Mikael frowned, reached out and patted Mikael on the shoulder. "Don't cry. Tell me what happened?"

"I, I don't know..." Mikel sobbed.

Mikai: "it's..." Don't you know how to cry in this?

While wiping her tears, Mikel said, "mom said that the family who went on a blind date with me had a strong background, but our family couldn't do it. I, I don't know which one..."

It turned out to be a blind date.

Mikael picked her eyebrows, walked to the side, sat down, and said to Mikael, "tell me what you know."

Mikael nodded and told Mikael all the information he knew.

After listening to Mikael's words, Mikael's eyes narrowed slightly and he didn't speak.

Mikael swallowed, nervously tugged his arm and asked, "brother, do you know the Davis family? Are they really that good? "

Mikael looked at Mikael and nodded: "it's very powerful. No matter which way it is, it's stronger than our family."

"Well, what should I do?" Mikel almost cried again with her mouth curled.

Mikai rubbed her head and said, "don't cry. Wait for me to talk to dad and see what's going on."

Mikel sobbed and stammered, "brother, you must save me."

Mikai laughed and joked: "why, didn't you pretend to be nothing just now? Now let me save you

Mikel sucked his nose, lowered his head and said, "because you're the only one who can save me. I don't want to give up now. I have to try everything. If I can't, then Let it be

At the end, Mikel pulled an ugly smile and tried not to be so scared.

Mikai pinched her stiff face and said, "it's a terrible smile. I'm young and I don't know how to recognize my life. I've got my brother, but it's not your turn to recognize my life."

Mikael was stunned and suddenly jumped on him. The bear hugged Mikael and cried, "woo, woo, woo Brother, you are really my rebirth parents

Mikai: "it's..." It's all a mess.

At noon, when Midao and Yang Lan get home, they know that mikai is back.

They looked at each other and knew each other.

This son has not come back once in a hundred and eighty years. I'm afraid he came back today for the sake of the girl.

Sure enough, mikai's first words when he saw Midao were: "Dad, what's the matter with Keer's marriage?"

The rice way sighed a tone, pointed to the upstairs study way: "go to the room to say."

"Brother Dao..." Yang Lan looks at Mi Dao anxiously and wants to say nothing.

Meadows patted the back of her hand and said, "don't worry."

In the study, MI Dao looked at the son sitting opposite and said, "but I should have told you."

Mikey frowned and said, "she didn't say the most important point. Why is our family involved with the Davis family?"

"It's a long story," he sighed

"Then make a long story short." Mickey said lazily.

Mi Dao choked, shook his head with a bitter smile and said: "the whole thing will start half a year ago..."


when Jian Haixi came back from the hospital in the afternoon, he saw mikai sitting in the living room with a sad face.

Jian Haixi was stunned. She went forward and asked, "look at you. Is it serious at home?"

"You're back." Mikai put out the smoke in his hand, pointed to the position beside Jian Haixi and said, "just in time, I want you to help me find a way to make an idea about this."

Jianhaixi see him a serious look, can't help but also gather God, sit upright, "you say."

Mikai sighed and said, "in fact, it's very simple. Our family encountered difficulties in business half a year ago. It happened that a big family with strong background helped us. Of course, the help was not in vain. He also took away a large part of our shares in the company. At that time, the relationship between the two families was good. My father and aunt LAN were thinking about making friends, so the two families made a verbal agreement on their children's marriage. "

Jian Haixi nodded clearly: "now the other party wants to fulfill the engagement, but Ke'er is not willing to. Is your family afraid of offending each other? "

"It's not just fear, it's a great chance to offend." Mikai said with a wry smile, "my father said that now the two companies have differences on the development direction of the company, and the relationship is frozen there. If the engagement goes wrong again, I'm afraid our family will face more problems."

Jane Haixi was stunned. She understood why mikai was worried.

After thinking about it, Jian Haixi said, "why do parents always like to arrange marriage for their children? It's clear that they have come from their youth. They don't want to be arranged by others, but in the end they just want to arrange the fate of others. "

Mikai said with a sarcastic smile: "who knows, I've been blackened by money."

Jianhaixi looked at mikai and asked, "what does Kor mean?"

Mikai shook his head. "The little girl cried when she saw me. Of course, she didn't want to marry someone she didn't know. But now the burden of the rice family is on her. She's neither escaping nor staying."After a pause, mikai said with a cool smile: "it's so interesting. When the sky stays on her head, everyone speaks so beautifully. When the sky collapses, she gives a silly girl who doesn't know anything."

Jian Haixi also laments that if it wasn't for mikai's brother, Mikel would have been sacrificed by the family.

"What do you think?" Asked jianhaixi.

Mikai said: "marriage must be withdrawn. Even if I try to ruin my family, I won't let the little girl bear the burden."

Jian Haixi tugged his chin for a moment, looked up at mikai and asked, "what's the background of the other party, who has made an appointment with Ke'er, are you sure they like Ke'er so much?"

Mikai was stunned. "What do you mean?"

Jian Haixi pursed her lips and said, "I mean, it's not fake to get married, but it can also be that the other party takes the initiative to get married."

"This Is that possible? " Mickey frowned and said, "if it were possible, my father and aunt LAN would not be so worried."

Jian Haixi said with a smile: "if it's your blind date and the other party is Chang'e, you will naturally be reluctant to give up your marriage, but what if the other party is a flower like psychopath?"

Mikai's eyes flashed and suddenly said, "do you mean let Ke'er deliberately provoke each other to withdraw?"

"That's what it means." Jianhaixi road.

Mikai hit with both hands and said, "I don't know if this method will work, but I have to try. I'm going to check on the Davis No, I'll go home again. "

As soon as he thought of a way, mikai couldn't even sit down. He got up and went out.

Jian Haixi knew that he was anxious and didn't stop him.

After mikai left, Jian Haixi looked at Mo Feng sitting at the door, thought about going to him, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "you heard what mikai and I said just now."

Mo Feng nodded and did not speak.

Jian Haixi said, "don't worry, Ke'er will be fine. We will all help."

Mo Feng looked at the unknown front and said in a low voice: "I know, I know madam, you will help, but I'm still worried about her. I I want to see her

Jian Haixi said with a smile, "then go."

Mo Feng suddenly looked back at Jian Haixi, "I May I go? "

"Of course." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "I'll let you off. Go."

As soon as Mo Feng's eyes brightened, he stood up and bowed to Jian Haixi: "thank you, madam!"

Jian Haixi patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "if you're in trouble, just ask mikai. Don't conflict with other people's family. Do you know?"



Mikel didn't expect to see Mo Feng.

When Mikel opened the curtain and looked at the figure hanging on the window of her room, she almost didn't cry out.

Mo Feng looked at her, pulled a smile, and pointed to the window to let her open the door.

Mikel hurried forward and opened the window to let him in.

Mo Feng skilfully jumped in and stood on the ground.

"Are you all right?"

"Are you all right?"

Two people say with one voice finish, immediately all Leng in there.

Michaels stamped his feet, reached for Mo Feng's arm and said, "I ask you, how did you climb up? This is the third floor. Do you know? Did you fall? "

Mo Feng shook his head with a smile: "I'm ok."

After he was sure that he was ok, Mikel shook off his arm and hummed, "what are you doing here?"


Mo Feng hesitated and went to the opposite of Mikel. He looked at her seriously and said, "I'm worried about you. I want to see you."

Mikel's heart moved. He looked at Mo Feng and turned away from his sight.

"You've seen it. You can go." Mikel forced himself to speak in a cold voice.

She has been a mess. She can't involve Mo Feng at this time.

Mikel thought so.

Mo Feng was stunned and asked, "is it because of the Davis family?"

Mikel was surprised, turned his head and looked at Mo Feng, "how do you know? What did my brother tell you? "

Mo Feng shook his head. "When mikai told his wife, I heard it."

Mikel said dejectedly, "since you know all about it, you shouldn't have come."

"The lady said she would help you." Mo Feng is the most stupid, can't say too good words, can only rigidly way: "you will be OK, don't marry Davis family."

Powerful shake head of river elder sister: "can't know without their help."

After a pause, Mikel looked at Mo Feng and said, "besides, sister Haixi and your young master have a lot to do, don't they? Although I don't know exactly what it is, it must be very dangerous and troublesome to let you even go to the bathroom. So I don't want to trouble them with my business any more. "Mo Fengwei Leng, pursed his lips and said, "do you like the blind date of the Davis family?"

"Are you kidding me?" Mikel rolled his eyes and said, "I haven't met him. I don't know him. How can I like him?"

"Do you like me?" Mo Feng asked again.

Mikel asked suddenly, his face turned red and he didn't speak.

"Well? Do you like me? "

“…… Well

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