Mo Jue helped Mo Xiuyu pay for the meal and left the hotel with him.

Mo Xiuyu stood on the side of the road, looking at Mo Jue at a loss and said: "thank you for helping me, you Can you come to the hotel with me? I'll pay you back soon. "

Mo Jue waved his hand and said, "no, it's just a meal."

"No way." Mo Xiuyu said, "I must pay back the money."

Mo Jue glanced up and down at Mo Xiuyu, but said, "well, since you insist, I'll go with you."

Then Mo Jue drove Mo Xiuyu to the hotel.

On the way, Mo Xiuyu looked at Mo Jue gratefully, "I don't know your name, brother?"

Mo Jue picked to pick eyebrow way: "Chang Yi."

"It's brother Chang." Mo Xiuyu.

When he arrived at the hotel, Mo Xiuyu went back to his room to get the card, while Mo Jue took the opportunity to throw the mobile phone in his pocket into the garbage can.

Then they went to the ATM at the door of the hotel to withdraw money.

What Mo Xiuyu didn't expect was that all his cards were frozen.

"How is that possible?" Mo Xiuyu couldn't believe staring at the ATM in front of him.

Even if his father Mo Wanshan is cruel, his elder brother Ning Jiwei will not freeze his card.

If Mo Xiuyu knew that this was what Ning Jiwei had done, he would be stabbed in his heart.

"What's the matter, Xiuyu?" Mo Jue asked knowingly.

Mo Xiuyu frowned and said, "my card has been stopped. Now I have no money."

"Ah? How could that be? " Mo Jue exaggerates a way: "do you make trouble with your family?"? If it's awkward, go home as soon as possible. You don't have money or mobile phone now. How can you survive outside? "

Mo Xiuyu shook his head and said, "I won't go back."

Mo Jue asked, "how do you eat tonight? How do you live? "

Mo Xiuyu took a deep breath, looked up and said, "I can go to work."

Mo Jue was stunned and looked at Mo Xiuyu jokingly, "brother Xiuyu, I don't look down on you, it's just What would you do? "

"I can do the dishes."

"There's a dishwasher now. You don't need it."

"I can be a security guard."

"If you can take me, I'll let you go."

"I can go to the Internet bar as a network manager."


"Then I..."

Mo Xiuyu lowered his head. He didn't know what else he could do.

Xiangcheng is such a big city. If he goes to a bigger enterprise or company, he will be recognized.

But he can't do these small fast food restaurants on the street.

At this moment, Mo Xiuyu realized that he had taken off the label of the Mo family and the honor and money that the Mo family had given him.

Mo Jue sighed and said, "forget it, you come with me."

Mo Xiuyu was stunned and looked up at Mo Jue, "follow you?"

Mo Jue nodded and said, "I run a bar. You come with me and be a Well, a waiter or something, is that ok? "

"Yes, yes." Mo Xiuyu nodded.

Mo Jue said with a smile: "I can still pay you a month's salary first, but if you don't do well, you can deduct it in the future."

"No problem!" Mo Xiuyu.

Mo Jue patted Mo Xiuyu's shoulder with satisfaction and said, "let's go. To tell you the truth, I'll see you as soon as I see you."

Mo Xiuyu scratched his hair and said, "brother Chang, you are so nice."

Don't laugh without saying anything.


the next morning, Liao Huanyan was sent to the airport by mikai after saying goodbye to Jian Haixi and other humanitarian workers.

Soon, JOYA arrived.

Liao Huanyan looked at Qiao Ya shyly and said, "Qiao, Miss Qiao..."

"Just call me gioya." Qiao Ya Dao.

"Gioya." Liao Huanyan quickly changed his tune.

JOYA nodded, turned to Mikael and said, "I'm surprised you two got together."

Mikai shrugged his shoulders and said, "so for my face, I'll ask you to take care of my girlfriend in the future."

"You're afraid I'm going to bully her," she said

Without waiting for mikai to speak, Liao Huanyan quickly waved his hand and said, "no, no, he definitely doesn't mean that, Joe Don't think about it, gioya. He's a man who can't talk. Don't pay attention to him

Mikey rolled his eyes and said, "I haven't said anything yet, OK."

"It's over when you say it." Liao Huanyan stares back impolitely.

Raoya said: "I'm not so interested in the interaction."

Mikai was relieved to hear that.

After seeing them off, mikai did not return to the villa, but drove directly back to his home.Yesterday, Mikel went home without a word. It's something else.

More than half an hour later, mikai parked his car in front of the house.

This family, he really hasn't come back for a long time.

"Young master?" The nanny cried in surprise when she saw mikai coming back.

Mickey sneered, "why, don't you know me?"

"No, it's not." The nurse asked, "young master, how did you come back? The master and his wife are not at home... "

"What's their business? I didn't come back for them. " Mikael went upstairs and asked, "where's Mikael?"

"Miss In her room. " Said the nurse.

As the baby sitter spoke, Mikey went to Mikel's door, patted it and said, "Mikel, open the door."

Soon, with a click, the door opened from the inside.

Mikael leaned out and looked at Mikael at the door in surprise. "Brother? How did you come back? "

Mikai reached out to open the door, went in, sat down on the tatami and said, "come and see you."

Mikel lowered his head uneasily and said, "what's good for me..."

"Oh, no?" Mikai nodded, got up and said, "OK, you stay. I'm going."

"Ah, brother..." Mikel saw that he was going to leave. He was in a hurry. He grabbed his arm and said, "you, don't go yet."

Look at her. "And Mikey

"You..." Mikel bit her lip and hesitated. "Did you come back by yourself, or did someone ask you to come back? Sister Haixi Is there anyone else who asked you to bring me a message? "

Mikai sneered and gave Mikel a chestnut. "Mikel, you've read too many romance novels, haven't you? Any more words? Do you have a mobile phone or no Internet at home? "

"I..." Mikel choked, blushed and said, "I just asked casually."

Mikai patted her head again and said, "pour all the water out of your head and tell me what happened, or I won't care about you."

Mikel was stunned. He lowered his head and didn't speak.

"Well, I'm talking to you." Mikai said impatiently, "if you don't tell me, I'll go..."

Before mikai finished speaking, he was suddenly hugged.

Choking, he said, "what should I do with my eyes..."

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