Mo family.

Mo Sheng kicked the man in front of him and said, "what did you say?"

"Er, er ye..." The second sister knelt on the ground shivering, and the wound on her waist was still bleeding, but she didn't dare to reach out to cover it.

Lisa and her second sister have some friendship. She can't help pleading: "second master, I don't think her second sister is the kind of person who is afraid of death. Let's listen to her first. If she's wrong, it's not too late for us to deal with it."

"Oh." Mo Sheng chuckled and glanced at the pale second sister on the ground. "OK, I'll give you a chance."

"Thank you. Thank you." The second sister kowtowed her thanks.

Next to Lisa said, "don't thank you. Tell me what you know. Don't delay the second master's time."

"Yes..." The second sister licked her tongue and said, "we were lying in ambush by the river. At night, a group of people who looked like Ning Jiwei immediately went to the cruise ship. We didn't see that person's face, but Ning Jiwei's inner shadow was standing on the deck, so we judged that they were Ning Jiwei's group."

After a pause, the second sister continued: "just in case, I left the fourth child. They and I waited in the same place and let the third child take us to the cruise ship. After that, I suspected something was different, so I took people to the viaduct. But on the way, we met more than one team of interceptors. By the time we got to the bridge, we were left with me and Xiao Wu. Ning Jiwei and they had already crossed the bridge. Before we could cross the bridge, we were ambushed again. Judging from the roadblocks at that time, there must be a computer expert behind the other side who controls everything in the whole process. "

"Oh?" Mo Sheng eyebrow micro pick, finally have a little interest, "computer master?"

"Yes." The second elder sister nodded her head and said, "second master, I'm sure, otherwise they wouldn't know our course of action so accurately."

"Oh." Mo Sheng chuckled and said, "it's a little interesting."

The second elder sister who fell on the ground was almost unable to hold on. She asked in a low voice, "second master, please give me another chance. I swear that I will kill them myself next time to avenge my elder brother and brothers."

Mo Sheng takes a look at her, turns his head and raises his chin to Lisa.

Lisa will, quickly forward to the second sister to help up, "go, I'll take you down to deal with the wound."

Mo Sheng looked at the figure of the second sister, with a dim look in her eyes, "computer expert? Does Ning Jiwei have other forces? "

"Second master, whether he has or not, we should have made preparations early." A faint voice came.

Behind Mo Sheng, I don't know when he stood with a small, rickety figure. But Mo Sheng was not surprised at all. He just nodded his head and said, "yes, it's time to make preparations..."

East courtyard.

Jianrui wakes up and finds that Gu Xiaomian, the little fat man lying next to her, hasn't woken up yet, while Gu Chenyi's figure has disappeared on the sofa beside her.

Jianrui rubbed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. She thought it was time to call her father and brother.

Gu Chenyi did everything very well and considerate, but just because he was so considerate, he was so considerate that he didn't trust them even when he went to bed at night, which made people have to think more about it.

In addition, Ning Jiwei hasn't come back in these two days. Although Jianrui doesn't appear, she is very worried.

"Well Steamed bun "Ruirui..." At the same time, Gu Xiaomian's somniloquy comes. She smiles, turns her mouth and pokes Gu Xiaomian's face.

"Ben Da Gu Ruan, am I a steamed bun?" Jianrui poked him in the face, but still like an addictive hand pinched.

"Well?" Gu Xiaomian wakes up in a daze. As soon as she opens her eyes, she sees Jianrui making trouble with herself with a bad smile.

"Ruirui, you wake up so early." Gu Xiaomian yawned.

Jianrui rolled her eyes and said, "is it still early? You see what time it is. "

Gu Xiaomian didn't get up in bed. He held the quilt and said, "I don't want to. I still want to sleep."

He finally rubbed against Jianrui's bed and was reluctant to get up.

Jian Rui looked at him coolly and said, "Gu Xiaomian, didn't you just say you wanted to work hard yesterday?"

Gu Xiaomian body a stiff, Du lips from the bed to get up a way: "pistil pistil, you are strict ah."

"Hum." Jianrui snorted: "then you sleep, I don't care about you."

"Ah, don't care, I'm up now ~" Gu Xiaomian saw Jianrui angry, quickly climbed down from the bed.

After washing and going out, they thought Gu Chenyi had gone to the company, but they didn't want to see him sitting in the living room to deal with his work.

Gu Xiaomian was stunned. He rushed to Gu Chenyi and asked, "Dad, why are you here?"

"Are you sick again?" Chen Yi: "where is he?"

"No, I mean how you are at home." Gu Xiaomian asked.

"Oh, there's nothing important in the company today, so I'm too lazy to go through." Gu Chenyi said casually.

Jianrui pursed her lips, went to him and asked, "Uncle Gu, is something wrong with my dad?"Gu Chenyi looked at Jian Rui in surprise and said, "Rui Rui, how can you ask like this?"

Jian Rui Du lip way: "otherwise how did he leave so long?"

Gu Chenyi sighed at the child's keenness, but he didn't show it on his face. He just touched her head with a smile and said, "don't think too much. Your father just went on a business trip. He should be back today."

"Really?" It's said that Ning Jiwei will come back today. Jianrui's eyes finally shine, and the whole person is relaxed.

Gu Chenyi said with a smile: "can we have breakfast now? Didn't you say yesterday that you were going to find Mo Tong today? "

"Yes." Jianrui nodded with a smile: "hurry to eat, and then go to find Mo Tong."

"Eat, eat, I'm starving!" Gu Xiaomian a listen to eat, immediately rushed to the restaurant.

Seeing that the two children didn't ask any more questions, Gu Chenyi was finally relieved.

After breakfast, Mo Xiuyu came over as usual. First, he took his two children to see Mo Wanshan. After playing there for a while, he took them to Mo Tong's side.

When they arrived, Mo Tong was writing and reading quietly in the living room as usual, while Mo Xiulin was sitting at the busy side.

Mo Xiulin is reading like Mo Tong, Mo Xiuqian is looking in the mirror, and Mo Xiujin is Eat lollipops.

Seeing Jianrui and Gu Xiaomian coming, Mo Xiujin said, "you're late ~"

Jianrui turned her lips and said, "Mo Xiujin, if you eat lollipops every day, you're not afraid of insects on your teeth."

Mo Xiujin blinked, turned to Mo Xiuqian and said, "sister, do you have insects?"

Mo Xiuqian indifferent way: "be afraid of what, wait for living insect again to give you to sprinkle some insect killer not good."

"Or is my sister smart?" Mo Xiujin grinned and said to Jianrui, "do you hear me? I'm not afraid of insects."

"Idiot." Jianrui rolled her eyes and didn't care about him.

One side Mo Tong has come over, Jianrui quickly came forward, took his hand, turned two circles and asked: "are you ok? Did Mo Ting bully you? "

"No Mo Tong said with a smile.

See Jian Rui so nervous Mo Tong, Mo Xiulin and Mo Xiujin eyes at the same time flash a touch of thinking.

The children have mo Xiuyu here, but everything is as usual, nothing happened.

It was the Qiao family on the other side that had an accident.

In the living room.

Georgetown threw the cup in his hand and yelled, "George, tell me what happened yesterday?"

"What's the matter?" George indifferent way: "Dad, yesterday's thing I and the old man have said, you have any question to ask the old man to say."

"Don't fool around with me." Qiao Zhen said angrily, "I don't care what you usually do, but you can't let the whole Qiao family play around with you."

"What's wrong with me?" George frowned and said, "I've brought back a lot of people who went out. What's wrong?"

"You..." Qiao Zhen black face way: "I ask you, did you go to help Ning Jiwei yesterday?"

"Yes." George generously admitted that he couldn't hide it anyway.

Qiao Zhen asked coldly, "why don't you discuss this with me? Don't you know what the situation is in Xiangcheng now? Our Qiao family has never been involved in the affairs of the miasma, but you made such a fool yesterday. In other people's eyes, our Qiao family has already stood in line. Do you know? "

"Then stand in line." George said with a smile: "Dad, up to now, you don't think that as long as we don't get involved, we can always be wise, right?"

Joe stopped and frowned: "I don't know if I can always be wise, but even if I want to stand in line, it shouldn't be this way."

"Come on, Dad, I've done the opposite. It's useless for you to quarrel with me now. You don't have to worry about the next thing. I know what's going on."

With that, George shrugged his shoulders and yawned, "anyway, I won't make fun of our Qiao family. You can rest assured. I'll go to make up for other things later."

He was busy all night. In the morning, he discussed with Ning Jiwei about the next layout and dealt with the people brought back by Qiao family. He just had a little time and naturally wanted to have a good sleep.

But Qiao town was even more angry. They were all kept in the dark by George. They heard such exciting news early in the morning, but George refused to explain it. How could this work?

So seeing that George wanted to go upstairs, Georgetown kicked him and said, "you stop here. You can't go anywhere without a clear explanation."

He kicked suddenly, and George was very tired and unprepared. This kick made his leg short and almost kneel on the ground.

George groaned and stood up slowly.

"What are you doing?" Yan Mei sees this, angry Chong Qiao Town roars a way: "have what words you won't say well?"? What are you doing? "

"I..." Qiao Zhen choked, and there was a flash of remorse in his eyes. He didn't mean it, but he was short of breath just now."Mom, I'm fine." George stood up and said to Joe, "what else can I do for you? If you want to kick or fight, hurry up. "

Joe stopped and looked at the cool color on his son's face. He waved angrily and said, "I'm too lazy to tell you. Get out of here!"

Yan Mei said quickly, "ah Zhi, are you really OK? Why don't you go to bed first and let's have a good talk when you wake up? "

"No more." George sneered, "I can't sleep in this house."

Then he turned and went out.

"Come back!" "Where are you going?" Qiao said coldly

George footstep a meal, the head also didn't return of way: "anyway is not here by you kick."

"You..." Qiao town was his son's face a black, but he has come out of the house.

Yang Yaru's family.

Half an hour later, George collapsed himself in bed.

Yang Ya Ru smiles to carry over a cup of milk to hand him a way: "drink to sleep again."

George reached for the glass and drank it down, then put it on the table.

"You sleep, i..." Before Yang Yaru's words were finished, he had been grabbed by his wrist.

"You What are you doing? " Yang Yaru blushed.

George hugged her and said, "stay with me."

"I can't do it." Yang Yaru said, "I still have a job. It's good to ask for an hour's leave at noon to accompany you."

"Don't worry. I promise Ning Jiwei won't remember your absenteeism." George rubbed Yang Yaru's head and said, "darling, stay with me for a while. I'm really sleepy."

Yang Yaru looked at his face obviously tired color, in the end or red face way: "well..."


Villa mikai.

It's already noon when jianhaixi wakes up again. She slowly wants to sit up from the bed. As soon as she moves, she hears the sound outside the door, "young lady, are you awake?"

Jianhaixi Leng next, heart road this "little lady" should be calling her?

"Well, wake up." Jane Haixi replied.

The door was gently pushed open, and then a pretty man came in. He didn't come near, so he stood at the door and said, "young lady, the young master and mikai are talking about something. The young master told you to wake up and let me call him."

"Since he is busy, don't disturb him. I have nothing to do," said Jian Haixi

"The man said:" no, what the young master ordered is what After talking, the man turned and left.

Jian Haixi looks at the door which has no shadow, can't help shaking his head.

In the living room, mikai looked at ningjiwei coldly and said, "as you say, when I promise to cooperate with you, it means that last night's event may happen again at any time?"

"Not bad." Ning Jiwei nodded.

Mikai sneered, leaned back on the sofa and said, "in that case, why should I cooperate with you?"

Ji Weining said, "whatever you want, I can do it."

Mikey frowned. "Do you think I'll have anything you have?"

Although the MI family is not as powerful as the Mo family, due to mikai's medical skills, he did not dare to underestimate them in Xiangcheng.

Ning Jiwei looked at mikai and said, "everyone is innocent, and he is guilty."

Mikey frowned. "What do you mean?"

Ning Jiwei said: "I believe you do not lack anything, but the rice family may not lack it. You are very capable, but the stronger you are, the more people you covet. The MI family and the sun family in taro city are the same in some ways. Your strong professional ability means that you need more protection and stronger support. "

Otherwise, any one of them will be threatened, and mikai will have to be held by the other side.

Mikai squinted at ningjiwei and said, "do you mean you can be my support?"

"I can." Ning Jiwei nodded and said: "as long as you help me save my son, I can guarantee that not only I will become your backer, but also my son will become the backer of the rice family in the future."

"Oh?" Mikai frowned and said, "how do I know your son has this ability? What if he's a waste wood? "

If someone said that to his son, he would have been angry, but Ning Jiwei just laughed and said with pride: "the computer expert who helped us leave safely yesterday is my son."

Mikai was very surprised. He was about to say something, but the man guarding jianhaixi came down and said, "young master, young lady is awake."

"Good." Ji Weining nodded to my daughter-in-law today

With that, Ning Jiwei went upstairs, leaving mikai staring at his back.

"Bullying my single dog, that's it!"

Jian Haixi waited for a little while, then saw Ning Jiwei come over.

Seeing that Jian Haixi had already sat up, he came over and said, "how did you get up by yourself? Does the shoulder still hurt? "

Jian Haixi shook his head and said, "a little, but it won't get in the way."Ning Jiwei frowned and said: "don't try to be brave, the injury in this position is easy to leave sequelae."

"I know." Jian Haixi smiles, pulls Ning Jiwei's hand and says, "don't you have a rest? Look at your tired face. "

"I'm fine." Ning Jiwei said, "are you hungry? Let's have dinner together?"

"Good." Haixi nodded.

Ning Jiwei stands at the door, and the man says, "Mo Feng, go and serve the prepared food."

"Yes, young master." Mo Feng goes away in response to the voice.

Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei curiously and said, "I haven't seen this man. His name is mo Feng? Are you from the Mo family? "

"Well." Ning Jiwei explained: "it's my first group of forces in the Mo family. When I saved Ruirui, I relied on his help."

"Is it?" "Then I have to thank him very much," she said

Ning Jiwei said with a smile: "no, he has heard it."

"Do you hear me?" Jian Haixi blinked suspiciously, "what do you hear?"

Ning Jiwei said: "there is a secret organization in the Mo family. There are all kinds of talents in it. Mo Feng is one of them. His hearing is excellent. If we speak here, as long as he wants, he can hear everything."

Jianhaixi Leng, "so magic?"

"Try Ji Weining's face, and you want to spoil it?"

Jian Haixi asked carefully, "is that ok?"

Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "Mo Feng, bring a cup of hot water when you come up."

"Is that all right?" Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei in surprise, "I thought there would be that kind of special code, such as knocking on the floor three times or something."

Ning Jiwei shaved the tip of her nose with a smile and said, "you think too much."

Two minutes later, Mo Feng came up with the food and a cup of hot water.

Jian Haixi looked at the cup of hot water, and there were stars in her eyes.

Mo Feng was blushed by Jian Haixi's eyes. After putting down the meal, he quickly went out.

Ning Jiwei looks at Jian Haixi's happy appearance, smiles and feeds her with porridge.

Although he is usually very kind to his brother, he doesn't mind making his daughter-in-law happy at this time.

As for brothers You don't have to worry about such trifles.

After dinner, Ning Jiwei helped jianhaixi massage for a while. At jianhaixi's strong request, he stopped and lay on the bed.

Jian Haixi said, "go to bed quickly. You haven't had a good sleep these days."

Jiweining said with a smile, "I can't sleep like this."

Jane Haixi stopped, and the next second she reflected what was in her hand. She immediately blushed and said, "then go to another room to sleep."

Ning Jiwei laughed, light hand over Jian Haixi way: "it's OK, you don't move."

Jian Haixi shrank shyly in his arms and whispered: "you are really You can still... "

Ning Jiwei looked down at her and said with a kiss: "in my eyes, you are always the most beautiful."

Jian Haixi smiles, looks up and kisses back, "me too."

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