
The riverside is ablaze with lights.

Suddenly, a dozen cars stopped on the bank, and then three or five people came down, one of them holding a woman in his arms.

After that, dozens of people came down from the car and surrounded the three or five people, carefully guarding them for fear of being attacked.

The man with the woman in his arms bowed his head and walked quickly to the cruise ship. The people around him followed closely and did not dare to delay.

There was someone on the cruise ship, and they were moving quietly and quickly.

In the dark, out of the light, someone sounded.

"Second sister, what shall we do?"

"If they don't, they're going to sail!"

"Second sister, give the order!"

The woman, who was called the second elder sister, looked coldly at the movement of the boat and hummed: "you forgot what the second master ordered? Don't act rashly before Ning Jiwei is not sure. "

"But how can we be sure?" He said urgently: "we can't rush up to see. We can't see him with his head down."

The second elder sister gritted her teeth and said, "wait."

The men were waiting around, ready to start.

"Hum ~" the sound of the ship about to leave.

"Second sister, it's too late." I'm in a hurry.

The second elder sister looked at the figure like Ning Jiwei, but she didn't give an order.

Before she set out, Mo Sheng said that this time only success, not failure.

Once Ning Jiwei is allowed to return to Xiangcheng alive, it will be difficult for them to follow.

And when she thought about her brother who was killed in Iceland, she was filled with anger.

This time, she must avenge her brother!

"Second sister, look there!"

He pointed to the boat. The man was holding the woman and was about to enter the cabin, while the man standing beside him was


The second elder sister said coldly.

She has seen this person's picture, is follows Ning Jiwei to the Mo family's confidant.

"Second sister, since this person is here, it proves that this must be Ning Jiwei and his gang." He said.

The second elder sister thought and said, "old three, leave nine people to follow me. You take the others to rush up. If you are sure it's Ning Jiwei, kill him on the spot!"

"Yes, second sister."

The third hesitated and asked, "second sister, you don't go up because you still have doubts?"

The second elder sister nodded and said, "I always feel that something is wrong. Ning Jiwei shouldn't be so easily hooked."

The old three is not satisfied of cold hum, "this also take the bait?"? Second sister, you don't see how many people he has on board. It's because there are so many people on board

The second elder sister frowned and said, "in a word, be careful with everything."

"Don't worry, second sister." The third man licked his upper lip and said, "this time, we must let Ning Jiwei go down to be buried with his elder brother!"

After that, Lao San led the other brothers to rush to the cruise ship from the front. At the same time, with a whistle, they hid in the water and the people in the empty boat beside the cruise ship also started to act together.

The people on board did not panic when they found someone attacking, as if they had been prepared.

The two men and horses were on each other in an instant. For a moment, the surrounding area of the cruise ship was full of smoke.

"Second sister, don't think about it. Ning Jiwei must be on this ship. Otherwise, how could he have such firepower?" He said.

The second sister squinted and said, "Xiao Si, what do you think Ning Jiwei is doing in taro city this time?"

Small four Leng next way: "is to save his woman jianhaixi."

The second elder sister sneered: "it is said that Ning Jiwei is deeply in love with Jian Haixi. Do you think that if such a deeply loved person is injured, he will take her to fight with us like this?"

Xiao Si was stunned again. He frowned and looked at the white hot battlefield over there. He hesitated and said, "there's no way, or what else can he do? This is the only way to cross the river here... "

"No!" The second sister suddenly said, "we've fallen in the trap!"

"Second sister?" Xiao Si looks at the second sister in doubt.

The second sister got up and said in a cold voice, "ask the master to follow me."

Xiao Si looked at the direction of the cruise ship, turned to the second sister and said, "the third brother and them..."

The second elder sister flashed in her eyes and said coldly, "it's too late."

Xiao Si shakes in his heart, bites his teeth and follows the second elder sister to leave the dark corner.


Meanwhile, Ning Jiwei and others are sitting in the car.

George said with a sneer: "those people probably never thought that you would abandon the waterway and go dry."

Ning Jiwei looked down at Jian Haixi sleeping in his arms and said in a low voice, "I won't let Haixi suffer any more danger."

George is still cold hum, "I didn't expect that you even me are included in the calculation, this time I brought people just to give you a few, let you pull more lifelike in the river."

Ning Jiwei looked at him and said, "don't worry, your people won't be hurt."

"BAM," George gave him a white look.Mikai excitedly looked out of the window, turned to Ning Jiwei and said: "you can, brother, let the confidant leader disturb the enemy's sight, while abandoning the near waterway, and driving through the elevated road all night. Although this detour, we can get tomorrow morning as soon as we get to Xiangcheng, but fortunately it's safe."

Ning Jiwei didn't speak, which was a default of mikai's analysis.

"Tut tut tut." Mikai shook his head and said, "it's too scary to be enemies with you. I don't know when I will be killed."

"Now you know what I've got." George interjected: "compared with this unscrupulous businessman, I look so pure!"

Ning Jiwei still doesn't speak, just lowers her head and tightens the blanket wrapped by Jian Haixi for fear that she will get a little cold.

Looking at him like this, mikai was a little surprised. He tilted his head and said, "are you doing this to protect her?"

Ning Jiwei frowned slightly, turned to look at him and said, "stay away, keep your voice down."

Mikai's mouth flicked. Just now they said so much that Ning Jiwei didn't speak. As soon as he got close, he was scolded. It turned out that he was afraid of disturbing jianhaixi.

Mikai looked down at Jian Haixi, who was asleep. He shook his head with a sigh and said, "which son of a bitch did something immoral? What a beautiful woman she is! She can do it

Ning Jiwei didn't speak. Mikai raised her eyebrows and looked at her. Ning Jiwei said, "I have a good ointment, which can make the wound on her face heal in two days. Do you want it?"

Ning Jiwei suddenly looked up at him, "conditions."

Without hesitation, just say the terms.

Mikai said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Ning Jiwei in the legend should be like this. I guess those ladies who rush to rush to you will never expect that you will have such a deep side."

Ninjiwei just stares at him and doesn't talk.

George frowned and said, "Mikey, if you really have ointment, take it out. Don't shake people here."

Mikai rolled his eyes and said, "yes, I'm in the hospital. You think I'll take it with me."

After that, mikai turned to look at Ning Jiwei and said, "the ointment can give you the conditions I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it. You won't cheat, will you? "

Ning Jiwei shook his head, "No."

"That's fine." Mikai nodded, his eyes swept over ninjiwei's arm and frowned: "where else is your woman hurt? You've been carrying your arm like this for a long time. "

George got nervous when he heard that.

Ning Jiwei said: "minor abdominal injury, leg sprain The back of the shoulder, like Dogo, was stabbed

"What?" George was surprised and stared at Ning Jiwei. He gritted his teeth angrily. "Ning Jiwei, why didn't you say that earlier?"

Ning Jiwei looked at him, "the situation is urgent. The situation of Haixi is under control. Crossing the river first is the right thing."

George is angry and helpless. He is angry that Jiwei is like a Muggle. He doesn't say anything if he doesn't follow him.

But he had to admit that what Ning Jiwei said was right.

Glancing at jianhaixi sleeping in ningjiwei's arms, George sighed again.

It's only around this guy that she can sleep.


Jian Yi's voice comes from her headset.

Ning Jiwei pressed the ear and said, "you say."

"There's a situation." Jian Yi said, "a small group of people and horses are coming towards you."

Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "contact Dou Bing and tell him the distance and orientation."

"All right." With that, Jian Yi cuts the channel and contacts Dou Bing.

Ning Jiwei followed behind a few cars, except for the following one, all the others turned around.

Listening to Jian Yi's command, Dou Bing doesn't stop at the first time or follow Ning Jiwei. Instead, he takes his men out of the car and ambushes them around.

Mikai looked at the movement behind him through the car window and said to Ning Jiwei with great interest: "you are a powerful military strategist. You can master the enemy's situation thousands of miles away without even showing your face. You can also accurately arrange your strategy."

Ning Jiwei pulled the corners of his mouth, rarely proud of the way: "of course."

Looking at Ning Jiwei's manner, George thought to ask if the man over the headset is Jian Yi, but he didn't ask when he thought of the current situation.

Ten minutes later, Ning Jiwei and others passed the viaduct.

Jian Yi once again reported to Ning jiweihui: "Daddy, except one car escaped, all the others were intercepted successfully."

"Well." Ning Jiwei asked, "is that car still following us?"

"Yes." Jian Yi said, "but don't worry, Dad. Just follow the route I told you. I'll take care of the people in this car."

after hearing what Jian Yi said, Ning Jiwei really didn't worry, just nodded and said, "OK."

After saying that, Ning Jiwei told the driver: "continue to walk, no matter behind."Mikey and George are picking eyebrows at the same time. It's completely up to the "military adviser".

In the courtyard, Jian Yi releases a message in the crowd: set up roadblocks, turn off all lights, and prepare the warning system at the same time.

Everyone in the group is simple, but there is no one in the group.

Two minutes later, a car under the viaduct had to stop because its tire was punctured by a roadblock.

And there was no light around. Their car's lights were broken in the chaos.

"Damn it The second sister kicked her foot on the lamp.

Now she can be regarded as knowing why those people were not in a hurry to chase them, but to blow up their lights first.

"Second sister, what should we do now?" Xiao Si asked.

All their brothers are gone. Now they are the only two left. Even if they catch up with each other, they are just sending rations to each other.

The second elder sister was unwilling to stare at the viaduct in front of her. She hummed coldly, "go back and tell the second master the truth."

But as soon as they turned around, they saw Dou Bing and others coming out.

"Want to go?" Dou Bing sneered: "it depends on whether you can go or not."

The second elder sister suddenly grabbed Xiao Si beside her and pushed Dou Bing. Then she jumped directly from the bridge into the river.

Dou Bing and the brothers around him make a fire at her. They just hear the second sister scream and fall into the river. But it's not sure whether the person is alive or dead.

"Damn it Dou Bing's airway.


the next morning, Ning Jiwei and others finally arrived in Xiangcheng.

He had planned to put jianhaixi and Douge in the hotel first, and then sent them to the hospital directly after making an agreement with mikai.

But as soon as they arrived in Xiangcheng, mikai said directly, "you can come with me. I don't need anything in the hospital, and I can guarantee safety."

When Ning Jiwei looked at him, mikai hummed coldly: "what do you want me to do? I said, there are conditions to help you. "

George said lazily, "yes, but you haven't remembered what the terms are."

Mikai snorted haughtily, turned his head and didn't speak.

George looked at ningjiwei and said, "go with him. This guy has a bad temper, but he is reliable."

"Of course." Mickey said, "you think I'm you."

Jian Haixi woke up early in the morning and saw that she was not going to the hotel or the siheyuan. She looked at Ning Jiwei anxiously, "Jiwei, that Yiyi..."

"Don't worry. After you and dougo are settled, I'll take him over."

Jian Haixi nodded, turned to Mikael and said, "that Can you use the ointment for me in a moment? I don't want to be seen like this by my children. "

Mikai didn't talk so much nonsense to jianhaixi. He nodded directly and said, "yes, I'll give it to you when I get there."

Half an hour later, the car stopped in mikai's private villa.

I thought such a big villa should have servants and housekeepers, but I didn't think there was no one here.

And as soon as she entered the door, there was a smell of medicine. Jian Haixi thought that she had really arrived at the hospital.

Mikael said, "you can stay in the rooms on the first and second floors, but don't go up on the third floor. It's my laboratory."

"Laboratory?" George raised his eyebrows and looked at Mikael cautiously. "You're not going to do some perverse experiments here, are you?"

He has heard that some people with good medical skills like to play tricks at home.

Mickey sneered, "do you want to see it?"

George nodded. "Make sure it's safe here."

"No problem." Mickey shrugged and said, "it's OK for you to go in and visit, but I don't guarantee whether you can come out safely."

George drew his lips and didn't want to talk to this guy any more.

Ning Jiwei took jianhaixi into a room on the second floor, put her on the bed, rubbed her head and asked, "are you ok? Are you tired? "

Jian Haixi shakes her head, looks at the obvious tired color on Ning Jiwei's face, and frowns painfully: "you are. You didn't sleep all night. You must be tired."

"It doesn't matter to me." Ning Jiwei smiles, bows down and nods between Jian Haixi's forehead and says, "you have a rest. I'll deal with it first."

Jian Haixi nodded obediently, knowing that there must be a lot of things waiting for Ning Jiwei to deal with last night.

Ninjivi came out of the room, and on the other side George had settled Dogo.

I'm not going to make up for the yawn. I'm going to make up for it

Then mikai went up the stairs and waved.Jianhaixi to a strange place, of course, it is impossible to fall asleep so quickly, but the shoulder injury and let her turn over are not very convenient, so she can only lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

suddenly opened the door, and Michael came in with a small bottle of cream. When she woke up, she asked, "why don't you go to bed?"

Jian Haixi shook her head with a smile and said, "I can't sleep."

Mikai nodded indifferently. First, he sat down beside jianhaixi, and then took out a piece of paper similar to a wet towel to wash jianhaixi's face carefully and gently.

Jian Haixi stretched out his hand and said, "that, I'll do it myself..."

"Don't move." Mikai frowned. At this time, he was not as lazy as before, but became serious and serious.

Jian Haixi really didn't move, so he could only wipe and press on his face.

"I'm going to wash you now, and then feel the thickness of your injury, so I know how much I'm going to wipe you," mikai said

Jianhaixi some doubt, "this ointment need so accurate dose?"

So why don't you see mikai bring other props?

Mikai naturally said: "it doesn't need to be so accurate, but I can't give it to you. My ointment is precious."

"Oh." Jian Haixi nodded and understood.

Mikai continued the action in his hand. After cleaning, he picked a small lump of ointment and put it on Jian Haixi's cheek.

Jian Haixi clearly saw that it was really a small lump.

After wiping, mikai clapped his hands and said, "well, you can use it again tonight and twice tomorrow. It should be OK."

Jian Haixi felt the cool temperature on her face and said to Mikael sincerely, "thank you."

Mikai waved his hand and said, "don't worry, your man has promised me the terms." Then mikai left the room with the ointment.

Jianhaixi looked at mikai's back and couldn't help laughing. This is also a simple and lovely person.

On the first floor, Ning Jiwei, after listening to the report of Ying and Dou Bing, nodded to the two people: "I know, Dou Bing, you come back first. Shadow, you first send the Qiao family back and then come back. "


George watched Ning Jiwei deal with these trifles. After he finished, he frowned and asked, "the other party ran away. What do you think we should do?"

Ning Jiwei said coldly, "what should we do?"

George smelled that the corner of his lips stirred up an evil spirit and said with a smile, "that's right, too."

Anyway, no matter what moves the other side makes, they will follow.

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