At the same time, the door has sounded the sound of footsteps, you can hear a large group of people are rushing here.

Dou Ming has raised his hand, thinking that if shuibingling doesn't want to go with them, he will knock her out and carry her away.

Otherwise, it would be very inconvenient for them to come to save people later.

When Dou Ming thinks about it, shuibingling has carefully confirmed the shape and details of the turtle.

After confirming that it was really Mike's hand, shuibingling looks at Dou Ming as if she saw a relative.

"It's Mike who sent you here!"

"Nonsense!" Take a picture of Dou Ming. I can't wait for this woman to faint.

Mingdou didn't have to ask him to turn over his shoes. He said to me, "I'm so happy when I'm on the bed."

Dou Ming rolled his eyes and didn't care about her.

Shuibingling put on his shoes, looked at Dou Ming and Mo Feng who were still standing there and said, "go! What are you waiting for? Hurry up, they'll break in in a moment

Dou Ming and Mo Feng

But fortunately, after shuibingling is willing to cooperate, their pressure is much less.

Dou Ming carrying water ice from the window turned out, step by step to run out of the villa.

Seeing that Mo Feng didn't keep up, shuibingling was worried and asked, "Daxia, where's your brother?"

Dou Ming was not angry and snorted: "thanks to you, he is now cutting off the queen for us."

"Oh." Shuibingling nodded and said, "I didn't know you were my own people. You didn't make it clear. How could I know. I'm a little girl. When I see a man in black at night, I'm afraid to scream... "

Dou Ming said, "don't talk. I'll bring people back later."

"Oh, oh." Shuibingling quickly covered his mouth, thought about it, and whispered, "don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Davis are very nice. They won't embarrass your brother."

Dou Ming Where on earth did Mike get such a wonderful baby?

After running out of the villa, Dou Ming takes shuibingling to the corner of the street, shoves her into the car, and then drives out.

When they were several hundred meters away, suddenly a figure flashed by.

"Ah Shuibingling screams with fright. When she reacts again, Mo Feng has jumped into the co driver from the window.

Shuibingling looked at Mo Feng in surprise. For a long time, she thumbed up and said, "I'll go, brother. Your Kung Fu is very good!"

Mo Feng

In short, after such a encounter, now Dou Ming and Mo Feng do not want to say a word to shuibingling.

The two drove around a few times before returning to Mikey's house after making sure they got rid of the Davis family.

It was half an hour later.

As soon as shuibingling gets out of the car, he sees Mike waiting for her at the door.

"Ah, Mike, you're here!"

Shuibingling jumped out of the car happily, ran to Mike and said with a smile.

It's just that Mike looks at her skirt with complicated eyes.


Shuibingling responded, touched her neck and said tentatively: "that If I say I'm actually bisexual, I'll be a woman at night and a man by day, will you believe it? "

Mike drew the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and patted shuibingling on his head. He didn't have a good way: "I believe you big head ghost!"

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Water ice cream some embarrassed scratched head way: "that what, gender is not important, as long as you want, we are still brothers."

Mike snorted, grabbed her by the arm, and went into the room and said, "let's go."

"Oh." Shuibingling nodded, walked two steps, then turned back and waved to Dou Ming and Mo Feng, saying: "two great Xia, thank you

Dou Ming and Mo Feng shake their heads and wave their hands together, "you're welcome, as long as there's no next time."

Mike took a look at them, turned to shuibingling and said, "what good have you done?"

The word "you" has embodied the character of shuibingling.

Shuibingling blinked and said innocently, "I didn't do anything."

Mike rolled his eyes to show that he didn't believe it at all.

Shuibingling thought this was Mike's house, but she didn't expect to see jianhaixi who had just come down from upstairs.

"The people have come back." Jian Haixi said with a smile.

Dou Ming nodded his head and said, "I've disturbed the Davies. I think there will be trouble in the future."

Jian Haixi said, "we'll talk about it later. It's hard for you tonight. Let's have a rest first. Yi Yi is already helping you with your driving records."

Dou Ming and Mo Feng didn't shirk their responsibility. Originally, they would not have worked hard because of their endurance.

But thanks to the water and ice cream, they had a good stimulation tonight.After Dou Ming and Mo Feng leave, Jian Haixi turns her head and looks at shuibingling. Seeing that she is still looking at herself, she can't help but feel that this girl is cute, so she walks up to her and asks with a smile, "what do you think I do?"

"You How beautiful Water ice Ling Chi road.

I can live in Mike's house, call on two "Heroes" and be such a beautiful person

There's no need for Mike and Junxi to introduce their idol.

See water ice tangled face, jianhaixi funny asked: "you won't misunderstand what? Let me introduce myself. My name is Jian Haixi and I'm Mike's good friend. "

"Jianhaixi?" Water ice Ling Leng next, looking at jianhaixi way: "you are jianhaixi?"

"You know me?"

"I know, I know!" Shuibingling nodded and said, "Mike told me many times that you are the most powerful woman he has ever seen, and you have two lovely children."

Jianhaixi nodded with a smile, "yes, I am jianhaixi."

Mike did not have the good spirit to stare at the water ice Ling way: "what do you think?"

Jian Haixi touched her nose awkwardly and said, "I see she's so beautiful, and you all live here, so..."

Mike knocked her a chestnut and said, "you brain circuit, it's a waste not to write novels."

Water ice-cream covers brain door son, ha ha smile also don't get angry.

Looking at the smile on her face, Mike suddenly stagnated, and then turned his eyes awkwardly.

Jianhaixi acutely found that the tip of Michael had become red.

Jian Haixi didn't say anything, but said to shuibingling, "your name is Bingling, right? I'm sure I'm tired out this evening. I've cleaned your room. You can have a rest first. We'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything

"Well, thank you." Shuibingling looked at jianhaixi and said, "if you call me Bingling, I'll call you Haixi, OK?"

"Of course." Jian Haixi smiles, turns to Mike and says, "take the ice cream back to your room. I'll go to see Yi Yi."

"Ah? I... " Mike is a little tangled. He doesn't know how to face his daughter's ice cream.

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