At Ning Jiwei's command, Li Fu went to find out the news of jianhaixi, but he found nothing.

He will check the results of hail Ning Jiwei, Ning Jiwei after listening to the face, "what is nothing? What about surveillance? What about the route? How can a living man disappear without saying it? "

Shocked by his anger, Li Fu said: "I found that Jian Haixi didn't go home, but I don't know where she went. Her car was still parked in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain, but the person disappeared. I checked the surveillance in that area and it's all broken. "

"Then check it for me!" Ning Jiwei gritted his teeth and said, "mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized, and be sure to find out where Haixi is in the shortest time."

"Yes." Li Fu nodded his head and did it immediately.

Ning Jiwei gets up and goes to Mr. Ning's room.

Ji Weining sighed. This time, he was really angry. Because those people touch people they shouldn't touch, and they violate Ning Jiwei's taboo.

Ning Jiwei goes to the room of old master Ning, kicks open the door and stares at Ning Jikang.

"Ning Jiwei, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Ning Jiwei broke in like this, Ning Jikang roared: "you can't knock on such a big man? Don't you know that he's in good health? "

Old master Ning also looked at Ning Jiwei and scolded: "who do you want to show your face to? Why, I haven't signed an agreement yet, so I'm thinking about the following

Ning Jiwei took a look at the old master Ning and Ning Fubang. Without saying a word, he went straight to Ning Jikang.

"You, ningjiwei, what do you want?"

Seeing that Ning Jiwei came to him, Ning Jikang subconsciously took two steps back, "Ning Jiwei, I warn you, grandfather is still here, don't mess with me."

Ning Jiwei sneered, "what's wrong? I've never been sorry for you, but have you been messing with me a little? "

Said, came forward to grasp Ning Jikang, pulling his collar to pull him up.

"Ah! Grandpa, help Ning Jikang shivers and yells for help.

"Ning Jiwei, you are presumptuous!" Looking at his grandson being carried in his hand by Ning Jiwei, old master Ning yelled: "let go of Ji Kang, what do you want to do? Murder your brother? "

"Brother?" Ning Jiwei sneered and glanced at Mr. Ning, then looked at Ning Jikang and said, "when did you really treat me as a family member, and when did Ning Jikang treat me as a brother?"


Seeing that Ning Jiwei's face was not right, Ning Jikang's scared words were not sharp, "Ning Jiwei, you let go, I hear you, let go! Help me, grandfather. I'm going to be strangled

"Ning Jiwei, asshole!" Ning old master urgent picked up the water cup on the table, cell phone to Ning Jiwei body hit, "quick to let go, hear me."

He said, staring at Ning Fubang, who didn't speak all the time, and said, "are you just watching? That's your own son

Ning Fubang looked at Ning Jiwei in embarrassment and advised: "Jiwei, you release Jikang first. What can you say?"

"Well said?" Ning Jiwei sneered: "I have no patience to talk with you."

After that, he raised his foot to Ning Jikang's knee socket and kicked him on the ground. At the same time, he locked his arm tightly with both hands and asked harshly, "where did you hide Jian Haixi?"


Ning Jikang was kicked and locked by him, and the whole person was directly frightened. When he heard his words, he reacted for a long time, and then he said: "what are you talking about? When and who did I hide? "

Ning Jiwei didn't believe what he said at all. He only increased the strength of his hand. He buckled his arm and let his head rise.

"Ah! Pain, grandfather, please help me, my arm is going to break Ning Jikang cried and begged for mercy.

"Ning Jiwei, let go of Jikang

Let go of old Ji Kang ye to hear me roar

Ning Jiwei gave a cold smile and ignored Mr. Ning. He only stretched out a hand to break Ning Jikang's chin and threatened: "Ning Jikang, you will be honest when I ask someone to pry open your mouth and break your teeth one by one, won't you?"

"I, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know anything..." Ning Jikang cried, "even if you knock off my teeth, I don't know or don't know."


Looking at Ning Jikang, who doesn't speak, Ning Jiwei smiles coldly, kicks him open and waves to the door.

Soon, two men in black came in and stood beside Ning Jiwei and said, "president."

Ning Jiwei pointed to Ning Jikang and said, "arrest him. If he doesn't explain for one minute, he will cut off his tongue. If he doesn't explain for two minutes, he will dig out his eyes."

"Yes." The two men in black nodded and walked towards Ning Jikang without expression.

"No, don't come here!" Ning Jikang was scared straight back. Seeing that two men in black were about to catch him, Ning Jikang ran to the bedside. "Help me, help me, I'm your only grandson!""Ning Jiwei, when are you going to make trouble? Don't let them out yet Mr. Ning roared.

Ning Jiwei doesn't speak, but looks at the scene indifferently.

When the man in black came to the bed, Mr. Ning couldn't stop them. After two times, Ning Jikang was pressed on the ground by the man in black.

"Ji Wei, this..." Ning Fubang looks at Ning Jikang who is pressed on the ground and frowns at Ning Jiwei. "What's the matter, you can say. If it's really Ji Kang's fault, I will not forgive him."

Ning Jiwei looked at him, "father, you don't care about this."

Having said that, he ordered to follow Ning Jikang's black dress: "knock out his tooth for me."

"Yes." After hearing the order, the man in black didn't use any special tools. He directly swung his fist and smashed it on Ning Jikang's face.

"No, no!" Ning Jikang was hiding, crying and pleading: "grandfather, Dad, help me, help me!"

"Ning Jiwei! You really want to piss me off, don't you? "

Looking at Ning Jikang suffering, old master Ning was angry and said in a angry voice: "for a woman who has no status and is not born, do you want to punish yourself like this and us?"

Ning Jiwei suddenly turned back, looked at old master Ning, and said word by word: "Jian Haixi has never been a woman without status or birth, she is my Ning Jiwei's woman. From this moment on, Jian Haixi is my wife, the president's wife of maiteng group, and the mother of my child. If anyone dares to disrespect her, I will never let him go! "

"You, what are you talking about?" Old master Ning didn't expect that Ning Jiwei was really going to marry Jian Haixi, and he vomited blood.

"Jiwei, what's going on?" Ning Fubang asked suspiciously: "what's the matter with the child's mother? Whose child? "

Ning Jiwei didn't have the time to answer Ning Fubang's question. He just stepped forward two steps and pressed Ning Jikang to say in a sharp voice: "say quickly, where is Haixi?"

"I, I really don't know!" Ning Jikang had just been knocked out of a tooth by the man in black. At this moment, his mouth was covered with blood foam and his words were leaking. When Ning Jiwei pressed it, he cried in horror: "I haven't contacted jianhaixi, how can I hide her? Besides, I don't have the ability. "

Ning Jiwei's eyes narrowed and said in a cold voice: "it seems that it's not enough for you to lose a tooth. You want to have your tongue cut off."

"I I really don't have one Ning Jikang was aggrieved and said: "I really didn't hide her. Maybe..."

After a pause, Ning Jikang turned around and said, "maybe it was my mother who did it. I don't know many things she did. Maybe it was her instigation."

"Xu Hui?" Ning Jiwei frowned and didn't rush to express his opinion.

"Yes, yes." Seeing that Ning Jiwei stopped and pressed his hand, Ning Jikang said busily: "besides, there's something else. Maybe it's warm. That girl No, that Wen Qingnuan loves you so much, maybe she will do such stupid things for you? By the way, I haven't seen her today. Maybe it's her. I'm sure it's her! "

At the end of the day, Ning Jikang has changed from guessing to affirming, no matter whether it is or not, as long as he can draw Ning Jiwei's attention away from him.

Listen to Ning Jikang's words, Ning Jiwei's eyebrows are more and more wrinkled. Of course, he knows Ning Jikang's careful thinking, but those words just now are reasonable.

After thinking about it, Ning Jiwei said, "tie him up for me, and find two other people, one to find Xu Hui, the other to find Wen Qingnuan, and go now."


Two people in black, one is responsible for binding Ning Jikang, the other is responsible for going out to execute the order.

Ning Jiwei said, turned and walked out, the man in black tied Ning Jikang behind him.

"Where are you going to take me?" Ning Jikang saw the man in black dragging himself out and yelled, "Grandpa, help me! I don't want to go with him, I don't want to

"Ningjiwei, stop for me!"

Ning's face turns blue, pointing to Ning Jiwei's cold voice warning, but the content is not about Ning Jikang.

"Ning Jiwei, if you dare to marry another woman without my permission and lick your face to be a stepfather, I will never agree, unless I die!"

"Grandfather..." Ning Jikang was stunned. Looking at the old man Ning, he cried: "grandfather, please save me first..."

Ning Jiwei looked at the old master Ning. He was too lazy to say a word. He turned and left the room.

"Grandfather, grandfather, Dad..." Ning Jikang's cry gradually goes away, and old master Ning is still angry in the room.

Ning Fubang was shocked by the scenes just now. He didn't know how to react. Now he was surprised, "Dad, what do you mean Ji Wei is a stepfather to others?"

"What do you mean, what do you mean..." Ning old master complained of staring at him, "your own son you don't care, partiality other people's son also what situation don't know, how do you when the elder? Don't be angry with me


suburban factories.

In the room, Jian Haixi came to life gradually. As soon as she moved, she felt pain all over her body.She covered the most painful neck, opened her eyes, but saw that she was lying in a strange place. The shabby environment and shabby atmosphere made her sit up alertly.


A female voice comes, Jian Haixi Leng next, turn head to see Qin Tianzheng leisurely sitting next to a small tea table drinking tea.

See her to see to come over, Qin Tian return toward her charming smile, as if they are good friends.

Jian Haixi frowns and looks at Qin Tian without speaking.

Qin Tian took a look at her, waved to the man standing next to her and said, "didn't you see Miss Jane wake up? Why don't you bring another cup? "

"Yes." The man obediently went to get another cup.

Jian Haixi looked around and initially guessed that it should be an old warehouse or something.

It's a very desolate place. Although it's not afraid, it's definitely not suitable for tea and dessert. But Qin Tian's appearance is like in some high-end restaurant, enjoying tea and desserts, looks very strange.

Jian Haixi looked at Qin Tian and asked, "why am I here?"

Qin Tian smiles and helps Jian Haixi pour the tea. "Isn't it obvious enough? Of course, I brought you here ~ "

Jian Haixi frowned. Since Qin Tian appeared in Fu Zuo's home, she realized that she and Qin Tian were not the same kind of people, but she never thought that she would bring herself here," what do you want to do? "

"Don't worry ~"

with a smile, Qin Tian raised a cup to jianhaixi and said, "this tea is very good. I specially prepared it for you. Try it."

"Qin Tian, I don't have time to spend time with you here." Jian Haixi stood up and looked at Qin Tian unhappily and said, "what's your purpose in the end?"

"Tut, it's really an acute person." Qin Tian took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "what are you in a hurry? Anyway, the game will be over soon."

"What game?" Jian Haixi was confused by Qin Tian's attitude, and wanted to ask, but Qin Tian said to her, "don't worry, drink tea first."

Jian Haixi looked at the teacup in front of her and said coldly, "I dare not drink your tea."

As soon as her voice fell, the silent man strode forward and pulled jianhaixi rudely to the tea table.


Jian Haixi was unprepared, so he almost fell down.

"What are you doing?" Qin Tian frowned at Jian Haixi, turned to the man unhappily, stood up and gave him a slap in the face and scolded him: "what are you doing so rude? This is my distinguished guest. Don't you know what compassion is? It's not the end of the game yet. You are so rude and broke Ning Jiwei's baby. What can I do? How can I play? "

The big man was slapped in the face and did not resist. He covered his face and retreated.

Jian Haixi looked up at Qin Tian and asked, "what do you mean by the game? What's the matter with Ning Jiwei? "

Qin Tian smiles and sits down again. Instead of answering Jian Haixi's question, she asks with a smile: "there are some big news in Ning's family recently. Do you know?"

Jian Haixi frowned and said angrily, "haven't you boasted enough about how angry old lady Ning is? Now I want to show it off again? "

“no no no……” Qin Tian stretched out his index finger and shook his red lips: "I'm not talking about this, don't you know? Did Ning Jiwei not tell you? Tut Tut, what a pity. "

"What are you trying to say?" Jian Haixi asked impatiently.

"Poor silly Baitian, how can a woman like you grow up so big?" Qintian incredible looking at jianhaixi, "unexpectedly can and ningjiwei climb up the relationship, is really amazing."

Jane Haixi stares at her and doesn't speak.

"Oh, I'm still angry ~" seeing that Jian Haixi's face was not good-looking, Qin Tian said with a smile, "just tell you. In fact, Ning Jiwei is not a child of the Ning family."

After a pause, Qin Tian continued: "but you don't have to worry too much, as long as your child is Ning Jiwei's seed, right?"

Jian Haixi looks at Qin Tian, "is that what you want to say? What's the matter? Can this increase your pleasure? "

"You know?" Qin Tian looks at Jian Haixi not surprised, the smile on his face gradually closed up.

Just now she was still laughing at jianhaixi for being a silly white sweet, but now she has lost one. She is just like that clown.

"How can you know? Why didn't you just say that? Are you playing with me on purpose? " Qin Tian suddenly gets angry. She claims to be smart and has always been in charge of the game. Unexpectedly, she was played by Jian Haixi as a clown just now.

Jian Haixi sneered: "how do I know what you are going to tell me is such outdated news? I thought there was any news. I didn't expect that you were just like that. You amused me with some outdated news."

"You..." Qin Tian was nearly crushed by Jian Haixi, and took a deep breath several times before she recovered.

Jian Haixi stares at Qin Tian and asks, "well, you've already said the outdated news, and you've drunk the tea, so what are you going to do?""Don't worry, I'm not interested in being a stepmother for your child, but My game is more interesting than being a stepmother. "

After that, Qin Tian looked at his watch and said with a smile, "time is up. It's time to go to the next stage."

Then he waved and walked slowly towards jianhaixi.

Jian Haixi stepped back two steps, staring at Qin Tian and asked, "Qin Tian, what are you going to do?"

Thinking of the name of Ning Jiwei mentioned by Qin Tian just now, Jian Haixi is full of worries. This Qin Tian doesn't look as simple as playing a small game. What is she going to do? Will she use her to do something bad for Jiwei and the children?

It's a pity that when Qin Tian raised her neck and asked her more questions, she was almost stunned.

Before the coma, the last word she heard was Qin Tian's voice: "don't worry, just play with me."

Looking at Jian Haixi fainted, Qin Tian nodded with satisfaction, opened his mobile phone, checked a photo and sent it to a number.

Just sent in the past, and reaction, shook his head and said with a smile: "wrong, I am really confused, that cell phone number is useless."

Finish saying, and re-enter a mobile phone number, sent in the past.

After the photos are sent, Qin Tian holds her head and looks at Jian Haixi. Unexpectedly, she thinks of Jian Yi's handsome and smart face. Her eyes turn around, she smiles, turns on her mobile phone, and sends another picture with a sentence:

guess, are you smarter or am I smarter? Genius!

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