Jianhaixi is in the boat received a phone call, heard there yangyaru said saw Jianrui, jianhaixi only feel heart a hanging boulder finally fell down.

"Haixi, Haixi, are you listening?" Can't hear Yang Yaru ask.

"Well." Jianhaixi resist the impulse to cry, choked nodded: "I'm listening, thank you, Yaru."

Yang Yaru said: "needless to say, thank you. I also happened to meet her. Besides, Ruirui grew up with me."

Jianhaixi took a deep breath several times before she calmed down. "Yaru, you said you had sent Ruirui to Jiwei?"

"Well." Yang Yaru said apologetically, "speaking of this, I may have caused you trouble. Originally, I thought that Ning Jiwei would work overtime in the company at this time. In addition, there are few people in the company at this time, so I sent Ruirui here. But I didn't expect Mo Wanshan to be here, so... "

Jianhaixi Leng next, quickly said: "it doesn't matter, for me, as long as the pistil is OK, other things don't matter."

Thinking of the scene when she saw Ruirui by the river, Yang Yaru sighed and said, "Ruirui was not hurt, but it's hard to say whether she was hurt in her heart. When I saw her, she was being held by bad people and wanted to be taken away. I only found out it was her when I heard her crying. Later I asked Ruirui where you are. She just cried and said that she didn't want to be your burden. "

After a pause, Yang Yaru continued: "Haixi, I know you are very difficult now, but the children still need to pay attention not to put too much pressure on them. No matter how sensible Ruirui seems, she can't bear the pressure of some adults."

"I see, thank you..." Jianhaixi choked thanks, and the cry in her voice could no longer be hidden.

Mo negative, Yang Yaru after the call to see George came.

"Is Ruirui OK?" Yang Yaru asked.

George said, "even if something happens, we can't help next. Let's go."

Yang Yaru looked at the office again. She could see that Jian Rui was crying in Ning Jiwei's arms. She couldn't help sighing and said, "I've called Haixi. She seems to be crying on her way here."

George stopped with his fingers, and then led Yang Yaru out, "let's go, then it's their family affairs. If we can help, they will naturally say."

Yang Yaru nodded and left Mo negative with George.

On the boat.

Hung up the phone, jianhaixi heartache hard to restrain.

She tried her best to do everything well. She wanted to be worthy of all the people around her, but she just treated her children badly.

The river breeze blows, taking jianhaixi's tears, but can't take away the guilt and heartache in her heart.

On the other side of the deck, a girl with a wide brimmed hat, holding a sketch book and pencil, was looking for the most suitable angle and scenery. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of jianhaixi beside the railing. Her heart moved and her hands quickly described it.

After calming down, jianhaixi calls Jianyi to tell him about Jianrui, but conceals what Yang Yaru said about Jianrui's encounter by the river.

After listening to Jian Haixi, Jian Yi asked, "Mommy, are you going to pick up Ruirui now?"

"Well." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "I don't trust her. Anyway, she has already arrived in Xiangcheng. I just want to go and have a look."

"Not bad." Jian Yi promised, "Mommy, I'm still busy. You'll see Ruirui later. Let's get in touch."


After hanging up, Jian Yi stares at the crying girl on the computer screen, lowers her head and tears down her face.

Mo Tong sniffs hard and wipes tears on his face with the back of his hand.

beside him, Qin Zhi, Xu he and Dou Ming are all red.

In fact, before jianhaixi called, they had found Jianrui's news, but they didn't have time to call jianhaixi.

"Yi Yi..."

Mo Tong lowered his head and said, "I want to go back to Mo's home."

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned. Jian Yi was stunned and turned to look at him with red eyes. She refused even though she didn't want to

Mo Tong pursed his lips and didn't speak. He just looked at him stubbornly.

Qin Zhi and Xu frowned, "Mo Tong, what are you saying? Why do you go back to Mo's home at this time? "

"I..." Mo Tong gritted his teeth, "I miss my mother."

"I Pooh!" Qin Zhixu turned a big white eye to Mo Tong and said, "little doll, look at the object before you lie. OK, do you think anyone can believe such a lie?"

Mo Tong lowered his head and did not speak, but he was still stubborn and refused to take back what he had just said.

Jian Yi looked at him and said, "if you still insist, I can only tell my father and mother. It happens that they are all here now. You can tell them in person."

Mo Tong a Leng, pursed lip way: "I don't want."

"Take back what you just said." Jian Yi said coldly, "no matter how few people we have, we can't sell our own people in exchange for temporary happiness."Listening to Jian Yi's words, Qin Zhixu understands Mo Tong's idea.

He looked at Mo Tong in surprise and said, "boy, it turns out that you want to go back to Mo's home by yourself. In this way, we will have less children to take care of, and the pressure will be less?"

Mo Tong nodded and said in a low voice: "now that the people of Mo family have known Ruirui, they won't let go. I'll take care of them when I go back."

"I need your help?"

Qin Zhixu stepped forward, touched his head rudely but spoiled, and said, "don't worry, this matter will be solved."

Mo Tong looked up at him with obvious worry and doubt in his eyes.

Qin Zhixu sighed: "we all know your dedication, but can you keep it first? When you really can't solve it, you can rush up. I promise I won't stop you then. "

Mo Tong looks at Jian Yi.

Jian Yi snorted: "I'll punish you to make the system that I taught you yesterday before tomorrow, or I'll tell daddy and mommy that you want to go back to Mo's home."

"I see." Mo Tong replied.


don't be in the office.

Mo Wanshan and Jian Rui are still staring at each other.

Jianrui hid behind Ning Jiwei and asked in a low voice: "Daddy, who is he?"

Ning Jiwei introduced: "Mo Wanshan, the owner of Mo family."

Hearing Ning Jiwei's introduction, Mo Wanshan couldn't help but draw a little.

"Ah Jianrui heard Ning Jiwei's introduction, exclaimed, and her whole head shrank behind Ning Jiwei, "isn't he a bad guy?"

"Bad people?" Mo Wanshan couldn't help but stare at Ning Jiwei angrily this time, "how did you introduce me? When did I become a bad person? "

Ning Jiwei snorted coldly, "it seems that you have a problem with your positioning cognition."

Mo Wanshan Is that saying he's always been a bad guy?

Son of a bitch!

Ning Jiwei doesn't pay attention to Mo Wanshan, just holding her daughter to tease and coax.

Unfortunately, with Mo Wanshan as the "villain" here, Jianrui couldn't relax.

Ning Jiwei stares in the past, "you go."

"What?" Mo Wanshan angrily patted the wheelchair, "do you dare to drive me away?"

Jianrui is shivering again.

Ning Jiwei frowned deeper, discontented way: "you scared my daughter."

Mo Wanshan

Finally, under Ning Jiwei's ruthless "drive", Mo Wanshan had to leave Mo negative ahead of time. Before leaving, he didn't even have a chance to say "I'm your grandfather" to Jianrui.

I didn't expect to see my granddaughter here today, but I didn't think he would be better.

Don't say, just like Jianrui's smile, although she was crying, her big eyes almost sucked his heart away.

Think of the little granddaughter so lovely, Mo Wanshan happily bent up the corner of the mouth, even Ning Jiwei's gas are not care to live.

"Yue Feng."


Mo Wanshan asked, "you said before that you had seen Xiaorui. What did you look like when you saw her?"

Yue Feng thought for a moment and said, "at that time, the young lady was bound by Mo Sheng's men and suffered some injuries. When her subordinates saw her, they were in the hospital. When they learned that the young master was going to leave, the young lady was very sad, but she was sensible and didn't stop her. It was only after the young master left that he began to cry. At that time, his subordinates were in the corridor. When they heard the young lady's cry, they were heartbroken. They also advised the young master whether to delay two days. Unexpectedly, the young master refused. "

Listening to Yue Feng's words, Mo Wanshan thinks about Jianrui's crying in the hospital, and sighs with heartache.

Then he thought of something and asked Yue Feng, "I heard that There was a child before... "

"Yes." When Yue Feng knew that he was asking about Jian Yi, he sighed.

In fact, Jane and Mo Ruishan talked about him more than once a long time ago.

But now Yue Feng knows that Mo Wanshan just wants to hear it again.

So Yue Feng is serious about Jian Yi.

"It's said that he's as smart as the young master, and he's very sensible."

Listening to Yue Feng's words, Mo Wanshan felt sorry.

So good boy, if only he were alive.


After Mo Wanshan left, Jane just relaxed a little.

Ning Jiwei took her and sat down on the chair. She asked softly, "Ruirui, can you tell daddy what's going on now?"

Jianrui carefully looked up at him and said in a dull voice: "Daddy, I'm sorry..."

Ning Jiwei felt her daughter's hair and said, "little fool, what's right with daddy? I'm sorry?"

"But I've got you in trouble again." Jianrui guilt way: "it's all because of me, so everyone will do what is in the way, but also distracted to take care of me, everyone is very hard, ruiruirui is too stupid, if Ruirui can take care of themselves, protect themselves, it won't become everyone's trouble."Ning Jiwei hugged her daughter and said, "Ruirui, no one ever said you were in trouble."

"But Ruirui will find herself in trouble." Jianrui tooted her lips, and her voice was a little weeping. "Ruirui also wants to be like her brother. She can help daddy and Mommy do a lot of things, but Ruirui can't use computers. She can only be protected and taken care of. Ruirui is angry with herself."

Ning Jiwei looks at her daughter and frowns to hold her tighter.

From what her daughter said, he can guess what she must have heard to make her think like this. In addition, he and Jian Yi are not around, and Jian Haixi has been living in the sun's family recently. It's hard to avoid that little girl's wishful thinking.

Thinking of this, Ning Jiwei sighed.

At this time, Emma came in with the document and reported: "president, there is an urgent meeting in the evening..."

"Push it out."

Emma didn't finish, Ning Jiwei already said in a cold voice: "today and tomorrow all things are put off, I want to accompany my daughter."

Emma Leng next, looking at the small figure in the arms of Ning Jiwei pause, then nodded: "good president."

Ariel asked, "did you leave after you blinked?"

"No Ning Jiwei touched his daughter's cheek and said, "a lot of people have come to see them these two days. Daddy didn't want to see them. It's just that you're here, which gives Daddy a good excuse."

"Really?" Jianrui asked uncertainly.

"It's true, of course." Ning Jiwei whispered: "did Daddy cheat you?"

Jian Rui shook her head, lying in Ning Jiwei's arms and said, "Daddy, Ruirui is sleepy."

"Well, will daddy take you to the rest room inside and sleep?" Ning Jiwei asked softly.

"No." Jianrui shook her head. "I want daddy to sleep in his arms."

"Well, daddy, sleep in his arms."

In the quiet office, Ning Jiwei sits on the office chair, holding Jianrui and coaxing her gently.

Emma came to deliver the blanket, but was stunned when she saw the scene in the office.

She never thought that Ning Jiwei, who was cold and decisive in front of her, would be so gentle towards her daughter.

In the past, she only felt that Ning Jiwei inherited Mo Wanshan's temperament and was more intelligent and powerful, but also ruthless.

Now looking at Ning Jiwei, Emma realized that she was wrong.

Under his cold appearance, there is a warm and soft heart.

Jianhaixi to Mo negative downstairs to ningjiwei sent a message, ningjiwei let Emma downstairs to meet her.

Emma saw Jian Haixi and said with a smile, "Hello, you must be the president's wife. I'm Emma, the president's assistant. Please follow me."

A "President's wife" makes Jian Haixi blush slightly and follow Emma upstairs.

Emma looked at Jian Haixi curiously and said with a smile, "I used to wonder what kind of person could make our president stick to himself like a jade. Today I see you and I understand that it's only you."

Why do you say that

Emma shook her head and said, "I don't know. It's just a feeling that you're standing next to the president. It seems that other candidates are not suitable."

Jianhaixi smile, "thank you for your words."

Emma shook her head and said nothing.

Originally, she was not a talkative person, but because of Fu Xiang, she had a special feeling when she looked at Ning Ji and Jian Haixi's family, and she just said two more words.

After leading jianhaixi to the door, Emma left.

The door of the office is not closed tightly. Jianhaixi pushes the door in a low voice. Ning Jiwei holds Jianrui and sits on the chair looking at her.

The sight is opposite, two people are one Leng, immediately and at the same time slowly smile.

Even if they haven't seen each other for such a long time, their tacit understanding and affection seem to have been passed on to each other.

Jianhaixi steps forward two steps. First, she looks at Jianrui who is sleeping soundly. She is relieved to see that she is all right.

Ning Jiwei sat on the chair, looked up at jianhaixi, stretched out a big hand, slowly rubbed her cheek, silent way: "thin."

Jianhaixi laughed, want to say he is also, but words did not say, but tears first flow down.

Ning Jiwei gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, held her hand and touched her lips: "I miss you very much."

Jianhaixi came forward, stretched out his arms, gently put him and Jianrui together into his arms.

Me too, miss you, miss our baby.

In her deep sleep, Jianrui smelled the smell of Mommy, sniffed and opened her eyes vaguely, "Mommy ~"

"baby, Mommy is here." Jian Haixi touched her little face.

"Mommy?" Hearing jianhaixi's voice, Jianrui looked up in doubt, "is it really you?"

She thought it was an illusion.

Jian Haixi nodded, reached for her daughter from Ning Jiwei's arms and hugged her. She said softly, "mommy has come to see Ruirui. Does Ruirui Miss Mommy?""Well..." Jianrui nodded wrongly and said, "Mommy ~"

"well, it's all right. Ruirui won't cry any more." Jianhaixi hugs her daughter.

Seeing the arrival of her lover, her daughter has also woken up. Ning Jiwei doesn't stay in the company any more, and takes jianhaixi and Jianrui to drive away from Mo negative.

"Where are we going?" Asked jianhaixi.

"Stay in the hotel first today." Ning Jiwei said, "going to Yi Yi now will attract attention. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Jianrui excitedly looks at Ning Jiwei, "can Ruirui still see her brother?"

Ning Jiwei smiles and pinches her small nose, "does Ruirui want to see her brother?"

"Yes Jianrui excited way: "Ruirui Miss brother, Miss Mo Tong!"

"Then you can see." Ning Jiwei listened with a hammer.

Jian Haixi frowned with some misgivings, "Ji Wei, we just show up like this, will we..."

"Don't worry." Ning Jiwei gave her a reassuring look and said, "I can handle it."

So jianhaixi nodded and asked no more.

As for Dou Ge, Jian Haixi has already said hello. Luo Er believes that Dou Ming has also been informed.

But Luo Er didn't call, and Jian Haixi didn't call to talk about it.

Now she just wants to take good care of her daughter. Everything else, right or wrong, has to be put off.

After arriving at the hotel, Jian Haixi noticed the scratch on her daughter's ribs when she took a bath for Jian Rui. I think it was caused by the person holding her too hard.

Since then, Jianrui has been in a state of panic, but she has never found anything wrong.

Looking at her daughter's small face, tears and dirt, and injuries on her body, jianhaixi's Distressed tears all flow out.

"Mommy, Ruirui doesn't hurt." Jianrui reaches out her little hand to help jianhaixi wipe away her tears, bows her head and says, "Mommy, I'm sorry, Ruirui shouldn't have run away secretly."

Jian Haixi wiped the tears, pursed his lips and didn't speak. She just helped her daughter quickly clean up, and then told Ning Jiwei to prepare some medicine for abrasions.

Knowing that her daughter was injured, Ning Jiwei was so busy that she ordered Ying to prepare.

From the bathroom out, jianhaixi has been holding Jianrui sitting on the bed.

Ning Jiwei came in, first checked the injury on Jian Rui's body, saw that it didn't matter, then relaxed.

"Daddy..." Jianrui carefully pulled laningjiwei's hand, quietly pointed to jianhaixi, and said silently: "Mommy is crying."

Ning Jiwei sat down beside the bed, put his hand around Jian Haixi and said, "it's OK, it's OK."

Jian Haixi was buried in Ning Jiwei's arms, and his tears soaked his collar.

She almost lost her daughter again.

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