Jianrui takes her masterpiece to Ning Jiwei's room.

Ningji and mojue are discussing things, looking at Jianrui holding a bottle of "weeds" come in, can't help but at the same time stiff face.

"Ruirui, this is..." Ning Jiwei asked hesitantly.

Jianrui raised the vase to Ning Jiwei and said, "Daddy, this is the flower I planted for you, isn't it beautiful?"

"Well Good looking. " Ning Jiwei is against his will.

"Pretty?" Mo Jue disliked pedaling a chair, far away from the vase, "please, even if I just find a few weeds can be inserted better than this."

Jane Rui Leng next, blinking innocent big eyes, pitifully looking at Mo Jue way: "beauty uncle, do I insert flowers not good-looking?"

"Er..." Mo Jue just wanted to say "it's not good-looking", but he didn't know why he couldn't just say those three words.

Ning Jiwei smiles. Now Mo Jue should know the real power of his daughter.

"Uncle beauty..." Jianrui looks forward to mojue.

"Well It's not that ugly. " Under Jian Rui's big eye attack, Mo Jue said with difficulty: "just I mean, your work is still very strange, but I think it can be more beautiful. "

"Really?" Jianrui eyes a bright, looking at Mo Jue way: "that beauty uncle teaches me."

Mo Jue froze, looking at the excited Jianrui, suddenly feel that he seems to have made a wrong decision.

Or Ning Jiwei kind-hearted help him out of the encirclement, to Jianrui way: "Ruirui Rui, mojue uncle is very busy, wait for two days to let him teach you?"

"Oh, yes, yes." Jianrui obediently put the vase in mojue's hand and said, "Uncle beauty, please make this vase more beautiful. I'll go first ~"

when Jianrui ran out, mojue still stared at the "work" in his hand and didn't react.

Ning Jiwei jokingly said: "you just put it aside. Ruirui's aesthetics and others in this aspect It's not the same. "

Ning Jiwei didn't mean to say that he was a "masterpiece" at home.

Mo Jue sighed: "forget it, I'll trim it while listening to you."

Who let him obsessive-compulsive disorder, see such a pile of things put here, do not trim his heart is uncomfortable.

After giving the vase to Ning Jiwei, Jian Rui goes back to her room contentedly and takes out the leaves stuffed in her pocket.

As usual, there are not many words on the leaves, only one name - Mo Xiuqian.

Jianrui blinked. Why does Mo Xiujin write Mo Xiuqian's name on it?

Is it because she didn't read it carefully? In fact, there are other information?

Jianrui took the leaves to study for a long time, but did not study why.

With a sigh, Jianrui finally gave up, "this broken leaf can't write a few words. What does Mo Xiujin mean?"

After thinking about it, Jianrui takes out her mobile phone and dials Jianyi.

"Ruirui, is daddy OK?" As soon as the phone is connected, Jian Yi asks first.

"Daddy's OK." Jianrui muttered: "brother, did you promise me that the communicator was ready?"

Jian Yi looked at the communicator on hand, nodded and said, "well done. Why, are you in a hurry?"

"Yes." Jian Rui Du said: "Mo Xiujin left me a leaf, on which was written three words of Mo Xiuqian. I don't know what it means."

Listening to her words, Jian Yi thought for a moment and asked, "is there anything wrong with the West courtyard recently? Especially Mo Xiuqian. "

"I don't know." Jianrui said, "I've been at home these two days."

Jian Yi pondered: "I guess the message Mo Xiujin wants to convey may have something to do with Mo Xiuqian. In a word, you should be careful. If there is news about Mo Xiuqian recently, don't be impulsive. If you don't understand, ask me first. Do you know?"

"Oh." Jianrui nodded and said, "brother, communicator..."

"Ask daddy if he can come by after work and ask him to take it back to you." Jian Yi said.

"Well, I'll ask now." Jianrui listened and ran to Ning Jiwei's room happily.


on the other side, Mo Tong didn't see Mo Ting when he went back to the north courtyard. He thought Mo ting and Su Daqiang had gone out again.

In the past, Mo Ting often went out, and never allowed him to ask about her trace.

This time, after he went home, he had little communication with Mo ting.

So Mo Tong didn't think much about the fact that Mo Ting was not at home. He went upstairs and prepared to go back to his room.

"Daqiang, do you really think so?"

"Well, as long as we're careful, he won't find out."

Originally intended to return to the room of Mo Tong footstep pause, turn to look at Mo Ting's room.

Mo Ting didn't go out? What are she and Su Daqiang talking about?

Who will find out?

Mo Tong hesitated, or quietly walked past.Mo Da ting and Su Qiang didn't seem to close the door suddenly.

Through the crack of the door, their voices came out of the room clearly.

"But this time the amount of money is so large, will Mo Sheng and Ning Jiwei not notice?" Mo Ting is worried.

Su Daqiang hugged her and comforted her: "ting, don't worry. If we want to have a good life, we have to transfer the funds. It's a little risky, but if we succeed, we can be together forever. "


Mo Ting still hesitated, so Suo Qiang took the opportunity to say: "Ning Jiwei and Mo Sheng are busy fighting these days. They won't notice it. If they had been on guard, we would have been exposed. "

Mo Ting still didn't speak.

Su Daqiang looks at Mo ting and asks tentatively, "or Are you worried about Mo Tong? "

"Worried about him?" Mo Ting hummed coldly: "that wild seed, I raised him for my own selfishness. Who would have thought that he turned his elbow out? You see, he has been guarding Ning Jiwei from yesterday to now. I don't know that he thought he was Ning Jiwei's son."

"Maybe Mo Tong has long wanted to be Ning Jiwei's son," he said with a smile

"Hum." Mo Ting sneered: "he wants to be beautiful. One day he is my son, one day he will be used by me. Only when he helps us out completely can we finish his mission. "

"At that time, if he is still alive, let him be ningjiwei's son," he said with a smile

Mo Tong listens to all their words, like ice water pouring over his head, which makes him stiff.

He always thought that although Mo Ting didn't have much affection for him, she didn't have none at all.

But it turns out that everything is because he still has use value.

No wonder, no wonder the housekeeper had an accident. After he disappeared, Mo Ting never looked for him.

At that time, MoBa didn't make use of his opportunities until he came back.

It turns out that he really doesn't have a mothe

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