Wan Yuqing is afraid that if she asks too many questions, she will let Qin Zhixu notice, so she hangs up without saying a few words.

Qin Zhixu didn't mean it either. He just thought that the little girl talked less today. He hung up before he had heard enough.

Holding a cell phone with a black screen, Qin Zhixu shakes his head and laughs.

It seems that he can't suppress his feelings any more.

With a sigh, Qin Zhixu gets up and enters the room.

He'd better go to work in order not to let his mind wander.

Once again, they search the video surveillance of Qin Neng.

Jian Yi knows that he can't let go of Qin Tian's death, so she asks Yun Zhixiang to help him set up a character comparison system.

Qin Zhixu turns on the computer and calls up all the whereabouts of Qin Tian, but as usual, the man who finally saw Qin Tian didn't leave a trace at all.

Is there really no way?

Qin Zhixu closed his eyes and leaned on the chair. He had been looking for it for a long time, but he couldn't find any sign of the man.

Do you just give up?

Qin Zhixu is not reconciled.

Although Qin Tian deserves to die, the child in her stomach is innocent. Who bullied Qin Tian and let her die like this?

This question can't be solved. Qin Zhixu can't be reconciled.

He closed his eyes and went through all the things in the past year. Qin Zhixu was suddenly surprised and suddenly opened his eyes.

He can't find the trace of that man, but it's certain that Qin Tian's affair has something to do with Mo Sheng's group.

It happened that he knew one of the gang.

Qin Zhixu's hands are operating on the keyboard quickly. He knows that his computer skills are limited, so he first contacted Yun Zhixiang and asked him to help pull up the video of Lin Xiaodou's family accident a few months ago and find out the leading woman in it.

Soon, Yun Zhixiang found out the woman.

Qin Zhixu easily compares her identity by using the character comparison system.

Hongye, the second elder sister, is mo Sheng's right hand.

Now there's no way to confront Mo Sheng face to face, so can we find some clues through this woman?

Qin Zhixu's eyes are like electricity, staring at the computer screen without blinking, for fear of missing a clue.

It's a pity that the last information about Hongye that can be found by monitoring is the recent riverside war.

After jumping into the river that night, this one named Hongye seems to have disappeared. His life and death are unknown, and there is no trace at all.

Qin Zhixu upset the mouse.

But he finally found another clue.


Yun Zhixiang sends a message to ask Qin Zhixu if he needs his help.

Qin Zhixu thought about it and asked, "is there any way you can find out where a disappeared person is?"

Yun Zhixiang: "if you want to find someone, at least you need that person to appear within the scope of the network. Whether it's monitoring or Internet traces, as long as there are traces, I can find them. But if there are no traces, I can't create people out of thin air."

Qin Zhixu sighed dejectedly: "OK, I know."

Yun Zhixiang asked again, "are you looking for the red leaf?"

"Well." Qin Zhixu said: "now it seems that if you look for her, you may be able to find something, but she seems to have disappeared completely."

Yun Zhixiang said: "I can't find someone else, but if you find this woman, maybe there's a way to try."

When Qin Zhixu heard that he had a way, his eyes brightened and he asked, "what way?"

Yun Zhixiang said: "I'll mark the monitoring around you in a moment. If red leaf appears in the monitoring, you will be prompted for the first time."

"This..." Qin Zhi Xu Zheng next, "you are to let me wait for a rabbit?"

"Not bad." Yun Zhixiang said: "it's a bit stupid, but there's no other way at present. You can't run into Mo's house to ask?"

Qin Zhixu thinks about it. This kind of thing without evidence, even if Ning jiweiken helps him find Mo Sheng to confront, the other side will not admit anything.

Had to knead the eyebrow of tired to know that tone

Yun Zhixiang spent two hours to help Qin Zhixu set up monitoring reminders. After setting up, Qin Zhixu sat in front of the computer and stared at the monitors.

Even if we know that it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, there is little hope that we can find it.

Sitting until sunset, Qin Zhixu got up, took out a cigarette to light, and planned to take a walk in the yard.

Just did not expect that he just walked to the door, suddenly heard behind the screen "diddidi" sound.

Qin Zhixu's steps stopped and looked back.

I thought it was from Yun Zhixiang or someone else, but I didn't want to look back. I saw the red dot flashing on the top of the screen.

"No..." Qin Zhi Xu Leng next, "really to find?"Heart thump a jump, Qin Zhi Xu immediately turned around, three steps and two steps to the computer.

Between the red dot prompted on the screen, the familiar figure, who is not red leaf?

It's just

Qin Zhixu frowns. Why is she near the hospital?

In the heart some doubts, but Qin Zhixu also did not think much, directly grasp the car key and mobile phone out of the door.

Coming out of the hospital, Hongye walked to the street with a medicine bag.

If she had been injured before, Mo Sheng would send the best family doctor to treat her.

But this time her mission failed, Mo Sheng did not deal with her, even if it is particularly generous, how can give her treatment?

So red leaves can only come out by themselves, casually find a small clinic anti-inflammatory bandage.

Fortunately, Mo Sheng didn't abandon her completely, so her subordinates also listened to her.

Red leaf shoulder injury can't drive, so while carrying the medicine bag, and a few hands said good, let them come to pick themselves up as soon as possible.

When we got to the entrance of an alley, red leaf just wanted to rest against the wall. Suddenly, there was a sharp car sound nearby.

Red leaves suddenly turned around and saw a black business car parked on the side of the road.

The door opened and Qin Zhixu rushed down.

Red leaf a Leng, want also don't want of turn head to run.

Qin Zhixu grits his teeth and catches up with her. He reaches for Hongye's wrist and drags her into the alley.

Red leaf shoulder injury, but does not mean that she is really no fight back.

Qin Zhixu's body and hands are good, but he is a little worse than Hongye.

Fortunately, Hongye is injured now, so Qin Zhixu can barely control her.

"You know me." Qin Zhixu buckles red leaf's hands in a cold voice.

Just now Hongye saw his reaction, which is enough to explain the problem.

Red leaf sneered: "Ru's president, Ning Jiwei's assistant, famous Qin Zhixu, who can't know you?"

Qin Zhixu clasped her hand and drew back her strength fiercely. Until red leaf screamed, she stopped and said, "you know what I'm talking about. You know me, not because of Ru, not because of Ning Jiwei, but because of Qin Tian."

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