haixi. You don't understand me, do you?"

"That's not the answer I want to hear." Ning Jiwei still said that.

With a calm face and a wave from Li Fu, Ning Jikang was immediately "cordially treated".

"Ah, it's killing me. Help me, Ma, please help me!" Ning Jikang fell on the ground and cried.

"Stop it! Ning Jiwei, tell them to let go of my son Xu Hui.

"It depends on what you give me." Ning Jiwei's cold way.

Xu Hui stares at Ning Jiwei viciously and scolds: "I said I didn't touch that little bitch, but now I really regret seeing you like this."

With that, Xu Hui said with a sneer: "if I had known that you cared so much about that little bitch and those two little wild bastards, I would not have spent so much effort to deal with the old lady. I would have directly dealt with that little bitch, so that you could have a good taste of heartbreak!"

Hear Xu Hui say "wild seed" two words, Ning Jiwei eyes a dark, came forward to a choke her neck, picked her up, "you'd better be careful to speak."

"Ha, am I right?"

Xu Hui was pinched by his neck and lifted up. Her feet were off the ground. Her face was red, but she still swore in a sharp voice: "you are a wild species, so you also have a special preference for wild species. No wonder you are so fond of that little bitch. It turns out that you are fond of her wild species!"

Ning Jiwei squints at Xu Hui and tightens her hand by the neck.

Xu Hui's eyes turned white as he pinched her, and her breathing became more and more difficult. She kept beating Ning Jiwei with her hands and yelled hoarsely, "let go Let go, Ning Jiwei, let go

Ning Jiwei watched her struggle from fierce to unable to raise her hand. She didn't let go until she was about to die.

"Cough Hoo Hoo... " Xu Hui was thrown to the ground by him. At this time, she didn't care to scold Ning Jiwei any more. She just tried her best to breathe the fresh air.

Just now, if verningjiwei let go later, she might say goodbye to the world.

Xu Hui felt her neck in fear, then looked up at Ning Jiwei. She had the fear in her eyes that she didn't have just now.

Ning Jiwei stares at Xu Hui on the ground. He turns his head to look at Li Fu and says, "chop off his hand."

"Yes." Li Fu waved to the man who was pressing Ning Jikang. The man nodded and took out his machete.

"What, what?" Ning Jikang, who was crying on the ground, was so scared that he even stopped crying. Looking at Ning Jiwei, he yelled: "what are you going to do? Ning Jiwei, you can't do this to me. You're breaking the law, you know? Ma, help me, ma... "

Incoherent words, as well as tears and snot all over her face, Xu Hui's heart will be broken.

She looked up at Ning Jiwei and said angrily, "Ning Jiwei, if you dare to hurt Ji Kang, I will fight with you!"

Ning Jiwei sneers and doesn't look at her. Li Fu has gone to Ning Jikang.

One by one, one by one.

Soon, the interrogation room is full of Ning Jikang's screams. Looking at the red blood and her son lying on the ground, Xu Hui turns pale.

"Jikang, Jikang, how are you?"

Xu Hui struggles to climb toward Ning Jikang, but with Ning Jiwei standing there, she can't get to Ning Jikang.

Looking up at the ruthless Ning Jiwei, Xu Hui gritted her teeth with hatred, "Ning Jiwei, if you want to kill us, just say so. Can you torture us with this method?"

"I don't want to kill you."

Ning Jiwei stares at Xu Hui coldly and says: "even if you don't provoke me, I can treat you as nonexistent. It's a pity that you want to provoke me. No wonder I do it. "

"I said I didn't know that little bitch..." Xu Huigang wanted to say "little bitch". Looking at Ning Jiwei's face, she swallowed it and said, "I really don't know where jianhaixi is. I swear I didn't touch her.""That's not the answer I want to hear."

Ning Jiwei said the same thing.

Looking at his cold appearance, Xu Hui and Ning Jikang are almost tortured by him.

Xu Hui yelled, "what do you want? What else do you want for a little bitch? If you can kill us, kill me. I don't know where she is

"No one can abuse my wife in front of me." Ning Jiwei's cold way.

At that end, Ning Jikang covered his hands and cried: "Mom, please, tell him what you know. I, I really can't..."

"Ji Kang!" Looking at her son's appearance, Xu Hui cried bitterly.

Ning Jiwei sneered: "Ning Jikang is your own, isn't it happy to see your own son suffer for you?"

"It can make her happier." Li Fu asked coldly, "president, do you want to chop off another hand?"

"No, no, please..." Ji Ning cried on the ground.

Hearing Li Fu's words, Xu Hui glared at him as if he wanted to eat people. She gritted her teeth and said, "don't you dare!"

"Dare we..." Ning Jiwei stares at Xu Hui, the corner of his mouth pulls out a sneer way: "you scold a wild seed to try again, knew."

"You, you..." Xu Hui stares at Ning Jiwei, stutters for a long time, and doesn't dare to scold again.

"Or not?" Ning Jiwei's eyes were sharp and he was about to wave to Li Fu.

"Stop it! Ningjiwei, stop it

Seeing Ning Jiwei's action, Xu Hui immediately yelled, "Ning Jiwei, how can you be so cruel? How can you? "

"Why can't I?" Ning Jiwei sneered: "before you say others are cruel, you might as well think about what you have done."

"I didn't do it!" Xu Hui cried: "I said I didn't move her. Even if you killed me and Ji Kang, I can't tell where she is!"

Ning Jiwei looks at Xu Hui and has doubts in her eyes.

If it wasn't Xu Hui, who would it be?

When Ning Ji and Xu Hui were in a stalemate, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

It was just a low noise, but it surprised everyone present.

Ning Jiwei immediately takes out his mobile phone and opens it. What he sees is a multimedia message. When he sees the content of the message, Ning Jiwei's expressionless face suddenly changes. Without saying a word, he leaves behind Xu Hui and turns around.

Seeing Ning Jiwei leave, in the interrogation room, Xu Hui looks at the large pool of blood under Ning Jikang and makes a miserable scream.


the MMS is sent from an empty number. In the photo, I heard that Qingnuan was present. On the sofa next to her, the unconscious person is not Jian Haixi. Who else can it be?

I didn't expect that it was really missing. Ning Jiwei gritted his teeth and told Li Fu to check the address when he came out of the interrogation room.

But the other party sent it by empty number, and the surrounding environment in the photo is not clear, so it must take time to check.

At this time, Ning Jiwei's mobile phone rings the voice of wechat video. He is stunned and opens it to see that it is Jian Yi's wechat.

Ning Jiwei frowned and pressed the answer. As soon as he got through, there came Jianrui's panicked voice.

"Daddy, daddy, Mommy is taken by the bad woman! What about Wuwu, daddy? Do something to save Mommy

Daughter's cry listen to Ning Jiwei heart all pull up, he forced calm pacify daughter: "pistil pistil good, don't cry ha, you don't worry, daddy will save Mommy."

"Woo woo Ruirui doesn't cry, but daddy, you must save Mommy! "

"Don't worry, do you want to know After pacifying her daughter, Ning Jiwei asked, "where's your brother? What is he doing? "

Now that Jianyi and Jianrui know about jianhaixi's kidnapping, they believe that Jianyi must have taken action.

Sure enough, Jianrui turns the camera to Jianyi, and says to Ning Jiwei, "my brother has been checking the address of that SMS since he received it."

Ning Jiwei nodded, looked at Jian Yi who kept operating the computer, and asked, "Yi Yi, did you find anything?"

Jane Yi shook her head and said, "not yet. The people over there are obviously computer experts. It's hard for me to track them."

"Don't worry." Ning Jiwei said, "I'll come to you right now."

"Daddy, please come here quickly ~" Jianrui said anxiously: "we are all waiting for you at my grandfather's house, please hurry up ~"

"don't worry, daddy will be over soon, Ruirui will be obedient, don't disturb my brother, you know?" Ning Jiwei comforted his daughter.

"Well, Ruirui will be waiting for daddy."

After hanging up the video, Ning Jiwei told Li Fu, "I'll give you ten minutes. Within ten minutes, you must find out Jian Haixi's address."

"Yes, president." As soon as Li Fu had a good look on his face, he turned around and immediately went to do it.After telling Li Fu, Ning Jiwei drove to Fu Zuo's home without stopping.

And pay for settle down, at this time already flurried into a group.

When she received the message, Jane immediately panicked and wanted to go to the police. Fu zuoan patted him on the shoulder and said, "you should calm down first. You can be sure when you call the police. As long as you find the address, I will arrange the troops to surround there."

Jianchenran anxiously paced back and forth, while Jianrui on the other side threw herself into Lin Xiaodou's arms and cried in a low voice, "little aunt, do you think Mommy will be ok?"

"Certainly not." Lin Xiaodou painfully wiped the tears on Jianrui's face and comforted: "Ruirui, don't cry. Your mommy is so smart, and there are your brother and daddy. Everyone will save your mommy. Your mommy will be fine."

In the end, Lin Xiaodou didn't know whether she was comforting Jianrui or comforting herself.

"Uncle, grandfather Fu, don't worry."

After experiencing the initial panic, Jian Yi has calmed down and operated the computer over and over again, saying to Jian Chenran and Fu zuoan: "no matter what, we have to find out where Mommy is before we can determine the action of that step. Even if we have to call the police, it will take time for the police to inquire and find the address. "

Unfortunately, as he and Ning Jiwei said before, the other side is obviously a computer expert. He tried to break in again and again, but they all failed.

With more times, Jian Yi can't help but get anxious.

"Brother, this..." As soon as Jane wanted to ask, Lin Xiaodou hugged her and shook her head.

At this time, Jian Yi is obviously under the most pressure. It's better not to disturb him any more.

Jianrui nodded her head wisely, only biting her lips and adding oil to Jianyi silently, hoping that he could defeat the bad guys as soon as possible and find out where Mommy is.

Once again, Jian Yi's search failed. She impatiently pushed the computer forward, took out her mobile phone, looked at the MMS from the strange number, stood up and walked back and forth in the room again and again.

Before each scene in his mind quickly flash, I do not know what to think of, Jian Yi suddenly stopped, eyes a bright way: "I know!"

"Brother, do you have an idea?" Jianrui happily looks at Jianyi and asks. Jianchenran and others are eagerly waiting for his answer.

Instead of answering immediately, Jian Yi looks at Jian Rui and says, "Rui Rui, contact JOJO immediately."

"What?" Jianrui Leng next, angry way: "brother, now what time, how do you still let me find brother JOJO?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Jian Yi looks at Jian Rui seriously and says, "call JOJO and ask him for Qin Tian's phone number."

"Qin Tian?" Jian Chenran and Fu zuoan are all in a daze. What does this matter to Qin Tian?

Jian Yi has no time to explain. She just tells her to do it quickly. Then she goes back to the computer and starts a program in the background.

Jianrui doesn't understand what Jianyi means, but fortunately she knows that Jianyi won't let her do it for no reason, so she sends a wechat video to JOJO. Fortunately, JOJO answers her video soon.

"Ruirui, what's the matter?"

Jianrui looks at Jianyi, frowns and says, "brother JOJO, can you tell me the phone number of Qin Tian? Be quick. "

JOJO Leng next, but see Jianrui anxious, but also did not ask what, very cooperate to her said Qin Tian's phone, and said: "Ruirui, is something wrong? I'm filming right now. I'll call you when it's done. "

"Well, brother JOJO, I'll hang up first." Asked the number, Jianrui was not in the mood to chat with JOJO and hung up.

Jian Yi's eyes start, and then he dials Qin Tian.

This time is no longer empty, but just think twice was hung up.

"She hung up?" Lin Xiaodou anxiously asked: "she hung up, how can this do?"

"It doesn't matter." With a sneer, Jian Yi opens the computer page, where a red dot has been marked on the automatically generated map.

"This is..." Jane Chen Ran looked at the red dot excitedly and asked, "Yi Yi, you have found her position, haven't you?"

"Well." Jian Yi nodded and locked the red dot. After enlarging, she finally determined that the address was the old site of Anhe chemical plant.

"What a remote place." Lin Xiaodou looked at the address found and frowned.

"Are you sure it's Yi Yi here?" Jane Chen Ran asked: "what you found is only Qin Tian's address, right? How can you be sure that she kidnapped Haixi? "

"It's her. It can't be wrong." Jian Yi said calmly.

Guess, are you smarter or am I smarter? Genius She's been completely exposed.

After confirming the address, Jian Yi gets up and leaves the computer and says to Jian Chenran, "uncle, little aunt, grandfather Fu and Ruirui, you are waiting for daddy here. When daddy arrives, tell him the address. I'll go to that place first.""What?" Jane Chen Ran widened her eyes, shook her head without hesitation, and refused: "it's impossible, Yi Yi. Your daddy will be here soon. When he arrives, shall we discuss how to do it?"

"Yes, Yi Yi." Fu zuoan also said, "how can we trust you to go there alone?"

Anyway, Jian Yi is just a six-year-old child. How can they trust him to face the bad guys with different ideas?

"No, I can't wait." Jian Yi said, "we can wait, and Mommy can't either."

"Well No, my uncle will accompany you, will you Jane Chenran suggested, "I'll go with you. It'll help, won't it?"

"No way." But Jian Yi still shakes her head, looks at Jian Chenran and says, "Qin Tian has a strange personality. If I want to ensure mummy's safety, I have to go there alone."


Jian Chenran and others are in a dilemma. They certainly don't trust Jian Yi to go alone. But listening to her words, they can't stop him from going to save Jian Haixi.

Jianrui blinked at Jianyi, took his arm and said, "brother, you will save mummy, right?"

"Well." Jian Yi nods.

"Ruirui believes in her brother." With tears in her eyes, Jianrui pulls a smile, reaches out her arm and hugs Jianyi, saying, "brother, Ruirui will be waiting for daddy here. But brother, you have to promise Ruirui that you can't have anything to know? Ruirui wants her mother and her brother. "

"Don't worry." Jian Yi touches Jian Rui's head and turns to leave Fu's house.

After walking out of Fu's home, Jian Yi takes out her mobile phone and issues an order in the group, asking the people in the group to arrange their men to surround the old factory site as quickly as possible.

After receiving Jian Yi's order, the group immediately sent out countless replies. Everyone said that as long as Jian Yi gave the order, the old factory site would be razed to the ground in three minutes.

Looking at the reply, Jian Yi smiles coldly and goes to the old factory site.

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