Ning Jiwei is very well. Mo Wanshan is very happy. Even the nanny says to Jia Min with a smile: "madam, you see how happy the young master is when he comes back."

After hearing this, Jia Minzhi coldly glanced at the nanny.

The look scared the nanny a shiver, busy to swallow the rest of the words back.

How could she forget that their wife hated the young master most.

Jia Minzhi used to enjoy tea and read books in the living room, but Mo Wanshan's smile came from the upstairs room from time to time, which annoyed her.

"Are you really so happy?" Jia Minzhi squinted and said to himself, "when I was born in Xiuyu, I never saw you smile like this. That wild seed really occupied all your mind

Thinking of this, Jia Minzhi's hand holding the teacup tighter and tighter, "Mo Wanshan, you ignore me so much, trample on me, I must make you regret it!"

Jia Minzhi put the cup heavily on the tea table, got up, went upstairs, changed his clothes and left home.

When Mo Wanshan came down from upstairs, he only saw an empty cup on the tea table, but he didn't see Jia Minzhi's person.

He called the nurse suspiciously and asked, "where's the lady?"

"Madame The lady was here just now The nurse said, "master, shall I go to find my wife?"

"No more." Mo Wanshan frowned at the teacup and said, "go down, wait for your wife to come back, and don't ask about her whereabouts."



Bamboo garden.

As soon as Jia Minzhi opened the door, he was pulled into his arms.

"I thought you would never see me again."

The deep male voice rang out, and it was mo Sheng, the second master of the Mo family.

Jia Min pauses, reaches out his hand to push him away and says, "I just want to know when you can have action and when you can let Mo Wanshan have bad luck?"

"Ha ha." Mo Sheng chuckled, went forward, reached for Jia Minzhi's hand and said, "don't worry, this day won't be far away."

"Is it?" Jia Minzhi shook off his hand and said angrily: "but now Ning Jiwei has come back alive, not only he has come back, but also the leader of the secret department. Do you know that means he will be the head of the Mo family soon. Now Ning Jiwei is still difficult to deal with. Once we have the help of the secret department, we can deal with him like this? "

"Hum, he's Ning Jiwei. He has a secret department to help him. Am I alone now?" Mo Sheng looked at Jia Minzhi and said, "Minzhi, you don't understand my power for so many years."

Jia Minzhi turns his head and looks at Mo Sheng suspiciously, "do you mean you have other people?"

Mo Sheng chuckled and held Jia Minzhi's shoulder. "Minzhi, don't worry. I'm not my big brother. As long as I promise you, I will never break my promise."

Jia Minzhi pursed her lips, looking at Mo Sheng and asking her questions.

"In that case, why can't you deal with Ning Jiwei for such a long time?"

The smile on Mo Sheng's face was a little cold, and he snorted: "I didn't think it would take much strength to deal with Ning Jiwei, but he refreshed my evaluation of him again and again, so that I had to join hands with that man to deal with him."

"The man?" Jia Minzhi frowned, "who else? Who are you working with? "

Mo Sheng picked the next eyebrow and said with a smile: "you don't have to worry about it. In a word, if I join hands with that man, there is absolutely no possibility of failure. Whether it's Mo Wanshan or Ning Jiwei, they are just surviving. Sooner or later, they will die. "

Jia Minzhi was stunned. He lowered his head and didn't speak.

Mo Sheng watched her look, reached out and gently took her into his arms, and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter, min Zhi? You don't seem very happy. Don't you want to see them die? "


Jia Minzhi hesitated and said, "I just want to see Mo Wanshan's bad luck."

Hate is true, resentment is true, want revenge is true, but let Mo Wanshan die, she never thought.

Mo Sheng flashed a strange look and said with a low smile: "Minzhi, you are just too soft hearted. Do you think if I don't kill Mo Wanshan and Ning Jiwei, they will let me go after a while? Will you and Xiuyu be spared? "

"Xiuyu..." Listen to Mo Sheng mention Mo Xiuyu's name, Jia Min's body suddenly stiff.

"Yes, Xiuyu." Mo Sheng said: "even for the sake of building, we can only do it to the end. This is a one-way street without turning back. Minzhi, you are already on the road and can't turn back. "

Jia Minzhi was stunned. He gritted his teeth and nodded: "you're right. OK, I'll listen to you."

"That's right." Mo Sheng said with a satisfied smile: "Min Zhi, don't worry. I will avenge you and pave the best way for Xiuyu."

Jia Minzhi nodded and put his head on Mo Sheng's shoulder.

Since there's no turning back, she'll go all the way to the black.

Anyway, I'm already in hell. I'm not afraid of darkness.……

It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that Jia Minzhi returned to the east courtyard.

As soon as she came in, she saw Mo Wanshan sitting in the living room.

Jia Min's figure pauses, his eyes linger on Mo Wanshan for two seconds, then moves away, and then raises his feet to go upstairs.

She had nothing to say to him.

But did not want to wait for her to start, Mo Wanshan opened his mouth.

"Where have you been?" Mo Wanshan asked.

Jia Min stopped, looked back at Mo Wanshan, "are you asking me?"

"Is there anyone else here?" Mo Wanshan frowned.

Jia Minzhi chuckled and said, "who knows, maybe you are talking to Fu Xiang's ghost?"

"You..." Mo Wanshan didn't expect that Jia Minzhi would say such words. He choked for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Jia Minzhi sneered: "Mo Wanshan, you have to miss your Fu Xiang. It's up to you to play a good father role in front of Ning Jiwei. But please don't play a affectionate role and provoke me at the same time, OK? You don't feel tired. I feel sick. "

"Min, you..." Mo Wanshan trembled with anger. "I'm just worried about you. I'm afraid you'll be fooled by Mo Sheng. That's why I want to..."

"What do you think?" Hearing him mention Mo Sheng, Jia Minzhi's face suddenly chills. He looks down at him and says: "Mo Wanshan, how I love to do is my own business. You can't manage it, and you don't have the qualification to manage it."

After a pause, Jia Minzhi laughed at himself and said, "at least, he is willing to cheat me, but what about you?"

Mo Wanshan frowned and said, "you are not rational now. I don't want to discuss these problems with you any more. In a word, don't touch Mo Sheng, otherwise... "

"Or what? Are you going to put me under house arrest? " Jia Minzhi sneered: "anyway, the life and death of my Jia family has been in the hands of your good son. Now I'm alone. If you see me as an eyesore, just drive me away. Why bother?"

"What are you talking about?" Mo Wanshan said, "what did I say I want to drive you away?"

"You didn't say it, but that's what you think." After roaring, Jia Minzhi turns to go upstairs and ignores Mo Wanshan.

Mo Wanshan was trembled by Jia Minzhi's anger. He trembled and said, "wait a minute. I haven't finished my words. You..."

"You don't want me to go to Mosheng, do you?" Jia Min's head also does not return way: "I tell you, impossible! I'll go to him not only today, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I'll do whatever I want. Can you manage you? "

"You..." Mo Wanshan was so angry at Jia Minzhi's words that he blackened his eyes and clapped his palm on the wheelchair.

Knowing that he was ill again, he trembled and went to his coat pocket to take the medicine.

But he couldn't reach the medicine. He was dizzy and fell to the ground.

As soon as Jia Minzhi came to the door, he was about to push the door into the room when he heard a roar in the living room.

Then the nanny screamed.

"Master, master, what's the matter with you?"

Jia Min's step is a meal, the hand that puts on doorknob how also wring not to go down.

After two seconds of hesitation, she clenched her teeth and turned her head.

In the living room, Mo Wanshan fell to the ground, and the wheelchair was on him. The nanny was anxious to help him up.

"Ten thousand mountains!" Jia Minzhi was shocked and rushed down without thinking about it.

"Madam, master, this is..." The nanny is so anxious that she doesn't know what to do.

"Go and find Yue Feng!" Jia Minzhi asked and reached for Mo Wanshan.

Finally, Jia Minshan took the medicine from his pocket.

"Wanshan, Wanshan? Wake up Jia Minzhi gently shakes Mo Wanshan, calling anxiously.



Mo Xiuyu and Yue Feng appear at the door at the same time. When they see Mo Wanshan lying on the ground, they run over.

Yue Feng picks up Mo Wanshan and turns to Mo Wanshan's bedroom. Jia Minzhi and Mo Xiuyu follow him.

After helping Mo Wanshan to stabilize the situation, people were relieved.

Mo Xiuyu asked: "don't you need to send dad to the hospital?"

Yue Feng shook his head. "I have all these emergency medicines at home. I'm afraid of this situation. The hospital Don't go

It's no use going.

It's not that Mo Wanshan's old disease is incurable, but if a person doesn't have a strong will to live, even if he is born again, he can't be cured.

Mo Xiuyu frowned, "Dad is OK, how can you suddenly faint?"

He and Yue Feng just came back from Ning Jiwei. As soon as they got out of the door, they met a flustered nanny, saying that something happened to Mo Wanshan.

"It's me."

Jia Minzhi suddenly opened his mouth and said in a cold voice, "I made him sick with anger."

"What?"Jia Minzhi's words made Yue Feng and Mo Xiuyu stunned at the same time.

Mo Xiuyu looked at Jia Minzhi in disbelief, "Mom, what do you mean by that?"

Jia Minzhi pursed his lips, didn't say anything more, looked at Mo Wanshan who was in a coma on the eye bed, turned and left the room.

"Mom, tell me what's going on?"

Mo Xiuyu followed out of the room, caught up with Jia Minzhi and asked, "Mom, what's going on?"

Jia Minzhi looked at Mo Xiuyu and said in a cold voice, "who are you talking to?"

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