Soon, Ying brought the wound medicine.

Ning Jiwei deals with the company's affairs in the living room, while Jian Haixi helps Jian Rui wipe the wound carefully.

Jianrui looked at jianhaixi's red eyes, stretched out her hand, pulled her sleeve and said, "Mommy, don't be sad. Ruirui won't run around any more. Will you listen to mommy in the future?"

Jian Haixi reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth and said, "it's not Ruirui's fault, it's mommy who didn't do it well."

"No Jianrui's head is shaking like a rattle. She hugs jianhaixi and says, "Mommy is the best mommy in the world. It's Ruirui who's not good."

Jian Haixi holds her daughter and listens to her comforting words. Her heart is more soft and sour.

Clearly just suffered a fright, but still a strong comfort her at the moment.

Jian Haixi blinked tears from the corner of her eyes, touched her daughter's hair and said, "OK, Mommy doesn't blame herself, and Ruirui doesn't blame herself, OK? We are all fine, and we will be fine in the future. "

"Yes, yes." Jianrui nodded, hugged jianhaixi and said, "Mommy, Ruirui is sleepy."

"OK, then Mommy will hold you to sleep."

"Ruirui still wants daddy." Jianrui pulls jianhaixi's hand and shakes the road.

"OK, let's go to Daddy." Jian Haixi agreed to all her daughter's demands and went to the living room with a smile.

In the living room, Ning Jiwei is dealing with business. He sees Jian Haixi come out with her daughter in her arms and turns off the computer with a smile.

"Have you rubbed the medicine?"

"Yes." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "but pay special attention in the next two days. Don't hurt me again."

Ning Jiwei nodded and extended his hand to Jianrui.

"Daddy ~" Jianrui immediately reaches out her little hand and pours into Ning Jiwei's arms.

Jian Haixi stood behind him, reached out and gently kneaded his shoulder and neck, "are you finished?"

"Well, it's over." Ningjiwei road.

Jianhaixi smile, "even if not busy, you will finish, right?"

Ning Jiwei pressed Jian Haixi's hand and said, "compared with work, you and children are always the most important."

As soon as Jian Haixi's cheek turned red, she held his hand tightly and said in a low voice, "me too."

For me, you and the children are the same, always the most important.

Jianrui holds Ning Jiwei's neck and says, "Daddy, Ruirui wants to hear your story."

"OK, no problem." Ning Jiwei answers every request, holding his daughter in one hand and taking jianhaixi into the bedroom in the other.

A big bed, Jianrui lying in the middle, jianhaixi and ningjiwei on both sides.

Ning Jiwei searched a fairy tale from the Internet and read it dryly.

Jianrui doesn't feel bored. She is satisfied to hear Ning Jiwei's voice.

Holding Ning Jiwei's clothes in one hand and Jian Haixi's fingers in the other hand, Jian Rui gradually fell asleep.

Notice that the little girl has fallen asleep, jianhaixi rushed to ningjiwei with a silent gesture.

Ning Jiwei put down his cell phone and gently touched his daughter's cheek. The corners of his lips were slightly raised.

Jian Haixi gently released her daughter's hand to make her lie more comfortable, while Ning Jiwei on the other side lifted the quilt and walked down silently.

As soon as Jian Haixi finished sorting out, she was suddenly hugged by two big hands.

Feeling the people behind her, Jian Haixi is slightly stunned, bashful and smiling. She turns around and surrounds Ning Jiwei's neck.

They haven't seen each other for a long time.

The next day, there is no doubt that Jian Haixi and his daughter slept in together.

By the time she woke up, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

"Mummy, Ruirui smells the fragrance." Jane has a good nose with her arm

"Do you smell that?" Jian Haixi pointed her nose and said, "does this nose belong to a little dog?"

"Hee hee ~" with a naughty smile, Jianrui climbed out of bed and said, "Mommy, go to bed. Ruirui gets up first and looks for daddy."

Jianhaixi slowly get up, body to the bursts of pain, let her face slightly red.

After seeing that Ji Ning had finished washing his porridge, he set his mouth.

Looking at this scene, Jian Haixi smiles and comes to eat with them.

"Mommy, daddy said we could go to the amusement park later." Jianrui said excitedly.

"Amusement park?" Jian Haixi was stunned, "is it too ostentatious?"

"Nothing." Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "it's already boasted, and it's not bad for this day."

Jianhaixi had no choice but to smile, touched Jianrui's head and said, "well, today our little princess Ruirui said that we will go where we want to go, OK?"

“yeah! Great Jane Rui cheered happily.

After dinner, Ning Jiwei is still in the same position, holding Jianrui in one hand and holding jianhaixi out of the door in the other.Fortunately, the weather is cool recently. When they arrive at the playground, they can just enjoy themselves, instead of drying in the sun.

Jian Haixi didn't have much energy to play with her daughter because of her "work" last night. Ning Jiwei was so cool that he was crazy to play with Jian Rui all the way. He took a roller coaster two or three times.

In the end, Jianrui might have played again if jianhaixi hadn't stopped her.

Jian Haixi shook his head helplessly and said, "Ruirui, you can't take the roller coaster, you know? After a while, the wind will make your head ache. "

"All right." Jianrui playfully spits out her tongue, turns her head and hugs Ning Jiwei, and says, "Daddy, carousel, carousel!"

"OK, let's go!" Ning Jiwei is in a good mood. As long as it's her daughter's request, she nods and agrees without thinking at all.

Jian Haixi stares at him, but he holds her hand and pinches it gently. Her face turns red, and she even forgets what she wants to say.

So crazy play all day, until the afternoon of the family just out of the playground.

In the middle of the way, Mo Wanshan called several times to ask Ning Jiwei why he didn't take Jianrui home.

Ning Jiwei put off a few words and hung up.

Jianrui looks at Ning Jiwei curiously and asks, "Daddy, is it the owner of the Mo family yesterday?"

"Well." Ning Jiwei nodded.

Jianrui thought about it and asked, "is he daddy's daddy? Is he bad? "


Ning Jiwei thought about it, shook his head and said, "he's not bad. He's just old and stubborn. He's a bad old man with a strange temper."

"Oh." Jianrui nodded and asked, "does that Ruirui see that he wants to call grandfather?"

Ning Jiwei frowned slightly and didn't speak for a moment.

But next to jianhaixi heard the two people's words and said to Jianrui with a smile: "that's also Ruirui's grandfather. Of course, Ruirui has to call her grandfather when she sees it."

"OK, Ruirui remembers." Jianrui's clever way.

"Where are we going next?" Asked jianhaixi.

Once upon a time, she was planning her trip. With Ning Jiwei by her side, she was a rare shake off shopkeeper for a day. She just ate, drank and played, and didn't have to worry about anything else.

Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "take you to meet the people you want to see."

"Yi Yi..."

Jianhaixi immediately understand, heart suddenly more points look forward to and excited.

Since Zhang Haoyang has no way to treat Jian Yi, and he can't go to the hospital for his injury, Jian Haixi has been worried about his health since he left Iceland.

He has asked several times on the phone before, but Jian Yi has the nature of reporting good news but not bad news. No matter when Jian Haixi asks, he always says that everything is OK.

Ning Jiwei takes her daughter, who has been sleeping very tired, to the restaurant with Jian Haixi.

In the private room on the top floor of the restaurant, Jian Haixi meets Qin Zhi, Xu motong and Jian Yi.

At the sight of the three, Jian Haixi was stunned. Then he came forward with a smile. First, he squatted down and looked at Jian Yi carefully. He was relieved to see that there was nothing wrong with him.

Jian Yi held her in her arms and said with a smile, "Mommy, I just said that everything is OK with me."

"You can't believe it." Jian Haixi said: "I have to see it myself to rest assured."

Jian Yi touched her nose, pointed to Mo Tong and said, "you should believe Mo Tong's words, Mommy."

Jian Haixi looked at Mo Tong, reached out and touched his head with a smile, and said, "originally I believed it, but now Mo Tong has been with you for a long time. I'm afraid you've taught him bad."

"Mommy, how can you say that? I'm your own son!" Jian Yi protested.

Jian Haixi glanced at him with a smile, turned around and hugged Mo Tong and asked, "are you used to everything?"

"Well." Mo Tong cleverly nodded, "Auntie, don't worry, Mo Tong won't learn from Yi Yi, I will never cheat auntie."

"Bang ~" Qin Zhixu turned his eyes and sneered, "you make it up, you make it up again. If you have the ability, you can repeat what you said yesterday."

"Yesterday's words?" Jian Haixi looks at Mo Tong in wonder.

Mo Tong's face turned red and he kept his mouth shut.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Jian Haixi knows. I'm afraid Mo Tong and Jian Yi have some confused ideas because they are worried about Jian Rui.

Mo Tong didn't say it, but he didn't deny it. He just blushed and was stunned.

Jian Haixi touched his head and said with a smile, "well, if you don't say it, it's gone."

Ning Jiwei came over and looked at Qin Zhixu and said, "thank you for your hard work."

Qin Zhixu shrugged his shoulders carelessly again, pretending to be relaxed and said, "it's just taking care of two bear children. How hard can it be? I can even manage so many Ru people. Can I be upset by these two boys? "

"I don't know who scratched his ears these days and said that the task is too huge," said Jian

"Shut up Qin Zhixu glared at him. "Dou Ming is not here. Don't speak ill of him."Well, it's smart. It's directly against Dou Ming.

Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei look at each other, and they both smile without saying anything.

Jianrui hears people's voices and opens her bleary eyes. When she sees other people in the room, she suddenly wakes up.

"Brother! Mo Tong! Little martial nephew

Qin Zhixu I'm afraid he can't get rid of this name in his life.

On seeing Jian Yi, Jian Rui climbs down from Ning Jiwei's arms, runs to Jian Yi and holds him for a long time. "Brother, Rui Rui misses you so much."

Once upon a time, Jian Yi would not let her hold her, but today, he rarely hugs her and says softly, "my brother misses you very much, too. Don't run around any more, you know?"

Jianrui quickly nodded, "after the pistil are obedient, no longer run around."

Jian Yi sighed, touched Jian Rui's head and said, "if you really can't help but want to run away, run to your brother. He will give you a long-distance direction, and then let Mo Tong pick you up, OK?"

"Well, good." Jianrui ordered a little head. She was a little excited when she thought of that day, and her big eyes turned black.

As soon as Jian Haixi saw her daughter, she knew what she was doing. She quickly warned, "don't plan to run away from home. Do you know?"

"Mommy, they don't have any more ~" Jianrui hugs jianhaixi's thigh and says coquettishly.

Jian Haixi gave her a white look. "Come on, put away the excited smile on your face first, and then talk. I may lose it."

Jianrui spits out her tongue and goes to Mo Tong. She changes the topic and says, "Mo Tong, Mo Tong, you seem to grow tall."

Mo Tong nodded his head and said, "it's measured. It's a little higher."

Jian Haixi asked, "can you still wear that dress?"

Then he took Mo Tong's arm and observed his sleeve and collar. He was relieved to see that the size was right.

Mo Tong pointed to Qin Zhixu and said, "Uncle Qin bought it for me."

Qin Zhixu said proudly, "now I know how good I am."

"I didn't say you were bad." Jian Haixi said with a smile, "I'll invite you to dinner after it's over."

"That's about the same." After getting a meal ticket, Qin Zhixu was satisfied with it.

After a brief chat, people began to discuss the issue of Jianrui's leaving and staying.

Ning Jiwei sat on the chair, holding Jianrui and letting her sit on her lap, lowered her head and asked, "Ruirui, do you want to follow mommy to taro City, or do you want to stay in Xiangcheng?"

Jane Rui Leng Leng, blinked and asked: "can I really choose?"

"Of course." Jianhaixi touched Jianrui's head with a smile and said: "no matter where you are, daddy, mummy and brother will protect you. All the pistils don't have any burden. They just need to choose the place they want to stay."

Jianrui thought about it and said, "Mommy, Ruirui doesn't want to go back to taro city."

Jian Haixi didn't feel surprised, but asked patiently in a soft voice: "does Ruirui want to stay with her brother?"

Jianrui looks at Jianyi and Mo Tong. At last, she throws herself into Ning Jiwei's arms and says, "Ruirui wants to stay with Daddy."

When they heard about their daughter's choice, they were surprised.

They thought Jianrui would want to stay with Jianyi, but they didn't expect that she would choose Ning Jiwei.

Ning Jiwei himself was a little surprised. He reached out and patted Jianrui on the back and said, "if Ruirui wants to follow daddy, then follow daddy. But daddy is a little curious. Why doesn't Ruirui want to follow mommy and brother?"

Jianrui looks at jianhaixi and Jianyi and whispers: "because mommy and brother are too hard. Although they will take care of Ruirui, Ruirui doesn't want to work as hard as they do. Moreover, if bad people come, they will have more trouble with ruiruirui."

After a pause, Jianrui looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "although it's very dangerous around daddy, if it's very dangerous, at least it's not so difficult for daddy to run away with Ruirui."

Listening to her daughter's words, Jian Haixi felt slightly sad.

Don't look so dangerous, but he should not be able to help his father

"All right, listen to the baby." Ning Jiwei said in a hoarse voice.

Qin Zhixu opened his mouth, but seeing that everyone listened to Jianrui's opinions, he sighed and did not speak.

Of course, it's not appropriate for Ning Jiwei to be around, but where is it really safe now?

No matter where they are, they can't be at ease.

After discussing the plan for the future, they left each other.

After taking a picture with Jane, she takes Xu Haixi home.

At the moment, the Mo family is in chaos.Mo Wanshan is anxious and angry. For a while, he urges Yue Feng to prepare some toys that children like. For a while, he scolds Ning Jiwei, who doesn't bring his granddaughter back.

Yue Feng said helplessly: "the house owner, the little lady's room is ready, and there are no toys to put."

"Then change to a bigger room." Mo Wanshan said without hesitation.

Yue Feng was speechless, while Mo Xiuyu was playing with a monkey doll, muttering: "Dad, are you sure people will come because you are so busy?"

"Of course." Mo Wanshan naturally said: "that's my granddaughter of Mo family. Where can I go if I don't come back?"

Mo Xiuyu kindly reminded: "please, your granddaughter didn't come to Xiangcheng before not also good?"

Mo Wanshan choked and then hummed coldly: "this time is different from the past. In a word, my daughter of Mo family can't be exiled."

At the thought of seeing Jianrui yesterday, the little girl cried so sad that Mo Wanshan felt his heart hurt. He turned his head and told Yue Feng, "go and check the things by the river yesterday. Dare to abduct my mo family. I think some people are tired of living."

"Yes." Yue Feng nodded. Although he felt that Ning Jiwei had already dealt with the matter, since Mo Wanshan was in charge of it, he had to go again, even if it was a gesture.

When Ning Jiwei comes back with Jian Rui, he sees Mo Wanshan sitting in a wheelchair, roaring here and there with a cold face. Jia Minzhi is not here. He probably doesn't want to see this scene. Mo Xiuyu is sitting on the sofa with a monkey in one hand and a Barbie doll in the other. He seems to be comparing which is better.

All of a sudden, all the sounds were a meal.

"Hurry up here..."

Mo Wanshan was frozen there before he finished his words, because he saw Ning Jiwei come in.

And on Ning Jiwei, there is a doll like little girl.

The little girl is blinking big eyes, looking at him curiously.

Mo Wanshan choked and took back his outstretched hand awkwardly. He straightened his shoulders and sat upright, just waiting for the teacher to inspect.

"Daddy, I'm coming down." Jianrui's sweet way.

Ning Jiwei obediently put down her daughter and saw that her daughter walked slowly to Mo Wanshan.

At the moment, not only Mo Wanshan was nervous, but also Mo Xiuyu and Yue Feng were nervous and swallowed.

Jianrui went to Mo Wanshan and stared at him with big eyes. She askew her head and asked, "are you your grandfather?"

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