Xiangcheng, the city, continues its own story.

In another city, a woman who is coming to Xiangcheng is also striving for this opportunity with her family.

Ten thousand families.

Wan Liao and Xiao Rou sit on the sofa with a heavy face. Wan Yuqing stands in front of them with her head down.

Wan Liao sighed, looked at his daughter and said, "have you really decided?"

Wan Yuqing nodded, weak voice, but with extraordinary persistence, "Dad, I don't want to regret myself in the future."

Wan Liao didn't speak, just reached out and rubbed his frown.

Taking Wan Yuqing by the hand, Xiao Rou asked her to sit beside her and said, "Yuqing, mom and Dad don't support you, just We're worried. Do you understand? "

Wan Yuqing looked at Xiao Rou, her eyes brighter than ever, "Mom, please believe that I have grown up, I can protect myself. Besides He'll protect me, too. "

Later, Wan Yuqing blushed and whispered.

Wan Liao snorted coldly: "you can't even know what he thinks of you. How can you know that he will protect you?"

"I just know." Wan Yuqing looked at Wan Liao and said, "Dad, I don't know if he likes me, but I know he will protect me, just like we just met."

Wan Liao said coldly, "in a word, I still don't agree to it. It's too risky. I can't let my baby daughter go to such a dangerous place."

Wan Yuqing turns to Xiao Rou and pleads: "Mom..."

"This..." Xiao Rou looks at her daughter painfully, turns her head to Wan Liao and says, "husband, how about Let Yuqing pass for two days, and then let Qin Zhixu give us a guarantee. If he can't guarantee Yuqing's safety, shall we let our daughter come back? "

"Don't you come." Wan Liao stares at Xiao Judo: "what if Yuqing refuses to come back? Don't think I don't know what you two have in mind. "

"Dad ~" Wan Yuqing said anxiously, "I just want to find him."

"No way." Wan Liao is ruthless.

Wan Yuqing bit her lips, tears in her eyes.

She has always been a good girl who listens to her parents. If Wan Liao really doesn't allow her to go to Xiangcheng to find Qin Zhixu, she won't disobey her parents. Just thinking that she hasn't made any efforts, she will Miss Qin Zhixu in this way. Wan Yuqing will feel pain in her heart.

Looking at her daughter like this, Xiao Rou gets angry, turns her head and stares at Wan Liao and says, "who let you be so fierce to her daughter? Didn't you see that she was already very sad? "

"I..." By Xiao Rou a stare, Wan Liao immediately lost just now "the head of a family" gas field, counseled of shrunk head way: "I this is also for her good?"

"For her good, don't you know how to call there?" Xiao Judo: "I used to make friends in shopping malls just to make rainy and sunny days better in the future? Don't use it now. Can you keep it and bring it into the coffin later? "

"Here, I..." Wan Liao was speechless by his wife. Looking at his daughter's sad face, he waved his hand and said, "OK, I'll call you."

With that, Wan Liao took his mobile phone and went to make a phone call while turning over the phone book.

"Mom?" Wan Yuqing looks at Xiao Rou happily, "can I go to Xiangcheng?"

"Of course." Xiao Rou looked at her daughter gently and said, "Yuqing, mom and dad agree that you should pursue your own happiness, but there is one condition."

Wan Yuqing pause, asked: "what conditions?"

Xiao Rou sighed, touched her daughter's hair lovingly, and said, "if you can pursue your own happiness, mom and dad will naturally bless you, but if you and Qin Zhixu are predestined, mom hopes you can promise us not to give up your pride and dream because of this fruitless relationship, let alone do anything to hurt yourself It's stupid. Mom, I hope you can always remember that in addition to love, you still have your parents who love you most in the world. Please take good care of yourself for us, you know? "

"Mom..." Listening to Xiao Rou's words, Wan Yuqing hugged her and leaned in her arms and said, "Mom, don't worry. I always remember what you and dad taught me. I won't let you down."

"Well, good." Xiao Rou micro red eyes, endure the bottom of my heart do not give up with a smile.

Seeing this, Wan Liao sighed, hugged his wife and daughter and said, "I've already said hello to Qiao's family. After the rain is over, remember to visit Qiao's family. Do you know?"

"Well." Wan Yuqing nodded cleverly.


Xiangcheng, siheyuan.

Qin Zhixu, who doesn't know what change he is going to have, is sitting in the yard bored.

He went to mikai to see Jian Yi twice. Seeing that he recovered well, he was relieved to stay and visit home.

These two days Wan Yuqing will chat with her from time to time, and Qin Zhixu is also used to her occasional "harassment", which can even be said to be expectation.For example, at this moment, after a hot search, Qin Zhixu habitually opens the wechat interface to see if there is any news from Wan Yuqing.


as if the heart has a soul.

As soon as Qin Zhixu opened wechat, he received Wan Yuqing's voice message.

"Brother Qin, what are you doing?"

Listening to Wan Yuqing's unique soft voice, Qin Zhixu involuntarily stirred up a smile at the corner of his mouth, typing back: "nothing, looking after the house."

When the message was sent out, Wan Yuqing called.

Qin Zhixu picked it up and asked with a smile, "what's the matter, isn't work busy today?"

Wan Yuqing stopped and said, "brother Qin, I have agreed with JOJO not to go to the company for the time being."

"Oh?" Qin Zhixu asked, "is there any difficulty? Or do you have any other plans? "

"Well..." Wan Yuqing hesitated: "there is a plan, but I can't tell you for the time being."

Qin Zhixu was stunned, and he felt a little lost.

He thought that their relationship was closer, but he didn't expect that he was still an "outsider" in Wan Yuqing.

"Brother Qin, are you not busy recently?" Wan Yuqing asked.

"Oh, not busy." Qin Zhixu said, "what's the matter?"

"No, it's OK." Wan Yuqing is happy and busy.

Qin Zhixu some inexplicable, how he said a "not busy", little girl seems to be very happy?

Wan Yuqing asked again, "brother Qin, where do you live? Is it far from the airport? "

"The airport?" Qin Zhixu thought and said, "it's quite close to the railway station. What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing." Wan Yuqing said with a smile, "I'm just curious. I'm just asking."

Wan Yuqing thought that when she got to Xiangcheng, she would go to the railway station first, so that she would not bother Qin Zhixu to run so far to meet her.

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