Shower Room.

The water flows down the shower, which calms down the confusion of water and ice.

In the afternoon, the Davis family suddenly rushed to her home and "invited" her to come as a guest.

When they arrived, the Davies first treated him coldly and shut her in the room after a few questions.

But at this moment, inexplicably, began to hiss at her.

Is it because the waiter saw her body just now?

The thought flashed through shuibingling's mind, and he shivered and said to himself with a tangled face: "that couple don't want me to be with him just because the man just saw me, right? They It should not be so pedantic Let's go... "

At the end of the day, even shuibingling is a little uncertain.

Especially now she can hear Issa outside the door.

"Miss water? Water girl? Have you finished washing? Is the water temperature right? "

The corner of water ice cream's mouth twitched and felt that if he didn't make a sound again, the bathroom door would be knocked open again.

She sighed, changed her clothes and went out to open the door.

Anyway, he has been seen by the waiter, and there is no need to hide it.

Shuibingling wiped her hair with a towel and opened the door.

"Oh dear!"

As soon as the door opened, Issa almost came in.

Shuibingling held her, frowned and asked, "madam, what are you doing?"

"Ah? It's OK. I just didn't stand firm Ha ha... " Isa said with an embarrassed smile.

Shuibingling's mouth curled. The posture and angle just now, unless Issa has been sticking to her door, it's impossible to fall in. OK.

Issa looked at the water ice cream, her eyes were almost starry, and she said with a flattering smile: "Miss water, are you hungry? I've already had the meal cooked. Let's have some together? "

Water ice cream pick eyebrow way: "you are not eaten?"

She cried hungry not long after she was locked up, but the Davies said that they had already eaten and no longer served dinner today. She could only be hungry.

Who would have thought that in less than two hours, the words would have changed.

Issa said with a stiff smile: "I've had dinner You can have some more supper. Miss Shui is a guest today. Of course, we'll take care of the guests. "

Shuibingling looks at Issa, full of wonder and doubt in her eyes.

But she was really hungry, so she didn't refuse. She nodded and said, "OK, eat."

"OK, OK, let's go to the restaurant." "Miss Shui, today's chefs are good at Jiangnan cuisine. I don't know whether you are used to it or not. If you are not used to it, I will change it for you tomorrow," she said with a smile

Water ice Ling heart way, this also means that tomorrow or won't let her leave meaning.

I don't know if Mike will come to save her if she is caught

The water ice-cream thinks wildly, already followed Aisha to the dining room.

She and Issa were the only two people who wanted to have something to eat. However, when the ice cream arrived at the restaurant, Lin Meng was also there.

And the rectangular table is already full of all kinds of dishes.

Water ice cream drilling slightly once, at least more than 30 dishes.

"I don't know what you like to eat, so I made some," she explained with a smile. Although this chef is good at Jiangnan cuisine, he can also write signature dishes in other places. Try and see what you like to eat. "

Shuibingling took a look at ISA, then turned to look at linmeng, and saw that he was always gloomy.

Issa also saw Lin Meng's face, immediately clapped him and said, "what do you do with a gloomy face? Don't scare Miss Shui, smile for me

Lin Meng was slapped by Issa, but he was not angry. He opened his mouth to the ice.

Then shuibingling was surprised to see that Lin Meng gave her a huge ugly and terrible smile.

"Then what Mr. Davis, don't laugh if you don't want to Water and ice are waving.

With such an expression, she was flattered.

"What's your name, sir? It's so strange." Isala sat down with water ice cream, took the chopsticks and put the dish in her hand, and said, "you can call us aunts and uncles. Come on, how about trying this dish."

"Well Thank you, auntie Water ice Ling Leng road.

She didn't understand what happened to the Davies and why they suddenly took a 180 degree turn in their attitude towards her, but that would save her from starvation.

Water ice eating rice, on the side of ISA and Limon from time to time will ask her some questions.

It's all about Mike, from how they know each other to how they relate to each other.

Water ice cream all answered one by one.

Because she wants to hide her identity as a daughter, shuibingling has ultra short hair. In addition, she is thin and has a neutral voice, so it's hard for her to distinguish her male voice.Now the water ice cream has changed into women's clothes, and the whole person looks fresh and refined.

The more they saw her, the more satisfied they were with her, so they had to give her up as a Bodhisattva.

Issa looked at the water ice cream, thought about it, hesitated and asked, "ice cream, you and Mike How far has it gone? "

"What, which step?" Water ice asked doubtfully.

"It is..." Issa felt ashamed to ask, but for Mike's sake, she had to ask, "it's you Do you have any measures? Although there are not so many rules in our family, it's better to wait until you come in. You and Mike usually When it's time, you should pay attention to wearing things. "

"Poof Cough, cough, cough

Water ice cream is drinking soup, hear isa words, mouth soup directly spray out, cough a earth shaking.

"Cough Water, water... " The water ice cream side fiercely pats the chest side weak way.

"Oh, here's the water." Issa quickly handed her the glass and patted her on the back to help her breathe.

She looked up at her Davis and finally knew why their attitudes were so different.

"Uncle and aunt, you What do you think I have to do with Mike? " Asked shuibingling.

Issa and Limon looked at each other and said, "aren't you here?"

Sure enough!

The corner of water ice cream's mouth twitched and said: "Mike and I are just good brothers, plus working partners, it's so simple."

Isa Leng next, "good brother?"

"Yes." Shuibingling nodded and said, "you know, I used to dress as a man, so Mike and I have always been brothers."

Issa nodded. If they hadn't known this, they wouldn't have brought water ice cream.

Just listening to the words of shuibingling, Issa still didn't give up, "do you really Nothing? "

"Nothing." Water ice shakes his head.

Isa was stunned. She turned her head and looked at Lin Meng, who also frowned.

I thought they saw the hope, but I didn't expect to have a happy ending.

Lin Meng immediately gave a cold hum, stood up and left without saying a word.

"Alas..." Issa sighed, patted shuibingling on the shoulder and said, "you child Come on, have a good rest. I'll send you back tomorrow. "

"Send me back?" Listen to isa so easily said to send her back, water ice is a little puzzled.

"Auntie, why did you come to me?" This is a question that shuibingling didn't understand all night. "I know that Mike was taken to Xiangcheng by you for a blind date, but it has nothing to do with me. Even if we are good brothers, I can't do it for him."

Issa said with a wry smile, "it's not for this. Forget it It has nothing to do with you, but we think it's bad. "

With a wave of hands, Issa didn't say any more, just let shuibingling rest early.

Shuibingling was confused by Davis and his wife, thinking that when they go back tomorrow, they must call Mike and ask him.

She left her cell phone at home today, or she could call Mike now.

Thinking wildly, shuibingling went back to his room and lay on the bed to rest.

It was night. When the whole villa was silent, the windows of the water ice room were opened from the outside.

Then, two shadows quickly jumped in.

Mo Feng guards the window, and Dou Ming quickly goes to the bedside to wake up shuibingling.

But he just walked to the bedside, unexpectedly water ice cream this feel light, hear this tiny voice, vaguely even opened his eyes.

In a flash, the two eyes were opposite.

Just for the convenience of the action, Dou Ming and Mo Feng both wear black uniforms and masks.

It doesn't look like a righteous person.

Shuibingling blinked, thinking that he was dazzled.

But when she still saw Dou Ming after blinking, shuibingling knew that someone had broken into her room.

She takes a deep breath. Before Dou Ming has time to put his hand over her mouth, she shouts with all her strength.

"Help! There are people

Dou Ming and Mo Feng draw their mouths at the same time, saying that they should guard against this and that. They didn't expect that they would fall into their own hands.

Without hesitation, Dou Ming quickly blocked shuibingling's mouth and said, "it's Mike. Let's help you!"

"Mike?" Hearing Dou Ming's words, Shui Bing was stunned and asked, "what evidence do you have to prove that Mike asked you to come?"

Dou Ming's face, covered by the mask, twitches and pulls the mask away.

On his left face, there is a tortoise.

At the same time, Mo Feng also silently took off his mask.He has a turtle as like as two peas on his right face.

This is what Mike had to draw for them before they came.

It's shuibingling. If you see this, you will believe their identity.

At that time, they didn't think so. They thought that they were here to save people. As long as they had some common sense, they would leave with them.

After all, instead of being trapped in Davis' home, it's best to take risks and follow them.

Who would have thought that they would encounter this wonderful flower, not only wake up the enemy, but also have to see the turtle!

Dou Ming and Mo Feng regret that they took the job today when they think of him as a hero with a turtle on his face.

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